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欧洲食品安全局就食品中丙烯酰胺的科学意见草案征求公众意?Public consultation on the draft Scientific Opinion on acrylamide in fo

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放大字体缩小字体2014-07-16 09:25:04 来源:EFSA 浏览次数9span id="hits">1117
发布单位 暂无 发布文号
发布日期 2014-07-02 截止日期 2014-09-15
有效性状?/th> 地区 欧盟

  Public consultation on the draft Scientific Opinion on acrylamide in food

  Deadline: 15 September 2014

  document(5.8 Mb)

  Privacy statement(0.1 Mb)

  The EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM) has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on acrylamide in food. This document includes an assessment of the dietary exposure to acrylamide, an evaluation of the toxicological hazards and a characterisation of the risks to human health.

  In line with EFSAs policy on openness and transparency, EFSA seeks comments from the scientific community and stakeholders on this draft document.

  All stakeholders and interested parties are invited to submit written comments by 15 September 2014. The electronic template provided with the documents should be used exclusively for the submission of comments, with reference made to the line and page numbers. Please note that comments submitted by email or post cannot be taken into account. In addition, comments will not be considered if they:

  are submitted after the deadline set out in the call

  are presented in any form other than what is provided for in the instructions and template

  are not related to the contents of the document

  contain complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material

  are related to policy or risk management aspects, which is out of the scope of EFSA's activity.

  EFSA will assess all comments from interested parties, which are submitted in line with the criteria above. The comments will be further evaluated by the ConTAM Panel and taken into consideration, if found to be relevant.

  All comments submitted will be published. Comments submitted by individuals in a personal capacity will be presented anonymously. Comments submitted formally on behalf of an organisation will appear with the name of the organisation.

  Submit comments(deadline: 15 September 2014)

  Published: 1 July 2014

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