放大字体缩小字体时间?009-05-06 15:22 来源:英国食品标准局
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读?009??日,英国多家超市宣布召回其自有品牌的芝麻籽产品,原因是可能被沙门氏菌污染 原文报道 Some own-brand sesame seed products sold by Asda, Co-op, Tesco and Waitrose have been recalled because of the presence of salmonella. Sal



Some own-brand sesame seed products sold by Asda, Co-op, Tesco and Waitrose have been recalled because of the presence of salmonella. Salmonella is a bacterium that causes food poisoning. The Agency has issued a Food Alert for Information.

The products listed below have already been removed from sale. Point-of-sale notices will be displayed in stores, explaining to customers the reasons for the recall and the actions they can take if they have bought an affected product.

Product details

The recalled products are:


  • Whole Foods Sesame Seeds
  • Pack size: 150g
  • Before before: September 2009, October 2009, November 2009 and December 2009

If you have bought an affected product, you can return it to your nearest Asda store to receive a full refund. You do not need a receipt. If you would like any further information, contact Asda Customer Relations by phoning 0500 100 055.


  • Sesame Seeds
  • Pack size: 100g
  • Before before: January 2010
  • Batch codes: L9030A9251 and L9009B9152

If you have bought an affected product, call the Co-op Customer Relations free phone number, 0800 0686 727, for further advice and to arrange for a full refund.


All batch codes and best before dates of the following products:

  • Wholefoods Sesame Seeds
  • Pack size: 300g
  • Wholefoods Three Seed Mix
  • Pack size: 300g
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Pack size: 100g

If you have bought an affected product, contact the in-store Tesco Customer Service Desk for further information.


  • Sesame Seeds
  • Pack size: 100g
  • Best before: February 2010 and March 2010

If you have bought an affected product, you can return it to your nearest Waitrose store to receive a full refund. For further information, you can call the Waitrose Customer Services Department free phone number, 0800 188 884.


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