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§161.175 冷冻裹有面包屑生?Frozen raw breaded shrimp)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-09-24 04:02:12 来源9a href="http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/21/161/175" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">GPO浏览次数9span id="hits">3082
发布文号 63 FR 14035
发布日期 1998-03-24 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 冷冻裹有面包屑生虾是用本节(c)中列出的一种形式的虾,裹有规定的面糊和面包屑配料制成的食品。本食品是冷冻的。食品虾料不少于50%。虾的形式可以是扇形尾或蝶形、去尾蝶形、整只、碎虾等。本节中所述的面糊和面包屑配料时涂抹在虾周围的流体和固体成分。标签上标注食品名称时同时标注本节中规定的该食品所采用的虾的形状。配料名称必须在标签的主要展示版面或其他版面上,要突出醒目。本节该规定了测定各种虾料百分率的方法、/td>

161.175 Frozen raw breaded shrimp

   (a Frozen raw breaded shrimp is the food prepared by coating one of the optional forms of shrimp specified in paragraph (c of this section with safe and suitable batter and breading ingredients as provided in paragraph (d of this section. The food is frozen.

  (b The food tests not less than 50 percent of shrimp material as determined by the method prescribed in paragraph (g of this section, except that if the shrimp are composite units the method prescribed in paragraph (h of this section is used.

  (c The term shrimp means the tail portion of properly prepared shrimp of commercial species. Except for composite units, each shrimp unit is individually coated. The optional forms of shrimp are:

  ? Fantail or butterfly: Prepared by splitting the shrimp; the shrimp are peeled, except that tail fins remain attached and the shell segment immediately adjacent to the tail fins may be left attached.

  ? Butterfly, tail off: Prepared by splitting the shrimp; tail fins and all shell segments are removed.

  ? Round: Round shrimp, not split; the shrimp are peeled, except that tail fins remain attached and the shell segment immediately adjacent to the tail fins may be left attached.

  ? Round, tail off: Round shrimp, not split; tail fins and all shell segments are removed.

  ? Pieces: Each unit consists of a piece or a part of a shrimp; tail fins and all shell segments are removed.

  ? Composite units: Each unit consists of two or more whole shrimp or pieces of shrimp, or both, formed and pressed into composite units prior to coating; tail fins and all shell segments are removed; large composite units, prior to coating, may be cut into smaller units.

  (d The batter and breading ingredients referred to in paragraph (a of this section are the fluid constituents and the solid constituents of the coating around the shrimp. These ingredients consist of suitable substances which are not food additives as defined in section 201(s of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; or if they are food additives as so defined, they are used in conformity with regulations established pursuant to section 409 of the act. Batter and breading ingredients that perform a useful function are regarded as suitable, except that artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and chemical preservatives, other than those provided for in this paragraph, are not suitable ingredients of frozen raw breaded shrimp. Chemical preservatives that are suitable are:

  ? Ascorbic acid, which may be used in a quantity sufficient to retard development of dark spots on the shrimp; and

  ? The antioxidant preservatives listed in subpart D of part 182 of this chapter that may be used to retard development of rancidity of the fat content of the food, in amounts within the limits prescribed by that section.

  (e The label shall name the food, as prepared from each of the optional forms of shrimp specified in paragraph (c ? to ?? inclusive, of this section, and following the numbered sequence of such subparagraph, as follows:

  ? Breaded fantail shrimp. The word butterfly may be used in lieu of fantail in the name.

  ? Breaded butterfly shrimp, tail off.

  ? Breaded round shrimp.

  ? Breaded round shrimp, tail off.

  ? Breaded shrimp pieces.

  ? Composite units:

  (i If the composite units are in a shape similar to that of breaded fish sticks the name is Breaded shrimp sticks if they are in the shape of meat cutlets, the name is Breaded shrimp cutlets、/p>

  (ii If prepared in a shape other than that of sticks or cutlets, the name is Breaded shrimp ___ the blank to be filled in with the word or phrase that accurately describes the shape, but which is not misleading.

  Code of Federal Regulations

  In the case of the names specified in paragraphs (e ? through ? of this section, the words in each name may be arranged in any order, provided they are so arranged as to be accurately de scriptive of the food. The word

  Code of Federal Regulations 567

  prawns may be added in parentheses immediately after the word shrimp in the name of the food if the shrimp are of large size; for example, Fantail breaded shrimp (prawns?rdquo; If the shrimp are from a single geographical area, the adjectival designation of that area may appear as part of the name; for example, Breaded Alaskan shrimp sticks、/p>

  (f The names of the optional ingredients used, as provided for in paragraph (d of this section, shall be listed on the principal display panel or panels of the label with such prominence and conspicuousness as to render them likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase. If a spice that also imparts color is used, it shall be designated as spice and coloring unless the spice is designated by its specific name. If ascorbic acid is used to retard development of dark spots on the shrimp, it shall be designated as Ascorbic acid added as a preservative or Ascorbic acid added to retard discoloration of shrimp If any other antioxidant preservative, as provided in paragraph (d of this section, is used, such preservative shall be designated by its common name followed by the statement Added as a preservative、/p>

  (g The method for determining percentage of shrimp material for those forms specified in paragraphs (c ? through ? of this section is as follows:

  ? Equipment needed. (i Two-gallon container, approximately 9 inches in diameter.

