当前位置: 首页? 政策法规? 国外法规? 澳新食品标准法典-1.2.8-营养信息要求(Nutrition Information Requirements)

澳新食品标准法典-1.2.8-营养信息要求(Nutrition Information Requirements)

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放大字体缩小字体2013-07-23 04:58:15 来源9a href="http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2013C00098" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Comlaw浏览次数9span id="hits">3301
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 1.2.8
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 本标准规定了需在标签上给出营养信息的情况及其标识方式。本标准不适用?.9.1-婴幼儿配方产?专门规定了适用于婴幼儿配方产品的营养标签要?、/td>

This Standard sets out nutrition information requirements in relation to food that is required to be labelled under this Code and for food exempt from these labelling requirements. This Standard prescribes when nutritional information must be provided, and the manner in which such information is provided.
Editorial Note:
Standard 1.2.7 C Nutrition, Health and Related Claims also sets out additional nutrition information requirements in relation to nutrition content claims and health claims.
This Standard does not apply to infant formula products standardised in Standard 2.9.1 C Infant Formula Products. Standard 2.9.1 sets out specific nutrition labelling requirements that apply to infant formula products.
Table of Provisions
Division 1 C Interpretation
1 Definitions
1A Application
2. Energy factors
Division 2 C Nutrition information panels
3 Nutrition information requirements and exemptions
4 Requirements for nutrition information panels when certain claims made
5 Prescribed declarations in a nutrition information panel
6 Expression of particular matters in the nutrition information panel
7 Percentage daily intake information
7A Percentage recommended dietary intake information
7B Percentage DI or RDI information presented outside the panel
8 Food in small packages
8A Additional declarations for food in small packages
9 Food in dehydrated or concentrated form
10 Food intended to be drained before consumption
11 Food intended to be prepared or consumed with other food
11A Claims on food to be prepared or consumed with other food
Division 3 C Deleted
Division 4 C Miscellaneous
18 Prescribed methods of analysis for the determination of dietary fibre in food
19 Items in panel are nutrition content claims in some circumstances
Division 1 C Interpretation
1 Interpretation
(1) In this Standard C
average energy contentmeans the figure calculated in accordance with subclause (3)
biologically active substancemeans a substance, other than a nutrient, with which health effects are associated.

carbohydratemeans C
(a) carbohydrate by difference, calculated by subtracting from 100, the average quantity expressed as a percentage of water, protein, fat, dietary fibre, ash, alcohol, and if quantified or added to the food, any other unavailable carbohydrate and the substances listed in column 1 of Table 2 to subclause 2(2); or
(b) available carbohydrate, calculated by summing the average quantity of total available sugars and starch, and if quantified or added to the food, any available oligosaccharides, glycogen and maltodextrins.
claim requiring nutrition informationhas the meaning given in subclause 4(1).
dietary fibremeans that fraction of the edible part of plants or their extracts, or synthetic analogues that C
(a) are resistant to the digestion and absorption in the small intestine, usually with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine; and
(b) promote one or more of the following beneficial physiological effects C
(i) laxation;
(ii) reduction in blood cholesterol;
(iii) modulation of blood glucose;
and includes polysaccharides, oligosaccharides (degree of polymerisation > 2) and lignins.
fatmeans total fat.
monounsaturated fatty acidsmeans the total of cis-monounsaturated fatty acids and declared as monounsaturated fat.
polyunsaturated fatty acidsmeans the total of polyunsaturated fatty acids with cis-cis-methylene interrupted double bonds and declared as polyunsaturated fat.
saturated fatty acidsmeans the total of fatty acids containing no double bonds and declared as saturated fat.
sugarsmeans monosaccharides and disaccharides.
trans fatty acidsmeans the total of unsaturated fatty acids where one or more of the double bonds are in the trans configuration and declared as trans fat.
unit quantitymeans, in the case of a solid or semi-solid food, 100 grams or, in the case of a beverage or other liquid food, 100 millilitres.
(2) Unless the contrary intention appears, the definitions in Standard 1.2.7 apply in this Standard.
(3) Average energy content is to be calculated by C
(a) multiplying the average amount of each food component per 100 g of the food by the energy factor for that food component; then
(b) adding the amounts calculated for each food component using the following formula C

