食品伙伴网讯 据美国FDA消息,11月18日美国FDA更新食品设施注册行业指南,发布食品设施注册的问与答(第六版)。新版指南增加一项关于农场食品设施注册的问答。
新版指南下载: 2014-965_Registration_QA_Guidance_111314 (2).pdf
The new question and answer explains FDA's policy regarding food facility registration for farms that also pack or hold raw agricultural commodities grown on a farm under different ownership and that would no longer be required to register if the proposed amendments to the “farm” definition are finalized as proposed in the rulemaking. Under this policy, as discussed in the guidance, FDA does not intend to prioritize enforcing the registration requirement for such establishments. This policy is a less burdensome policy consistent with the public health. FDA intends to make further updates to this guidance once certain FSMA rulemakings are final in order to make sure questions and answers, key terms, and definitions are consistent and accurate with regard to the registration of food facility requirements.