食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,今年西澳布鲁姆港(Broome)活牲畜的出口数量打破记录,26条货船运走超过11万5千头活牛。
金伯利港口(Kimberley Ports)首席执行官施莱克(Kevin Schellack)表示,多种因素促成出口增长,包括牛肉价格上涨、最近印尼增加活牛进口数量,以及出口市场的多样化等。
安娜牧场(Anna Plains)经理斯扥特(David Stoate)认为今年对牲畜饲养者来说是个好年景。他称,我们听说亚洲市场的兴旺,这也意味着澳洲牧场也会有一段繁忙时间。
It is an increase of about 15 per cent compared to last year and is the largest number ever sent from the port.
Kimberley Ports chief executive Kevin Schellack said the increase could be attributed to a number of factors including the higher beef price, a late decision by Indonesia to increase import quotas and diversification of export markets.