Where is the average energy content expressed in kilojoules per 100 g,
is the average weight of the food component expressed in grams per 100 g and
means the energy factor assigned to that food component expressed in
kilojoules per gram.
(4) Where this Standard permits average energy content to be expressed in calories, the average energy content in calories is to be calculated in accordance with the following formula C

Where is the average energy content expressed in calories and is
the average energy content calculated in accordance with the formula in subclause (1).
1A Application
This Standard does not apply to a food standardised by Standard 2.9.1.
Editorial note:
Infant formula products standardised by Standard 2.9.1 are not required to carry a nutrition information panel in accordance with this Standard. Standard 2.9.1 prescribes specific nutrition information requirements for those foods.
2 Energy factors
(1) In this clause C
energy factormeans the metabolisable energy (ME) of the food component calculated according to the following formula, expressed in kilojoules per gram of food component, rounded to the nearest whole number C
Where C
MEmeans metabolisable energy
GEmeans gross energy (as measured by bomb calorimetry)
FEmeans energy lost in faeces
UEmeans energy lost in urine
GaEmeans the energy lost in gases produced by fermentation in the large intestine
SEmeans the energy content of waste products lost from surface areas
(2) Energy factors in relation to the food components listed in column 1 of Table 1 and column 1 of Table 2 to this subclause are specified in the corresponding entry in column 2 of Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1 to subclause 2(2)
Column 1
Column 2
Food Component
Energy factor (kJ/g)
Carbohydrate (excluding unavailable carbohydrate)
Unavailable carbohydrate (including dietary fibre)

Table 1 to subclause 2(2) (continued)
Column 1
Column 2
Food Component
Energy factor (kJ/g)
Table 2 to subclause 2(2)
Column 1
Column 2
Food Component
Energy factor (kJ/g)
Organic acids
Editorial note:
* Energy factor for sorbitol taken as an average of calculated range determined with or without ingestion of other foods.
Division 2 C Nutrition information panels
3 Nutrition information requirements and exemptions
Subject to clause 4, the label on a package of food must include a nutrition information panel except where the food is C
(a) deleted
(b) an alcoholic beverage standardised in Standard 2.7.2 to Standard 2.7.5 of this Code; or
(c) a herb, a spice, a herbal infusion; or
(d) vinegar and related products as standardised in Standard 2.10.1; or
(e) salt and salt products as standardised in Standard 2.10.2; or
(f) tea, decaffeinated tea, decaffeinated instant or soluble tea, instant or soluble tea, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, decaffeinated instant or soluble coffee, instant or soluble coffee, as defined in Standard 1.1.2; or
(g) an additive for the purposes of Standard 1.3.1; or
(h) a processing aid as defined in Standard 1.3.3; or
(i) fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish that comprise a single ingredient or category of ingredients; or
(j) in a small package; or
(k) gelatine as defined in Standard 1.1.2; or
(l) water, ice, or mineral water or spring water as defined in Standard 2.6.2; or
(m) prepared filled rolls, sandwiches, bagels and similar products; or
(n) jam setting compound; or
(o) a kit which is intended to be used to produce an alcoholic beverage standardised in Standard 2.7.2 to Standard 2.7.5 of this Code; or
(p) a beverage containing no less than 0.5% alcohol by volume that is not standardised in Standard 2.7.2 to Standard 2.7.5 of this Code; or
(q) kava as standardised in Standard 2.6.3.
4 Requirements for nutrition information panels when certain claims made
(1) A claim requiring nutrition information means C
(a) a nutrition content claim; or
(b) a health claim;
but does not include C
(c) a declaration that is required by the Act, or
(d) an endorsement.
(2) Subject to subclauses (3) and (4), if a claim requiring nutrition information is made in relation to a food, a nutrition information panel must be included on the label on the package of the food.
(3) If a claim requiring nutrition information is made in relation to a food which is not required to bear a label pursuant to clause 2 of Standard 1.2.1, the information prescribed in clause 5, must be C
(a) declared in a nutrition information panel displayed on or in connection with the display of the food; or
(b) provided to the purchaser upon request.
(4) Where a claim requiring nutrition information is made in relation to a food in a small package, the label need not include a nutrition information panel but must comply with clause 8.
5 Prescribed declarations in a nutrition information panel
(1) A nutrition information panel must include the following particulars C
(a) the number of servings of the food in the package expressed as either C
(i) the number of servings of the food, or
(ii) the number of servings of the food per kg, or other units as appropriate, for those packaged foods where the weight or volume of the food as packaged is variable; and
(b) the average quantity of the food in a serving expressed, in the case of a solid or semi-solid food, in grams or, in the case of a beverage or other liquid food, in millilitres; and
(c) the unit quantity of the food; and
(d) the average energy content, expressed in kilojoules or both in kilojoules and in calories (kilocalories), of a serving of the food and of the unit quantity of the food; and
(e) subject to subclause (1A), the average quantity, expressed in grams of, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate and sugars, in a serving of the food and in a unit quantity of the food; and
(f) the average quantity, expressed in milligrams or both milligrams and millimoles, of sodium in a serving of the food and in the unit quantity of the food; and
(g) the name and the average quantity of any other nutrient or biologically active substance in respect of which a claim requiring nutrition information is made, expressed in grams, milligrams or micrograms or other units as appropriate, that is in a serving of the food and in the unit quantity of the food; and
(h) any other matter which this Code requires to be included.
set out, unless otherwise prescribed in this Code, in the following format C

