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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2012-09-29 14:10 来源:食品伙伴网 原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网讯 据美国联邦公报消息,9月27日美国农业部农业市场服务署(AMS)发布暂行规定,展开对"国家有机项目"中的营养维生素与矿物质的日落审查。

    食品伙伴网 据美国联邦公报消息,9月27日美国农业部农业市场服务署(AMS)发布暂行规定,展开对"国家有机项目"中的营养维生素矿物质的日落审查。农业市场服务署提议延长"国家有机项目"中的营养维生素与矿物质的豁免期限。
   This interim rule addresses a recommendation submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) on April 29, 2011. This recommendation pertains to the 2012 Sunset Review for the exemption (use) of nutrient vitamins and minerals in organic handling on U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). On January 12, 2012, AMS published a proposed rule on the 2012 Sunset Review which proposed to continue the exemption (use) for nutrient vitamins and minerals on the National List for 5 years after its October 21, 2012 sunset date.

   The proposed rule also proposed to correct an inaccurate cross reference to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations in the listing for vitamins and minerals on the National List. AMS continues to review the public comments on the proposed rule and assess the extent of impacts on the industry that could result from correcting the cross reference to FDA regulations. Therefore, due to the impending sunset of the allowance for nutrients vitamins and minerals from the National List on October 21, 2012, and based on the NOSB recommendation, this interim rule renews, without change, the exemption (use) for nutrient vitamins and minerals on the National List. This interim rule provides for the continued use of nutrients vitamins and minerals in organic products until the agency completes the January 12, 2012, rulemaking.

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