食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,为确保身体健康,越来越多的美国民众开始购买当地有机农产品。为迎合这一消费理念,美国大型食品公司开始弃用不健康的食品配料。
有高胆固醇与高血压风险的Mike Zollner表示,自己减掉了50磅,其中的秘诀在于一周两次去农贸市场购买健康食品。越来越多的人开始倾向于购买健康与新鲜的食品而非包装加工类食品。为迎合这一趋势,卡夫等大型食品公司开始尝试弃用人工食品添加剂。
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - Mike Zollner was headed down the road toward high cholesterol and blood pressure. Then he lost 50 pounds. His answer? Twice-a-week trips to farmers markets.
“I talk to farmers in the markets about what's in season and make delicious healthy food,” said Zollner, who is 36 and lives in Port Chester. “I didn't want to go on any medication so I decided to do this on my own.”