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§161.170 大鳞大马哈鱼罐头(Canned Pacific salmon)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-09-24 03:25:12 来源9a href="http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/21/161/170" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">GPO浏览次数9span id="hits">3442
发布文号 58 FR 2884
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 大鳞大马哈鱼罐头使用本节中列出的鱼品种以规定的装罐方式制成的食品。鱼种可春鲑、红鲑、银鲑等。大鳞大马哈鱼罐头是用去头、腮、尾的鱼加工成的。本食品可加入盐、使用大马哈鱼油、本食品名称为“大马哈鱼”,该名称还必须带有常用的品种名称。至少有一个品种名称与食品名称相连。各种配料必须按本章101部分?30部分中有关要求在标签上加以标注。本节还列出了这种罐头的最小净重以及质量抽样方案、/td>

  161.170 Canned Pacific salmon.
(a Identity. ? Canned Pacific salmon is the food prepared from one of the species of fish enumerated in paragraph (a)(2 of this section, prepared in one of the forms of pack specified in paragraph (a)(3 of this section, and to which may be added one or more of the optional ingredients specified in paragraph (a)(4 of this section. The food is packed in hermetically sealed containers and so processed by heat as to prevent spoilage and soften bones. The food is labeled in accordance with paragraph (a)(5 of this section.

  ? (i The species of fish which may be used in this food are:

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook, king, spring.
Oncorhynchus nerka Blueback, red, sockeye
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho, Cohoe, medium red, silver
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Pink
Oncorhynchus keta Chum, keta
Oncorhynchus masou Masou, cherry

  (ii For the purpose of paragraph (a)(5)(i of this section, the common or usual name or names of each species of fish enumerated in paragraph (a)(2)(i of this section is (are the name(s immediately following the scientific name of each species.

  ? The optional forms of canned Pacific salmon are processed from fish prepared by removing the head, gills, and tail, and the viscera, blood, fins, and damaged or discolored flesh to the greatest extent practicable in accordance withgood manufacturing practice; and then washing. Canned Pacific salmon is prepared in one of the following forms of pack:

  (i Regular consists of sections or steaks which are cut transversely from the fish and filled vertically into the can. In preparation, segments of skin or large backbone may be removed. The sections or steaks are so packed that the cut surfaces approximately parallel the ends of the container. A small portion of salmon may be added if necessary to complete the fill of the container.

  (ii Skinless and backbone removed consists of the regular form of canned salmon set forth in paragraph (a)(3)(i of this section from which the skin and vertebrae have been removed in accordance withgood manufacturing practice.

  (iii Minced salmon consists of salmon which has been minced or ground.

  (iv Salmon tips or tidbits consists of small pieces of salmon.

  (v No salt added consists of canned salmon to which no salt has been added.

  ? One or more of the following optional ingredients may be added to the food:

  (i Salt.

  (ii Edible salmon oil comparable in color, viscosity, and flavor to the oil which would occur naturally in the species of salmon canned.

  ? (i The name of the food is salmon together with the common or usual name or names of the species. At least one species name shall be printed in letters of the same style of type and not less in height than those used for the word salmon、/p>

  (ii (a Whenever the form of pack is that described in paragraph (a)(3 (ii? (iii? or (iv of this section, the word or words describing the form of pack shall immediately precede or follow the name of the food without intervening written, printed, or graphic matter in the manner prescribed in 101.3(c of this chapter; for example, red salmon as the name of the food followed by skinless and backbone removed、/p>

  (b Whenever the form of pack is that described in paragraph (a)(3)(v of this section and words describing the form of pack are declared on the label, the label shall also bear the statements required by 105.69 of this chapter.

  (iii Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  (b [Reserved]

  (c Fill of container. ? The standard of fill of container for canned salmon is a fill including all the contents of the container and is not less than the minimum net weight specified for the corresponding can size in the following table:

I. Can size II. Minimum net weight
603405 1.814 kg (64 oz).
301411 454 g (16 oz).
301408 439 g (151/2oz).
401211 439 g (151/2oz).
607406108 439 g (151/2oz).
301308 340 g (12 oz).
307200.25 220 g (73/4oz).
513307103 220 g (73/4oz).
307113 191 g (63/4oz).
301106 106 g (33/4oz).
407213015 106 g (33/4oz).

  If the can size in question is not listed, calculate the value for Column II as follows: From the list, select as the comparable can size, that one having the nearest water capacity of the can size in question, multiply the net weight listed in Column II by the water capacity of the can size in question, and divide by the water capacity of the comparable can size. Water capacities are determined by the general method provided in 130.12(a of this chapter.

  ? Sampling and acceptance procedure: The sample size of the sample representing the lot will be selected in accordance with the sampling plan shown in paragraph (c)(2)(ii of this section. A lot is to be considered acceptable when the average net weight of all the sample units is not less than the minimum net weight stated in paragraph (c)(1 of this section for the corresponding can size.

  (i Definitions of terms to be used in the sampling plans in paragraph (c)(2)(ii of this section are as follows:

  (a Lot. A collection of primary containers or units of the same size, type, and style manufactured or packed under similar conditions and handled as a single unit of trade.

  (b Lot size. The number of primary containers or units in the lot.

  (c Sample size (n ? The total number of sample units drawn for examination from a lot.

  (d Sample unit. A container, the entire contents of a container, a portion of the contents of a container, or a composite mixture of product from small containers that is sufficient for examination or testing as a single unit.

  (ii Sampling plans:

Lot size (primary containers) Size of container 1 (n)
4,800 or less 13
4,801 to 24,000 21
24,001 to 48,000 29
48,001 to 84,000 48
84,001 to 144,000 84
144,001 to 240,000 126
Over 240,000 200
1Net weight equal to or less than 1 kg. (2.2 lb).
Lot size (primary containers) Size of container 1 (n)
2,400 or less 13
2,401 to 15,000 21
15,001 to 24,000 29
24,001 to 42,000 48
42,001 to 72,000 84
72,001 to 120,000 126
Over 120,000 200
n-number of primary containers in sample.
1Net weight greater than 1 kg (2.2 lb) but not more than 4.5 kgs (10 lb).

  ? If canned salmon falls below the standard of fill of container prescribed in paragraph (c)(1 of this section, the label shall bear the general statement of substandard fill specified in 130.14(b of this chapter, in the manner and form therein specified.

[42 FR 14464, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at58 FR 2884, Jan. 6, 1993]
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