食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,一直以来,人们总认为青少年饮用啤酒有损脑部发展,不过荷兰一项最新研究发现,无明确证据证实酒精对青少年智力发展有害。
荷兰乌得勒支大学(Utrecht University)波伊连玛(Sarai Boelema)开展了本次研究。针对2230名青少年进行了追踪。
Despite many studies to the contrary, a researcher at Utrecht University has found no hard evidence of alcohol having a serious effect on teenage brains.
Sarai Boelema tracked 2,230 teenagers and found that those who drank alcohol did not perform worse than non-drinkers when it came to their memory, impulsive behavior and concentration, the Volkskrant says on Thursday.