娆х洘鎴愬憳鍥戒簬2007-2014骞存湡闂村悜娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€鎻愪氦浜�2.5涓囦釜鏍峰搧鏁版嵁銆傞潪鏀垮簻鏈烘瀯Changing Markets鍦ㄤ笂涓湀鑾峰彇浜嗚繖浜涙暟鎹苟涓嶴umOfUs鍚堜綔杩涜浜嗗垎鏋愶紝骞跺彂甯冧簡鐮旂┒鎶ュ憡銆備袱澶ф満鏋勬寚鍑猴紝鍏朵腑12%鐨勯鍝佹牱鍝佷腑鎵€鍚笝鐑叞鑳洪噺瓒呰繃娆х洘闄愰噺姘村钩銆�
Acrylamide levels in Europe are still dangerously high and relying on industry goodwill to lower them is destined to fail, says an NGO following analysis of previously unseen data released by the European Food Safety Authority 锛圗FSA锛夈€�
Analysis in the report 'Acrylamide in food: Passing the hot potato ' was jointly compiled by not-for-profit organisations SumofUs and Changing Markets.