食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,15日美国密歇根州一家房产商在开会时,付给披萨外卖员2084美元小费;外卖员喜出望外,不敢相信会发生这种事情。
据报道, 在安亚伯(Ann Arbor)开地区会议的“凯勒威廉斯房地产”(Keller Williams Realty)员工都不吝解囊,才会送出这么高额的小费。麦克维(Stacey McVey)说,同事们希望表达对服务业从业人员的感激之情。
It's not every night that a pizza delivery driver receives a $2,000 tip.
But that's what happened Thursday to one Ann Arbor driver who delivered a single pizza to a conference room full of more than 200 realtors from Michigan and northern Ohio on Thursday.
Pizza House delivery manager Brian LeFevre said he received a call Thursday morning from a man who said they wanted one pizza delivered to the Sheraton Hotel in Ann Arbor.