食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,1月14日加拿大总理特鲁多宣布,联邦政府将给南安大略省水业联盟(Southern ontario Water Consortium,SOWC)投资高达1,200万元,用于净水项目研究。
The federal government is investing up to $12 million in the Southern ontario Water Consortium, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Thursday morning at the University of Waterloo.
The SOWC is a group of post-secondary institutions in the province that are working on new clean-water technologies. The funding will help the consortium partner with 90 businesses and non-profits to work on 80 projects, according to a release from the prime minister's office.
“By investing in groups like the Southern ontario Water Consortium we're investing in our economy, we're investing in our environment, we've investing in our communities but above all, we're investing in our future,” Trudeau said.