近期新西兰北哈乌洛克镇(Havelock North)爆发肠胃炎疫情,造成至少5200人感染,超过这个镇三分之一人口数目,初步调查发现是城镇饮用水系统遭大肠杆菌污染造成。
Hawke's Bay and other communities will be placed at risk unless the Government takes a wider approach with their inquiry into the Havelock North water contamination, Green Party co-leader James Shaw says.
Since early August, 5200 people were infected by campylobacter after the town's water supply was contaminated with E.coli.
Over the weekend, public health experts and Mr Shaw suggested the government-initiated inquiry presented an opportunity to also explore the impacts of climate change on water supplies - amongother things.