食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,4月27日墨西哥快餐连锁Chipotle宣布,为迎合年轻一代的需求,该公司决定弃用转基因原料,成为全国首个仅使用非转基因原料的快餐连锁店。
Chipotle的首席执行官艾尔斯(Steve Ells)在声明中称,有关转基因食品的争论由来已久,很多国家已经限制或禁止使用转基因作物作为食品原料,很显然,要真正理解转基因作物的种植以及食用后的影响仍需要大量的研究。目前对于转基因食物是否安全的争论仍在继续,Chipotle决定全部采用非转基因原料。
In a first for a major restaurant chain, Chipotle Mexican Grill on Monday will begin preparing only food that is free of genetically engineered ingredients.
“This is another step toward the visions we have of changing the way people think about and eat fast food,” said Steve Ells, founder and co-chief executive of Chipotle. “Just because food is served fast doesn't mean it has to be made with cheap raw ingredients, highly processed with preservatives and fillers and stabilizers and artificial colors and flavors.”