椋熷搧浼欎即缃�璁� 鎹�娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€锛�EFSA锛夋秷鎭紝缁ф剰澶у埄瀵规隘鍚″槯纾洪殕锛圚alosulfuron-methyl锛夌殑鍐滆嵂椋庨櫓杩涜璇勪及鍚庯紝12鏈�6鏃ユ鐩熼鍝佸畨鍏ㄥ眬灏辨隘鍚″槯纾洪殕鐨勫啘鑽闄╁悓琛岃瘎瀹″彂甯冧簡缁撹銆�
Halosulfuron is a new active substance for which in accordance with Article 6锛�2锛� of Council Directive 91/414/EEC Italy 锛坔ereinafter referred to as the RMS'锛� received an application from Nissan Chemical Europe SARL for approval. Complying with Article 6锛�3锛� of Directive 91/414/EEC, the completeness of the dossier was checked by the RMS. The European Commission recognised in principle the completeness of the dossier by Commission Decision 2006/586/EC.
The data available on environmental fate and behaviour are sufficient to carry out the required environmental exposure assessments at the EU level for the representative use, with the notable exception that information to estimate the potential for groundwater exposure by the metabolites halosulfuron rearrangement' and chlorosulfonamide acid is not available. Consequently, the groundwater exposure assessments for these metabolites are not finalised.
Three data gaps were identified in the ecotoxicology section. Critical areas of concern were identified in the ecotoxicology sections regarding the high risk for non-target terrestrial plants and since equivalence of the tested material with the technical specification was not demonstrated for the ecotoxicity studies.