食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品安全新闻网消息,8月30日美国农业部宣布批准中国加工类熟鸡肉输美,然而需保证原料鸡来自美国、加拿大或者智利。此消息一出,美国国内政府官员与民众对此表达了不满。部分学生家长甚至担心中国鸡肉供应学校午餐。
On August 30, the USDA announced that it will allow four Chinese facilities to process poultry raised and slaughtered in the United States, Chile or Canada, and then export the cooked poultry products back into the United States. The USDA's move is widely seen as a preliminary step toward eventually allowing China to export its own raw poultry into this country, in exchange for China's opening up its lucrative beef market to American beef producers.
Given China's troubling food safety record and the fact that its own government official essentially admitted that China can't live up to the food safety standards of more developed nations, there are those who speculate that the timing of the USDA announcement - the Friday before Labor Day weekend - was not unintentional. But whether or not the agency was trying to bury this news, the announcement quickly led to an outcry among journalists, environmental watchdog groups and Congressional representatives, including New York Senator Charles Schumer (D), Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown (D) and Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D)。