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澳新食品标准法典-2.7.3-水果酒及蔬菜?Fruit Wine and Vegetable Wine)

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放大字体缩小字体2013-07-29 02:26:04 来源9a href="http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2011C00589" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">comlaw浏览次数9span id="hits">3500
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.7.3
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准规定了水果酒、蔬菜酒、水果酒产品、蔬菜酒产品、蜂蜜酒、苹果酒及梨酒的组分要求、/td>
This Standard defines the composition of fruit wine, vegetable wine, fruit wine product, vegetable wine product, mead, cider and perry.
Table of Provisions
1 Interpretation
2 Addition of other foods during production
1 Interpretation
(1) In this Standard C
cidermeans the fruit wine prepared from the juice or must of apples and no more than 25% of the juice or must of pears.
meadmeans the product prepared from the complete or partial fermentation of honey.
perrymeans the fruit wine prepared from the juice or must of pearsand no more than 25 % of the juice or must of apples.
(2) Any reference to fruit wine or vegetable wine in the Code refers to a product prepared from the complete or partial fermentation of fruit, vegetable, grains, cereals or any combination or preparation of those foods, other than that produced solely from grapes.
(3) Any reference to fruit wine product or vegetable wine product in the Code refers to a food containing no less than 700 mL/L of fruit wine, or vegetable wine, or both fruit and vegetable wine, which has been formulated, processed, modified or mixed with other foods such that it is not a fruit wine or vegetable wine.
2 Addition of other foods during production
Fruit wine, vegetable wine and mead may contain C
(a) fruit juice and fruit juice products; and
(b) vegetable juice and vegetable juice products; and
(c) sugars; and
(d) honey; and
(e) spices; and
(f) alcohol; and
(g) water.
Editorial note:
See Standard 1.3.1 C Food Additives and Standard 1.3.3 C Processing Aids for the respective requirements for additives and processing aids. See Standard 2.7.1 C Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages and Food containing Alcohol for specific labelling requirements for alcoholic beverages.

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