食品伙伴网讯据澳新食?a href='//' class='zdbq' title='标准相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>标准局消息?2?6日澳新食品标准局发布食品标准通知公告26-14,其中包括四项申请与四项提案、/div>
A1097-申请转基因玉 MON 87411 用于食品:/div>
批准以下内容9br />
A1097-申请转基因玉 MON 87411 用于食品:/div>
P1027- 农业低层次管理及无最大残留限量的兽药管理的有关建议;
批准以下内容9br />
通过了A1092 -特定的辐照水果及蔬菜:/div>
A1096 -从地衣芽孢杆菌提取出的木聚糖酶用作加工助剂的征求意见:/div>
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A1039 - THC Hemp 作为食品:br />
部分原文报道如下9br />
部分原文报道如下9br />
Call for submissions
General procedure
FSANZ invites written submissions on the draft variations to the Code arising from the following Applications and Proposals by 6pm (Canberra time 10 February 2015:
A1097 C Food derived from Herbicide-tolerant & Insect-protected Corn Line MON87411: to seek approval for food derived from a genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant and corn rootworm-protected corn line.
P1016 C Hydrocyanic Acid in Apricot Kernels & other Foods: to consider an amendment to the Code for hydrocyanic acid in raw apricot kernels, foods derived from them and potentially other foods.
Consultation paper
FSANZ invites written submissions on a consultation paper arising from the following Proposal by 6pm(Canberra time 10 February 2015:
P1027C Managing Low-level Ag & Vet Chemicals without Maximum Residue Limits: to manage low-level agricultural and veterinary chemicals without MRLs (i.e. the food is not listed in schedule 1 of Standard 1.4.2 but the chemical is)、/div>
原文链接9a href="">
原文链接9a href="">
日期9a href="//">2014-12-19