褰撳墠浣嶇疆: 棣栭〉 » 椋熷搧璧勮 » 澶栬瀵艰 » 鐮旂┒鍙戠幇锛氭ū妗冧綔涓哄姛鑳芥€ч鍝佺殑娼滃姏


鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 鏃堕棿锛�2010-08-06 14:44 鏉ユ簮锛氶鍝佷紮浼寸綉 浣滆€咃細 sunny5739   


    璇ョ爺绌跺彂甯冨湪椋熷搧鍖栧鐨勫湪绾挎湡鍒婁笂锛屼富瑕佹槸瀵�9绉嶆ū妗冨搧绉嶏紙Van, Ulster, Summit, Saco, Morangão, Maring, Lapin, Garnet, EVCompact锛変腑鐨勬姉姘у寲鐗╄川杩涜浜嗙敓鐗╂椿鎬х殑璇勪及銆傛潵鑷憽钀勭墮閲屾柉鏈ぇ瀛︾殑鐮旂┒鑰呭彂鐜板湪鍚勭鍝佺鐨勬ū妗冧腑锛屽閰氬拰鑺遍潚绱犵殑鎬婚噺涓庢姉姘у寲鐗╄川鍙婃姉鐧岀墿璐ㄧ殑娲绘€у憟鐜伴珮搴︾浉鍏炽€傝€屽湪杩涜璇曢獙鐨�9绉嶆ū妗冧腑锛屾湁涓夌锛圫aco銆乁lster銆丩apin锛夋渶鍏锋湁鎴愪负鍔熻兘鎬ч鍝佺殑娼滃姏銆�





Study reveals top functional cherry types

By Nathan Gray, 05-Aug-2010

A new study investigating the bioactivity of cherry compounds has identified polyphenol-rich varieties that could be ‘promising functional foods’

The study, published online in the journal Food Chemistry, assessed the bioactivity of antioxidant compounds in nine varieties of cherry - Van, Ulster, Summit, Saco, Morangão, Maring, Lapin, Garnet, EVCompact.

Catarina Duarte from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, led research that found high correlations between the total concentration of polyphenols and anthocyanins and the antioxidant and anti-cancer activities measured in all varieties of cherry.

The most promising varieties of cherry were found to be Saco, Ulster and Lapin.

Bioactive Compounds

Previous studies on cherries have suggested that they are a rich source of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. Interest has begun to focus on anthocyanins, especially cyanidins, as studies have indicated they have potential to inhibit tumor growth, slow cardiovascular diseases and delay the aging process.

In the new study, the researchers assessed the antioxidant activity and anti cancer effects of different cherries, with the aim of evaluating and comparing the bioactive effects, and finding the most promising cherry varieties for use as functional foods.

Differing Contents

The research results indicate that all the nine cherry varieties investigated have different phenolic contents, with each variety displaying distinct antioxidant levels and activities.

Cherry varieties with a total anthocyanin concentration of higher than 200mg/100g (Lapin, EVCompact, Saco, Ulster) were observed to have the highest antioxidant effects, whilst Saco and Lapin varieties of cherry were seen to be the most effective inhibitors of low-density-lippoprotien (LDL) oxidation due to their overall high antioxidant content.

Results from the study also suggest that total anthocyanins (in particular cyanidin glycosides) are responsible for the ability to inhibit growth of human colon and gastric cancer cells. The study found three cherry varieties (Saco, Ulster and Lapin) to have more phenolic compounds, a higher antioxidant activity, and the most effective in inhibiting human cancer cells.

The researchers wrote: “Correlation of the data obtained showed that anthocyanins were the major contributors to the antioxidant capacity and anti-proliferative effect of cherries.”

Promising Functions

The study concludes that cherries with high concentrations of polyphenols are “a rich source of bioactive ingredients with high antioxidant capacity and anti-proliferative effect in human cancer cells.”

The researchers said that cherry varieties such as Saco, Ulster and Lapin could be considered as “promising functional foods for human health applications.”

One limitation of the study may be that the amount of antioxidant polyphenols in cherries varies widely both between and within each cherry variety. It has been suggested that this may be due to various environmental and post-harvest factors such as climatic conditions, fruit maturity, and storage method. Future research may wish to investigate how the varieties identified as ‘promising’ in this study are affected by such variables.




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