銆€銆€椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹濯掓姤閬擄紝姣斿埄鏃舵牴鐗瑰ぇ瀛︾瀛﹀鍙�鏄庝竴绉嶇敤澶槼鑳芥妸灏挎恫鍙�楗敤姘�鍜岃偉鏂欑殑鏈哄櫒锛岀浉鍏虫妧鏈彲鐢ㄥ湪鍐滄潙鍜屽彂灞�涓浗瀹躲€�
銆€銆€搴熸按鍑€鍖栨柟寮忔湁澶氱锛岀劧鑰屾湰娆℃牴鐗瑰ぇ瀛︼紙University of Ghent锛夌爺绌剁郴缁熼噰鐢ㄤ竴绉嶇壒娈婄殑钖勮啘锛屼笉浣嗙鍚堣兘婧愭晥鐜囷紝杩樺彲搴旂敤鍦ㄤ緵鐢靛洶闅惧湴鍖恒€�
銆€銆€A team of scientists at a Belgian university say they have created a machine that turns urine into drinkable water and fertilizer using solar energy, a technique which could be applied in rural areas and developing countries.
銆€銆€While there are other options for treating waste water, the system applied at the University of Ghent uses a special membrane, is said to be energy-efficient and to be applicable in areas off the electricity grid.
銆€銆€“We're able to recover fertilizer and drinking water from urine using just a simple process and solar energy,” said University of Ghent researcher Sebastiaan Derese.