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SR 2002/396 食品(安全)条例2002 10 感染人员(Food (Safety) Regulations 2002—Infected persons)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-09-15 04:29:28 来源9a href="http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2002/0396/latest/DLM174539.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">新西兰立泔/a> 浏览次数9span id="hits">2414
发布文号 暂无
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备注 感染人员不得从事食品、食品用物品以及其他用于或计划用于食品包装和存放材料的生产、制备、储藏、包装、运输和销售;该类人群感染有传染病或是健康法案1956规定的病毒携带者或其头、颈、手、胳膊等具有化脓状况、/td>

  10 Infected persons? No person referred to in subclause ? may be engaged, or employed, in the manufacture, preparation, storage, packing, carriage, or delivery, for sale, of

  (a a food; or

  (b an article used or likely to be used as a food; or

  (c any material or article that is used, or is likely to be used, as a wrapper, package, or container for a food.

  ? The persons are

  (a a person who is suffering from a communicable disease:

  (b a person who is a carrier as defined in the Health Act 1956:

  (c a person who is suffering from a condition causing a discharge of pus or serum from any part of the head, neck, hands, or arms.

  Compare: SR 1984/262 r 259

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