食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,加拿大麦当劳日前表示,计划到2018年底,停止使用喂食人类抗生素的鸡肉。
麦当劳加拿大公司总裁兼首席执行官贝茨(John Betts)表示,顾客希望他们喜欢吃的食物,从农场到餐厅过程中都没问题,公司这一举措在达到顾客的期望上又迈进了一步。
The Canada branch of fast food chain, McDonald's have announced a new initiative to only source chicken raised without antibiotics that are important to human medicine by the end of 2018.
All of the chicken served at McDonald's more than 1,400 Canadian restaurants comes from Canadian chicken farmers and McDonald's Canada will work closely with industry to implement the new antibiotics policy in its chicken supply chain within the next 3 years.