食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,卷入外国劳工事件的卑诗省麦当劳快餐店,日前状告加拿大麦当劳公司违反特许经营协议,让他们损失了数百万元。
据报道,前麦当劳特许经营商毕晓普(Glen Bishop)及其公司Nasib Services,原先在卑诗省的维多利亚拥有三家麦当劳快餐店。因卷入偏爱雇佣外国劳工,而排斥加拿大本国人的风波,而被加拿大麦当劳公司终止了特许经营权。
A former Victoria franchisee is suing McDonald's Restaurants of Canada for abruptly ending their relationship after accusations of favouring temporary foreign workers over Canadians, which would have violated rules of the federally-regulated program.
Glen Bishop and Nasib Services filed the lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia last month, claiming McDonald's Canada breached its franchise agreement, costing them millions of dollars.
Wally Oppal, a Vancouver lawyer representing the Victoria franchisee, says his clients feel they were wronged because McDonald's Canada terminated their agreement without any kind of a hearing.