渚濇嵁娆х洘濮斿憳浼氭硶瑙勶紙EC锛塏o 396/2005绗�43鏉$殑瑙勫畾锛屾鐩熼鍝佸畨鍏ㄥ眬鏀跺埌娆х洘濮斿憳浼氬叧浜庡涔愭灉鍜屾哀鍖栦箰鏋滄渶澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忚繘琛屼紭鍏堝鏌ョ殑瑕佹眰銆傚湪姝や箣鍓嶏紝娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€鍙戝竷浜嗛鍝佷腑涔愭灉鍙婂叾浠h阿鐗╁浜轰綋鍋ュ悍褰卞搷鐨勯闄╄瘎浼板0鏄庛€�
In compliance with Article 43 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005, EFSA received from the European Commission a mandate to conduct a prioritised review of the existing maximum residue levels 锛圡RL锛� for dimethoate and omethoate, as a follow up of its 'statement on the assessment of the risk to human health through the pesticide active substance dimethoate and its metabolites in food‘銆� based on the assessment of the available data, MRL proposals were derived and a consumer risk assessment was carried out. Some information required by the regulatory framework was missing and a possible acute risk to consumers was identified. Hence, the consumer risk assessment is considered indicative only, all MRL proposals derived by EFSA still require further consideration by risk managers and measures for reduction of the consumer exposure will also need to be considered.