椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹編鍥�椋熷搧瀹夊叏鏂伴椈缃戞秷鎭紝缇庡浗鐤剧梾鎺у埗棰勯槻涓績锛圕DC锛夊彂甯冮€氬憡绉帮紝鎴7鏈�30鏃ヤ粖骞寸編鍥�26涓窞鐨�358浜烘劅鏌�鐜瀛愯櫕锛岀柅鎯呭彲鑳藉綊鍥犱簬鍙楁薄鏌撶殑棣欒彍銆�
According to an update posted Friday, July 31, 2015, as of July 30, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 锛圕DC锛� had been notified of 358 ill persons with confirmed Cyclospora infection from 26 states so far this year. Most of them 锛�199 people, or 56 percent锛� experienced the onset of illness on or after May 1, 2015, and did not report international travel prior to developing symptoms.
Clusters of illness linked to restaurants or events have been identified in Texas 锛�212 cases锛夛紝 Wisconsin 锛�8 cases锛夛紝 and Georgia, CDC stated.