  (ii Two-vaned wooden paddle, each vane measuring approximately 1 3/4 inches by 3 3/4 inches.

  (iii Stirring device capable of rotating the wooden paddle at 120 r.p.m.

  (iv Balance accurate to 0.01 ounce (or 0.1 gram?

  (v U.S. Standard Sieve No. 20, 30.5 centimeter ?2 inch diameter. The sieves shall comply with the specifications for such cloth set forth in Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC? 13th Ed. ?980? Table 1, Nominal Dimensions of Standard Test Sieves (U.S.A. Standard Series? under the heading Definitions of Terms and Explanatory Notes, which is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 481 North Frederick Ave., suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, or may be examined at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA? For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.

  (vi U.S. Standard sieve, 1/2 -inch sieve opening, 12-inch diameter.

  (vii Forceps, blunt points.

  (viii Shallow baking pans.

  (ix Rubber-tipped glass stirring rod.

  ? Procedure. (i Weigh the sample to be debreaded. Fill the container three-fourths full of water at 70-80 F. Suspend the paddle in the container, leaving a clearance of at least 5 inches below the paddle vanes, and adjust speed to 120 r.p.m. Add shrimp and stir for 10 minutes. Stack the sieves, the 1/2 -inch mesh over the No. 20, and pour the contents of the container onto them. Set the sieves under a faucet, preferably with spray attached, and rinse shrimp with no rubbing of flesh, being careful to keep all rinsings over the sieves and not having the stream of water hit the shrimp on the sieve directly. Lay the shrimp out singly on the sieve as rinsed. Inspect each shrimp and use the rubber-tipped rod and the spray to remove the breading material that may remain on any of them, being careful to avoid undue pressure or rubbing, and return each shrimp to the sieve. Remove the top sieve and drain on a slope for 2 minutes, then remove the shrimp to weighing pan. Rinse contents of the No. 20 sieve onto a flat pan and collect any particles other than breading (i.e., flesh and tail fins and add to shrimp on balance pan and weigh.

  (ii Calculate percent shrimp material:

  Percent shrimp material=(Weight of de-breaded sample?(Weight of sample 100 2

  (h The method for determining percentage of shrimp material for composite units, specified in paragraph (c)(6 of this section, is as follows:

  ? Equipment needed. (i Water bath (for example a 3-liter to 4-liter beaker?

  (ii Balance accurate to 0.1 gram.

  (iii Clip tongs of wire, plastic, or glass.

  (iv Stop-watch or regular watch readable to a second.

  (v Paper towels.

  (vi Spatula, 4-inch blade with rounded tip.

  (vii Nut picker.

  (viii Thermometer (immersion type accurate to 2 F.

  (ix Copper sulfate crystals (CuSo4 5H2 O?

  ? Procedure. (i Weigh all composite units in the sample while they are still hard frozen.

  (ii Place each composite unit individually in a water bath that is maintained at 63 F-86 F, and allow to remain until the breading becomes soft and can easily be removed from the still frozen shrimp material (between 10 seconds to 80 seconds for composite units held in storage at 0 F? If the composite units were prepared using batters that are difficult to remove after one dipping, redip them for up to 5 seconds after the initial debreading and remove residual batter materials.

  Code of Federal Regulations

  Note: Several preliminary trials may be necessary to determine the exact dip time required for debreading the composite units in a sample. For these trials only, a saturated solution of copper sulfate ? pound of copper sulfate in 2 liters of tap water is necessary. The correct dip time is the minimum time of immersion in the copper sulfate solution required before the breading can easily be scraped off: Provided, That the debreaded units are still solidly frozen and only a slight trace of blue color is visible on the surface of the debreaded shrimp material.

  (iii Remove the unit from the bath; blot lightly with double thickness of paper toweling; and scrape off or pick out coating from the shrimp material with the spatula or nut picker.

  (iv Weigh all the debreaded shrimp material.

  (v Calculate the percentage of shrimp material in the sample, using the following formula:

  Percent shrimp material=(Weight of de-breaded shrimp sample?Weight of sample100

  (i Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  [42 FR 14464, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 47 FR 11833, Mar. 19, 1982; 49 FR 10102, Mar. 19, 1984; 54 FR 24896, June 12, 1989; 58 FR 2884, Jan. 6, 1993; 63 FR 14035, Mar. 24, 1998]

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