食品伙伴网讯 据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,欧盟食品安全局就钙磷酸盐寡糖(POs-Ca®) 作为钙来源用于食品、食品补充剂、特殊医学用途食品发布意见。
经评估,欧盟食品安全局专家组认为,钙磷酸盐寡糖(POs-Ca®) 作为钙来源用于食品、食品补充剂、特殊医学用途食品是安全的,是一种较好的钙补充剂。
POs-Ca®is a calcium salt of phosphoryl oligosaccharides (POs) obtained from potato starch. POs-Ca®is stable at the temperature and pH values encountered for its intended use in chewing gum, hard confectionary, sugar-free soft candy and apple juice.
Overall, the Panel concluded that calcium is bioavailable from POs-Ca® and although the toxicity database was too limited to derive an acceptable daily intake, there is no safety concern for its use as a source of calcium added for nutritional purposes to food, food supplements and foods for special medical purposes at the proposed use and use levels. The Panel noted thatPOs-Ca® would be a major contributor to the daily intake of calcium with respect to the overall average daily intake of calcium.