Servings per package: (insert number of servings)
Serving size: g (or mL or other units as appropriate)
Quantity per Serving
Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL)
kJ (Cal)
kJ (Cal)
Fat, total
C saturated
mg (mmol)
mg (mmol)
(insert any other nutrient or biologically active substance to be declared)
g, mg, ?g (or other units as appropriate)
g, mg, ?g (or other units as appropriate)
(1A) If a claim C
(a) is made about a food standardised in Standard 2.4.1 or Standard 2.4.2; and
(b) relates to polyunsaturated fatty acids or monounsaturated fatty acids;
the properties set out in subclause (1B) may be set out in the panel as a minimum or maximum quantity in a serving of the food and per 100 g/mL.
(1B) The properties are C
(a) saturated fatty acids; and
(b) polyunsaturated fatty acids; and
(c) monounsaturated fatty acids; and
(d) trans fatty acids.
(2) A nutrition information panel must clearly indicate that C
(a) the average quantities set out in the panel are average quantities; and
(b) any minimum and maximum quantities set out in the panel are minimum and maximum quantities.
Editorial note:
Average quantity is determined in accordance with the definition set out in clause 2 of Standard 1.1.1. Average quantities may be indicated, for example, by inserting the word Average or an abbreviation for average at the beginning of Quantity per Serving and the Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL) columns, or including a note at the end of the panel stating that all specified values are averages.
No format is prescribed for the indication of minimum and maximum quantities. They may be indicated, for example, by inserting the bracketed abbreviations (min) and (max) immediately after the relevant quantities in the Quantity per Serving column and the Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL) column.
(3) The word serving may be replaced in the nutrition information panel by C
(a) the word slice, pack or package; or
(b) the words metric cup or metric tablespoon or other appropriate word or words expressing a unit or common measure.

