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澳新食品标准法典-2.10.2-盐及盐类产品(Salt and Salt Products)

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放大字体缩小字体2013-07-25 03:28:12 来源9a href="http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2013C00110" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Comlaw浏览次数9span id="hits">2900
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.10.2
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 本标准规定了盐及盐类产品的组分及标签要求、/td>
This Standard sets out the compositional and labelling requirements for salt and salt products.
Table of Provisions
1 Interpretation
2 Composition of salt
3 Composition of reduced sodium salt mixtures
4 Composition of salt substitutes
5 Labelling of reduced sodium salt mixtures and salt substitutes
6 Composition of iodised salt
7 Composition of iodised reduced sodium salt mixtures
1 Interpretation
In this Code C
iodised saltmeans a mixture of salt and C
(a) potassium iodide or potassium iodate; or
(b) sodium iodide or sodium iodate.
reduced sodium salt mixturemeans a product prepared from a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium chloride.
saltmeans the crystalline product consisting predominantly of sodium chloride, that is obtained from the sea, underground rock salt deposits or from natural brine.
salt substitutemeans a food made as a substitute for salt consisting of permitted food additives.
2 Composition of salt
(1) Salt must contain no less than 970 g/kg sodium chloride on a dry matter basis, exclusive of permitted food additives.
(2) Salt must contain no more than C
(a) 0.5 mg/kg of arsenic; and
(b) 2 mg/kg of lead; and
(c) 0.5 mg/kg cadmium; and
(d) 0.1 mg/kg of mercury.
3 Composition of reduced sodium salt mixtures
Reduced sodium salt mixtures must contain no more than C
(a) 200 g/kg sodium; and
(b) 400 g/kg potassium.

4 Composition of salt substitutes
Salt substitutes must contain no more than 1.2 g/kg of sodium.
5 Labelling of reduced sodium salt mixtures and salt substitutes
(1) The label on a package of reduced sodium salt mixture or salt substitute C
(a) must declare the sodium and potassium content, expressed per 100 g; and
(b) may include a declaration of the percentage reduction of sodium in the reduced sodium salt mixture or salt substitute, relative to salt.
(2) A declaration in accordance with subclause (1) does not constitute a nutrition content claim or health claim for the purposes of Standard 1.2.7.
6 Composition of iodised salt
Iodised salt must contain potassium iodide or iodate, or sodium iodide or iodate equivalent
to C
(a) no less than 25 mg/kg of iodine; and
(b) no more than 65 mg/kg of iodine.
7 Composition of iodised reduced sodium salt mixtures
Iodised reduced sodium salt mixtures must contain potassium iodide or iodate, or sodium iodide or iodate equivalent to C
(a) no less than 25 mg/kg of iodine; and
(b) no more than 65 mg/kg of iodine.
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