椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹編鍥借仈閭﹀叕鎶ユ秷鎭紝8鏈� 12鏃ョ編鍥� FDA鍙戝竷閫氭姤锛屼慨璁�椋熷搧娣诲姞鍓�娉曡锛屽埗瀹�缁寸敓绱� D3鐢ㄤ簬浠�椁愰ギ鏂欎笌鑲犲唴鍠傚吇鐨�闄愰噺銆�
鎵瑰噯缁寸敓绱燚3浣滀负钀ュ吇寮哄寲鍓傜敤浜庝唬椁愰ギ鏂欙紙涓嶉€傜敤浜庡噺閲嶆垨缁存寔浣撻噸鐨勭壒娈婅喅椋燂級锛岄檺閲忎负500 IU/240 mL锛屾瘡澶╂憚鍏ラ噺涓嶈秴杩�1000IU锛涙壒鍑嗙淮鐢熺礌 D3 鐢ㄤ簬鑲犲唴鍠傚吇鍞竴钀ュ吇鏉ユ簮鐨勯鍝佷腑锛岄檺閲忎负1.0 IU/鍗冨崱銆�
The Food and Drug Administration 锛團DA or we锛� is amending the food additive regulations to provide for the safe use of vitamin D 3 as a nutrient supplement in meal replacement beverages that are not intended for special dietary use in reducing or maintaining body weight and for use in foods that are sole sources of nutrition for enteral feedings.
Abbott has requested that we amend § 172.380 to authorize the use of vitamin D 3 as a nutrient supplement at levels not to exceed 500 International Units 锛圛U锛� per 240 milliliters 锛坢L锛� 锛坧repared beverage锛� in meal replacement beverages that are not intended for special dietary use in reducing or maintaining body weight and that are represented for use such that the total amount of vitamin D 3 provided by the product does not exceed 1,000 IU per day, and at levels not to exceed 1.0 IU per kilocalorie 锛坘cal锛� in food represented for use as a sole source of nutrition for enteral feeding.Show citation box.