(3A) The word Carbohydrate may be replaced in the nutrition information panel by Carbohydrate, total.
(4) The nutrition information panel must include declarations of the trans, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in accordance with subclause (7), where a claim requiring nutrition information is made about or based on C
(a) cholesterol; or
(b) saturated, trans, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids; or
(c) omega-3, omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids.
(5) The nutrition information panel must include a declaration of the presence or absence of dietary fibre in accordance with subclause (7), where a claim requiring nutrition information is made about or based on C
(a) fibre; or
(b) any specifically named fibre; or
(c) sugars; or
(d) any other type of carbohydrate.
(5A) Zero (0) must be used to indicate the absence of dietary fibre under subclause (5).
(6) The nutrition information panel must include declarations of unavailable carbohydrate where the unavailable carbohydrate has been subtracted in the calculation of carbohydrate by difference as defined in clause 1.
(6A) The reference to unavailable carbohydrate in subclause (6) does not include dietary fibre.
(6B) The nutrition information panel must include individual declarations of those substances listed in column 1 of Table 2 to subclause 2(2) where they are present, either singly or in combination, in the final food in an amount of no less than 5g/100g, and where C
(a) any of the substances listed in column 1 have been subtracted in the calculation of carbohydrate by difference as defined in clause 1; or
(b) any of the substances listed in column 1 have been quantified or added to the food, if available carbohydrate as defined in clause 1 is used.
(6C) The reference to substances listed in column 1 of Table 2 to subclause 2(2) in subclause (6B) does not include organic acids.
(7) The information prescribed in subclause (4) and subclause (5), where required to be included in a nutritional information panel, must be set out in the following format C
Servings per package: (insert number of servings)
Serving size: g (or mL or other units as appropriate)
Quantity per Serving
Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL)
kJ (Cal)
kJ (Cal)
Protein, total
C *
Fat, total
C saturated
C **
C trans
C **
C polyunsaturated
C **
C monounsaturated
C **
C sugars
C **
C **
C **
Dietary fibre, total
C *
mg (mmol)
mg (mmol)
(insert any other nutrient or biologically active substance to be declared)
g, mg, ?g (or other units as appropriate)
g, mg, ?g (or other units as appropriate)
*a sub-group nutrient
**a sub-sub-group nutrient
Editorial note:
This format sets out how sub-groups and sub-sub-groups of nutrients may be included. The word total following protein or dietary fibre in the first column of the panel need only be included if it is immediately followed by the sub-group.
(8) The declaration of dietary fibre in a panel must be a declaration of dietary fibre determined in accordance with clause 18.
6 Expression of particular matters in the nutrition information panel
(1) The average energy content, and average or minimum or maximum quantities of nutrients and biologically active substances must be expressed in the panel to not more than three significant figures.
(2) Where the average energy content of a serving or unit quantity of the food is less than 40 kJ, that average energy content may be expressed in the panel as LESS THAN 40 kJ.
(3) Where the average quantity of protein, fat, classes of fatty acids, carbohydrate, sugars or dietary fibre in a serving or unit quantity of the food is less than 1 gram, that average quantity may be expressed in the panel as LESS THAN 1 g.
(4) Where the average quantity of sodium or potassium in a serving of the food, or unit quantity of the food is less than 5 milligrams, that average quantity may be expressed in the panel as LESS THAN 5 mg.
(5) If a nutrition claim is made about phytosterols, phytostanols or their esters, then the nutrition information panel must include declarations of C
(a) the substances using the same name as used in the mandatory advisory statement required by clause 2 of Standard 1.2.3; and
(b) the amount of the substances calculated as total plant sterol equivalents content.
(6) Subclause 1(2) of Standard 1.1.1 does not apply to subclause (5).
7 Percentage daily intake information
(1) Information relating to the percentage daily intake of nutrients set out in a nutrition information panel may be included in the panel.
(2) If percentage daily intake information is included in a panel C
(a) the percentage daily intake of dietary fibre per serving may be included in the panel; and
(b) the following matters must be included in the panel C
(i) the percentage daily intake of energy, fat, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrate, sugars, protein and sodium per serving;
(ii) either of the following statements C
*based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ; or
Percentage daily intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ.
(3) The percentage daily intakes of the food components listed in column 1 of the Table to this subclause, that are included in the panel, must be calculated using the corresponding reference value specified in column 2.
Table to subclause 7(3)
Column 1
Column 2
Food Component
Reference Value
8700 kJ
50 g
70 g
Saturated fatty acids
24 g
310 g
2300 mg
90 g
Dietary fibre (if included)
30 g
7A Percentage recommended dietary intake information
(1) This clause applies ifC
(a) a claim requiring nutrition information is made about or based on a vitamin or mineral (the relevant vitamin or mineral); and
(b) the relevant vitamin or mineral has a RDI; and
(c) the food to which the claim relates is not a food for infants as standardised by Standard 2.9.2.
(2) The percentage of the RDI for the relevant vitamin or mineral contributed by one serving of the food must be set out in the nutrition information panel.
(3) The percentage RDI under subclause (2) must be calculated C
(a) using the RDIs mentioned in the Schedule to Standard 1.1.1; and
(b) using the nutrient values set out in the nutrition information panel.
(4) Despite paragraph (1)(c), percentage recommended dietary intake information may be included in the nutrition information panel for a food for infants as standardised by Standard 2.9.2.
7B Percentage DI or RDI information presented outside the panel
(1) In this clause, DI or RDI information means the information in a nutrition information panel that is permitted or required by clause 7 or 7A.
(2) DI or RDI information may be presented outside the nutrition information panel if C
(a) the serving size is presented together with DI or RDI information; and
(b) the food to which the DI or RDI information relates does not contain more than 1.15% alcohol by volume.
(3) If more than one piece of DI or RDI information is presented outside the nutrition information panel, those pieces of information must be presented together.
(4) DI or RDI information presented in accordance with this clause does not constitute a nutrition content claim.
8 Food in small packages
(1) This clause applies if a claim requiring nutrition information is made on or about food in a small package.
(2) The label must include a declaration of the average quantity of the food in a serving expressed C
(a) in the case of a solid or semi-sold food, in grams; or
(b) in the case of a beverage or other liquid food, in millilitres.
(3) In addition to the matters specified in subclause (2), if a claim requiring nutrition information is made about a matter in Column 1 of the Table to this subclause, the label must include the particulars specified in Column 2.
Table to subclause 8(3)
Column 1
Column 2
Claim is about
Label must include
Any nutrient or biologically active substance (other than a vitamin or mineral with a RDI)
Average quantity of the nutrient or biologically active substance present per serving of the food
Any vitamin or mineral with a RDI
(a) Average quantity of the vitamin or mineral present per serving of the food; and
(b) Percentage of the RDI for the vitamin or mineral contributed by one serving of the food, and calculated in accordance with clause 7A
Cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids content per serving of the food
Dietary fibre, sugars or any other carbohydrate
Average quantity of energy, carbohydrate, sugars and dietary fibre (calculated in accordance with clause 18) present per serving of the food
Average quantity of energy present per serving of the food
Average quantity of energy present per serving of the food
Omega-3 fatty acids
(a) Saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids content per serving of the food; and
(b) Type and amount of omega-3 fatty acids per serving of the food, namely alpha-linolenic acid, or docosahexaenoic acid, or eicosapentaenoic acid, or a combination of the above
Galactose content per serving of the food
Sodium and potassium content per serving of the food
Sodium or salt
Sodium and potassium content per serving of the food
(4) The particulars required by subclause (3) C

(a) must be set out as minimum, maximum or average quantities unless specified in the Table to subclause (3); and
(b) must clearly indicate whether the particulars are minimum, maximum or average quantities.
(5) The word serving in a declaration required by this clause may be replaced by C
(a) the word slice, pack or package; or
(b) the words metric cup or metric tablespoon or other appropriate word or words expressing a unit or common measure.
(6) To avoid doubt, the information required to be declared in accordance with this clause need not be set out in the prescribed panel format.
8A Additional declarations for food in small packages
(1) This clause applies if a claim requiring nutrition information is made about carbohydrate, dietary fibre, sugars or any other carbohydrate on or about food in a small package.
(2) The label must include a declaration of unavailable carbohydrate if unavailable carbohydrate has been subtracted in the calculation of carbohydrate by difference as defined in clause 1.
(3) The reference to unavailable carbohydrate in subclause (2) does not include dietary fibre.
(4) If C
(a) the food contains any of the substances in Column 1 of Table 2 to subclause 2(2) other than organic acids (the relevant substances); and
(b) the relevant substances either singly or in combination are present in the final form of the food in an amount no less than 5 g/100 g;
the presence of the relevant substances must be declared on the label.
9 Food in dehydrated or concentrated form
Where a food in dehydrated or concentrated form is labelled with directions that indicate that the food should be reconstituted with water before consumption, the label on the package of that food must include the particulars set out in each column of the panel expressed as a proportion of the food as so reconstituted.
10 Food intended to be drained before consumption
The label on a package of food with directions indicating that the food should be drained before consumption, must include the particulars set out in each column of the panel expressed as a proportion of the drained food, and must clearly indicate that the particulars set out in each column of the panel relate to the drained food.
11 Food intended to be prepared or consumed with other food
The label on a package of food intended to be prepared or consumed with at least one other food, may include an additional column at the right hand side of the panel, specifying, in the same manner as set out in the panel C
(a) a description of the additional food or foods; and
(b) the quantity of the additional food or foods; and
(c) the average energy content of the combined foods; and
(d) the average quantities of nutrients contained in the combined foods; and
(e) the average quantities of biologically active substances contained in the combined foods.

