食品伙伴网讯 据新西兰初级产业部(MPI)消息,近日新西兰初级产业部拟修订《动物产品通告》,涉及不合格乳原料、乳制品的处理,征求意见截止日期为2016年7月19日。
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) proposes to amend the Animal Products Notice: Disposal of Non-conforming Dairy Material or Dairy Product.
The Notice specifies the procedures and requirements for the disposal of non-conforming dairy material or dairy product for the purpose of regulation 5 of the Animal Products (Dairy) Regulations 2005.
What's being proposed?
The proposed amendments are intended to provide more clarification of the circumstances and requirements for the disposal of non-conforming dairy material or dairy product to ensure the Notice operates effectively. The review of the Notice also took into account the Government Inquiry into the Whey Protein Concentrate Contamination Incident report recommendation to revise the rules for non-routine rework that requires a product disposal request. MPI must ensure that the requirements are technically justified and provide an appropriate level of accountability for both operator managed product disposal and recognised agency managed product disposal.