食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,知名旅游网站TripAdvisor最新的一份报告,列出全美十大最佳餐厅,上榜的十家餐厅有3家来自纽约。
在上榜的全美十大最佳餐厅当中,有3家来自纽约,它们分别是第一名的Bouley、第三名的Le Bernardin以及第九名的Daniel。而进入排行的餐厅几乎都以西式餐厅为主,唯一的东方料理是第四名的 Uchi日式餐厅。
It's tricky to name the best fine-dining restaurants in the U.S.: There's food, and there's price, and then there's ambiance to consider.
And nobody knows how to judge all three like a traveler does. TripAdvisor has released a nomad-vetted list of the top fine-dining restaurants in the United States, after analyzing thousands of reviews from savvy travelers around the world. The restaurants range from iconic mainstays, like NYC's Le Bernardin, to more off-the-beaten-spoon spots, like a swanky eatery near Disney World in Florida.