椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹濯掓姤閬擄紝閽堝鐩墠涓浗鍗冲皢浜�4鏈�8鏃ュ疄鏂界殑璺ㄥ鐢靛瓙鍟嗗姟鏂扮◣鍒讹紝婢抽┗涓婃捣鎬婚浜嬮鍟嗗姟澶勫晢鍔¢浜嬭帿鍗氫粊锛圔rent Moore锛夎〃绀猴紝婢冲ぇ鍒╀簹瀵瑰崕璐告槗棰濊緝澶э紝婢虫床澹拌獕杈冨ソ锛屼腑鍥戒竴绾垮煄甯傜櫧棰嗘垨鑰呬翰鍙嬫浘鍒拌锛屾境娲查鍝佹繁鍙楁杩庛€傛寜鐓х◣鏀舵柊瑙勫畾锛岄鍝佺瓑杩囧幓鍏嶇◣鐨勫晢鍝侊紝浠ュ悗瑕佽鏀跺彇骞冲潎11.9%鐨勮法澧冪◣銆�
Australian exporters should not be concerned about the Chinese government's reform of taxation for online shopping.
From April 8 it is expected an 11.9 per cent tax will be levied across a broad range of product categories, including food and beverage.
Food and beverage items account for 20 per cent of purchases made through online marketplaces, like Tmall and Taobao.