椋熷搧浼欎即缃�璁� 鎹瘡鏃�楗枡缃戠珯娑堟伅锛岀編鍥�FDA宸叉壒鍑嗛ギ鏂欑敓浜у晢浣跨敤璋辫禌绉戯紙PureCircle锛夊叕鍙哥殑Reb D鐢滆強绯�鐢ㄤ綔鐢滃懗鍓�锛屾涓惧皢鍐嶆寮曞彂鐧句簨鍙箰鍜�鍙彛鍙箰鐨勮祫婧愪簤澶哄ぇ鎴樸€�
The US FDA has issued a 'No Objection' GRAS letter allowing beverage manufacturers to use Pure Circle's high-purity Reb D stevia to sweeten US products, a move that could reignite the Pepsi/Coke cola wars.
The news will have a significant effect on the US carbonated soft drinks market 锛坧erhaps most intriguingly in the cola sphere锛� since both PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company are PureCircle clients, and are likely to consider launches using the new stevia ingredient.