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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2013-03-14 14:53 来源:食品伙伴网 
核心提示:食品伙伴网讯 据英国食品标准署消息,3月12日英国食品标准署公布了近期开展的8项科研工作。

    食品伙伴网讯  据英国食品标准署(FSA)消息,3月12日英国食品标准署公布了近期开展的8项科研工作。这包括:降低牛所遭受的大肠杆菌污染,边境口岸对食品的快速检测,真空低温烹调食品(sous vide)的安全性,控制食源性疫情的新方法,屠宰场社会科学工程,食品链信息以及检验结果的评估,肉品外观尸检的安全性评估,室外育肥猪的外观检验试验。


    Potential for rapid on-site testing at border inspection posts

    This project reviewed the current systems of residue and contaminant control of imported food, focusing on the use of rapid diagnostics. It questioned whether the routine use of rapid screening at border inspection posts (BIPs) was a viable option. A questionnaire and mini-demonstration exercise drew attention to the issues that need to be addressed. The report includes recommendations for further work to highlight the necessary steps to implement this type of screening on a range of food and feed commodities and products of animal origin.

    Safety of sous vide food

    Sous vide is a method of cooking food vacuum packed in a sealed plastic pouch, then cooked by submersion in a water bath. Recent years have seen an increase in the number of sous vide foods being cooked at low temperatures (e.g. 42°C to 70°C)。 This study involved a feasibility study on extending models in the database called 'Combase Predictor' . It allowed the calculation of the lethal effect, normally associated with heat treatments at relatively low temperatures, on the reduction of food pathogens.


 地区: 英国 欧洲
 标签: 食品伙伴网 标准
 科普: 食品伙伴网 标准
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