椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹濯掓姤閬擄紝涓€椤�93缇庡厓鐨勬櫄椁愶紝鍗磋涓€鍚嶇編鍥戒汉鎯呮効浠樺皬璐�2000缇庡厓銆傚崕鐩涢】涓€瀹�椁愬巺鐨勭啛瀹㈠緢婊℃剰鐗瑰埗鐨勭編鍛虫祿姹ゅ強璐村績鏈嶅姟锛屽ぇ鏂逛粯鍑鸿秴椁愯垂20鍊嶇殑灏忚垂銆�
He is known as a regular who favors the gumbo and a beer at Blue 44, a restaurant in upper Northwest Washington. And he's a good, generous tipper.
But the owner, bartender and chef at the restaurant on Connecticut Avenue said they were shocked when the patron left a really, really big tip - $2,000 on a $93 bill.
Christofer Nardelli, owner of the four-year-old restaurant, said the man left the tip Monday evening after he and a friend had fried chicken, gumbo and the patron's favorite brew - Old Chub Scotch Ale.