食品伙伴网讯 据加拿大卫生部消息,5月4日加拿大卫生部修订食品药品条例,增加以下条款:
条例当中B.01.048(1)(b) 与(c)段被以下内容代替:
食品中污染物及其他掺假物列表仅保留一个;由于营销许可(MAs)中兽药最大残留限量更加有效,废除了食品药品条例中兽药最大残留限量;糖精已批准用于餐桌甜味剂,废除了Part E糖精相关条款。
Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Food - Various Subjects)
P.C. 2016-227 April 15, 2016
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to subsections 30(1) (see footnote a) and 30.5(1) (see footnote b) of the Food and Drugs Act (see footnote c), makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Food - Various Subjects)。
Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Food - Various Subjects)
1 Subsection B.01.001(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations (see footnote 1) is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods means the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods, published by the Department of Health on its website, as amended from time to time; (Liste de contaminants et d'autres substances adultérantes dans les aliments)
2 Sections B.01.046 and B.01.047 of the Regulations are repealed.
3 Paragraphs B.01.048(1)(b) and (c) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
(b) any food that is derived from an animal if any product containing a drug listed in subsection (2) has been administered to the animal; or
(c) any food that is derived from an animal if the food contains any residue of a drug listed in subsection (2)。
4 Section B.01.056 of the Regulations is repealed.
5 Subparagraph B.02.100(b)(iii) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(iii) dextrose, fructose, glucose or glucose solids, invert sugar, sugar, or aqueous solutions of any of them,
6 The portion of section B.14.004 of the French version of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
B.14.004 La viande, les sous-produits de viande ou leurs préparations sont falsifiés s'ils renferment ou si on leur a ajouté l'une des substances ou catégories de substances nommées ci-dessous :
7 Section B.15.001 of the Regulations is replaced by the following: