当前位置: 首页? 政策法规? 国外法规? § 316.8 无标记的合格产品;官方机构间转移或商务运输(Unmarked inspected products; moved between official establishments; moved in commerce(/a>

§ 316.8 无标记的合格产品;官方机构间转移或商务运输(Unmarked inspected products; moved between official establishments; moved in commerce(/h1>
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放大字体缩小字体2013-01-29 03:00:07 来源:GPO 浏览次数9span id="hits">2467
发布文号 9 CFR PART 316
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 根据325分章的规定,如果火车车厢、货车或集装箱加盖官方印章,检验合格但不具有官方检验合格标志的产品可通过此方式可从一家官方机构运送到另一家进行深加工。无标记的产品不应在敞口容器中被带到官方机构、/td>

   316.8 Unmarked inspected products; moved between official establishments; moved in commerce.

  (a) Unmarked products which have been inspected and passed but do not bear the official inspection legend may be transported in compliance with part 325 of this subchapter from one official establishment to another official establishment, for further processing, in a railroad car, truck, or other closed container, if the railroad car, truck, or container is sealed with an official seal of the Department (as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter) bearing the official inspection legend.

  (b) Products which have been inspected and passed but do not bear the official inspection legend may be removed from an official establishment in closed containers bearing the official inspection legend and all other information required by this part and part 317 of this subchapter: Provided, That upon removal from such closed container the product may not be further transported in commerce unless such removal is made under the supervision of a Program employee and such product is reinspected by a Program employee and packed under his supervision in containers bearing the official inspection legend and all other information required by this part and part 317 of this subchapter: And provided further, That unmarked product shall not be brought into an official establishment in an open container.

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