食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,日前野生动物组织表示,输油管线破裂后1周来,遭石油污染的圣巴巴拉(Santa Barbara)附近沿岸,发现总计有20几只海洋哺乳动物和近40只鸟受影响,其中大部份为鹈鹕。
加州大学戴维斯分校兽医兼油污野生动物关怀网络(Oiled Wildlife Care Network)主管季卡迪(Michael Ziccardi)表示,目前共计有38只鸟遭石油污染,其中有13只死亡,25只还有生命迹象。在受影响的海洋哺乳动物中,有12只加州海狮和6只北象海豹。北象海豹全部存活下来,但其中2只海狮不幸死亡。季卡迪表示,另外又发现5只海狮和3条海豚死亡。
The carcasses of five petroleum-soaked pelicans have been recovered from California's Santa Barbara coastline, the first apparent sea bird fatalities stemming from the oil spill to be documented by officials overseeing the disaster response.
The tally was reported Friday by the joint-agency command for cleanup and recovery operations in Santa Barbara and Dr. Michael Ziccardi, a veterinarian from the University of California, Davis, who heads the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.