褰撳墠浣嶇疆: 棣栭〉 » 鏀跨瓥娉曡 » 鍥藉娉曡 »鍔犳嬁澶ф壒鍑嗘潵鑷噷姘忔湪闇塕F11400鐨勮憽钀勭硸姘у寲閰剁敤浜庤胺鐗╁拰鐒欑儰浜у搧銆佹恫浣撹泲鍒跺搧鍜屾剰澶у埄闈腑


鎵弿浜岀淮鐮� 鍒嗕韩濂藉弸鍜屾湅鍙嬪湀
鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 2018-08-07 15:29:53  鏉ユ簮锛�鍔犳嬁澶у崼鐢熼儴  娴忚娆℃暟锛�11401
鍙戝竷鏂囧彿 NOM/ADM-0120
鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡 2018-07-18 鐢熸晥鏃ユ湡 2018-07-18
鏈夋晥鎬х姸鎬� 搴熸鏃ユ湡 鏆傛棤
灞炴€� 娉曡 涓撲笟灞炴€� 闄愰噺鐩稿叧
澶囨敞 鍔犳嬁澶ф壒鍑嗘潵鑷噷姘忔湪闇塕F11400鐨勮憽钀勭硸姘у寲閰剁敤浜庝竴涓嬩骇鍝佷腑锛氶潰鍖呫€侀潰绮夈€佸叏楹﹂潰绮夈€佹恫浣撹泲鍒跺搧銆佹剰澶у埄闈€€侀潪鏍囧噯鍖栫剻鐑ゅ埗鍝侊紝鎸夌収鑹ソ鐢熶骇瑙勮寖浣跨敤銆�
 Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Glucose Oxidase from Trichoderma reesei RF11400 in Certain Grain and Bakery Products, Certain Liquid Egg Products, and Pasta - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0120


Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of glucose oxidase from Trichoderma reesei RF11400 in the manufacture of bread, flour, certain liquid egg products (whole, yolk and egg-white) that are destined for drying, pasta, unstandardized bakery products, and whole wheat flour. 

Glucose oxidase from other source organisms is already specifically permitted for use as a food enzyme in Canada in the manufacture of all the foods of interest to the petitioner other than pasta.

As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada’s assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive glucose oxidase from Trichoderma reesei RF11400 described in the information document below by updating the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective July 18, 2018.

The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.

Information document

To obtain an electronic copy of the Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Glucose Oxidase from Trichoderma reeseiRF11400 in Certain Grain and Bakery Products, Certain Liquid Egg Products, and Pasta - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0120, please contact our publications office or send an e-mail to hc.publications-publications.sc@canada.ca with the subject heading "hpfb BCS nom-adm-0120-eng".

Contact Information

Health Canada's Food Directorate is committed to reviewing any new scientific information on the safety in use of any food additive, including glucose oxidase from Trichoderma reesei RF11400. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the use of this additive or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically. If you wish to contact the Food Directorate electronically, please use the words "glucose oxidase (NOM-0120)" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Bureau of Chemical Safety, Food Directorate

Supporting Information

Food Additives



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