椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹嫳鍥介鍝�鏍囧噯灞€锛團SA锛夋秷鎭紝 8鏈�1鏃ヨ嫳鍥介鍝佹爣鍑嗗眬鍙戝竷涓皬浼佷笟椋熺墿杩囨晱鍘�鏍囩鎸囧崡锛屼互甯姪涓皬浼佷笟搴斿2014骞�12鏈�13鏃ュ嵆灏嗙敓鏁堢殑娆х洘棰勫寘瑁�鍜岄潪棰勫寘瑁咃紙鏁h锛�椋熷搧鏍囩鏂�娉曡銆�
鏂版硶瑙勮姹傞鍝佷紒涓氭爣绀�14绉嶈繃鏁忓師淇℃伅锛屽惈鏈夐焊璐ㄧ殑璋风墿銆佺敳澹崇翰鍔ㄧ墿銆佽蒋浣撳姩鐗┿€佽泲銆侀奔銆佽姳鐢熴€佸潥鏋溿€佸ぇ璞嗐€佸ザ銆佽姽鑿溿€佽姤鏈€佽姖楹汇€佺窘鎵囪眴銆佷簩姘у寲纭紙鍚噺鍦� 10mg/kg 鎴�10mg/L 浠ヤ笂锛夈€�
The FSA is issuing technical guidance to help small and medium-sized 锛圫ME锛� businesses comply with new rules on allergen labelling and information, which take effect later this year. The guidance is being published following a public consultation.
From 13 December 2014, food businesses in the UK will have to follow new rules in labelling pre-packed foods and non-prepacked 锛坙oose锛� foods. This is part of the European Union Food Information for Consumers Regulation 锛圗U FIC锛� coming into force.