11A Claims on food to be prepared or consumed with other food
If a claim requiring nutrition information is made about a food that is required to be prepared or consumed with at least one other foodC
(a) the nutrition information panel must include an additional column at the right hand side of the panel, specifying, in the same manner as set out in the panel C
(i) a description of the additional food or foods; and
(ii) the quantity of the additional food or foods; and
(iii) the average energy content of the combined foods; and
(iv) the average quantities of nutrients contained in the combined foods; and
(v) the average quantities of biologically active substances contained in the combined foods; and
(b) the weight or volume of the serving size of the food as prepared must be declared in the panel.
Division 3 C Deleted
Division 4 C Miscellaneous
18 Methods of analysis to determine total dietary fibre and specifically named fibre content of food
(1) Subject to subclause (2), the methods set out in the Table to this subclause are the prescribed methods of analysis for the determination of total dietary fibre and any specifically named fibre content of food for the purposes of nutrition labelling in this standard.
Table to subclause 18(1)
Column 1
Column 2
Dietary Fibre
Method of analysis
Total dietary fibre
Section 985.29 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005), or
Section 991.43 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005).
Total dietary fibre (including all resistant maltodextrins)
Section 2001.03 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005)
Inulin and fructooligosaccharide
Section 997.08 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005).
Section 999.03 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005).
Section 2000.11 of the AOAC, 18th Edition (2005)
(2) Where the dietary fibre content of a food has been determined by more than one method of analysis listed in column 2 of the Table to subclause 18(1), the total dietary fibre content is calculated by adding together the results from each method of analysis and then subtracting any portion of dietary fibre which has been included in the results of more than one method of analysis.
Editorial note:
For example, the dietary fibre content of a cereal bar with added inulin is calculated by adding the result of the analysis for total dietary fibre, using one of the two possible methods of analysis, to the result of the analysis for inulin, and subtracting from the total that part of the inulin content that was included in the result of the analysis for total dietary fibre.
See Standard 1.3.4 C Identity and Purity for the identity and purity requirements for added resistant maltodextrins.
19 Items in panel are nutrition content claims in some circumstances
(1) In this clause C

voluntary itemmeans a particular which is permitted by this Code to be included in a nutrition information panel.
mandatory itemmeans a particular which is required by this Code to be included in the nutrition information panel in some or all circumstances.
(2) To avoid doubt, the inclusion of a mandatory item in a nutrition information panel is not a nutrition content claim.
(3) The inclusion of a voluntary item in a nutrition information panel is a nutrition content claim unless C
(a) this Code provides otherwise; or
(b) the voluntary item is a declaration of C
(i) dietary fibre if the food contains less than 2 g of dietary fibre per serving; or
(ii) trans fatty acid content; or
(iii) lactose content.
(4) A nutrition information panel that contains the prescribed declarations in paragraphs 5(1)(a) to 5(1)(f) on a product containing more than 1.15% alcohol by volume is not a nutrition content claim.

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