Certain Ruminants and Their Products
Registration 2006-06-27
Certain Ruminants and Their Products
The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, pursuant to section 14 of the Health of Animals Acta, hereby make the annexed Certain Ruminants and Their Products
aS.C. 1990, c. 21
Ottawa, June 27, 2006
Chuck Strahl
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Stockwell Day
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
1. ? The following definitions apply in these Regulations.
Bovinae specified risk material
matriel risque spcifi de bovin
Bovinae specified risk material means
(a the skull, brain, trigeminal ganglia, eyes, spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia of animals of the sub-family Bovinae aged 30 months or older; and
(b the distal ileum and tonsils of animals of the sub-family Bovinae of all ages.
BSE slaughter process
processus dabattage appropri pour lESB
BSE slaughter process means any process for slaughtering an animal other than a process in which the animal is subjected, before being slaughtered, to
(a a stunning process in which a device is used to inject compressed air or gas into the animals cranial cavity; or
(b a pithing process involving laceration, after stunning of the animal, of the animals central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument that is introduced into the animals cranial cavity.
feeder goats[Repealed, SOR/2007-81, s. 1]
feeder sheep[Repealed, SOR/2007-81, s. 1]
meat product
produit de viande
meat product has the same meaning as in subsection 2? of the Meat Inspection Act.
Other words and
? Words and
SOR/2007-81, s. 1.
Previous Version
Prohibition on
2. ? No person may
(a and (b [Repealed, SOR/2007-81, s. 2]
(c meat products derived from animals of the sub-family Bovinae if the animals were slaughtered by a process other than a BSE slaughter process or the Bovinae specified risk material was not removed from the carcasses of the animals, and things containing those meat products;
(d meat products derived from animals of the species Capra hircus or Ovis aries aged 12 months or older, and things containing those meat products;
(e ingredients derived from ruminants to be used in animal food, and animal food containing those ingredients;
(f ingredients, other than manure, derived from ruminants to be used in fertilizer, and fertilizer containing those ingredients; and
(g Bovinae specified risk material and things containing or derived from Bovinae specified risk material.
? Subsection ? does not apply to
(a [Repealed, SOR/2007-81, s. 2]
(b things derived from animals that are
(c to (e [Repealed, SOR/2007-81, s. 2]
(f an animal product, animal by-product or other organism in respect of which paragraph 51(b of the Health of Animals Regulations applies that is
(g products of a rendering plant
(h meat products that originated in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, New Zealand or Uruguay and that were processed in the United States;
(i meat products that originated in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand or Uruguay and that are in transit through the United States;
(j meat products to be transported to a community in the United States if the only practical transportation route for the meat products is either a land or a water route through Canada, taking into account the location of the community and the time required to transport them;
(k meat products to be transported non-stop in Canada and to be delivered to a cruise ship for use as ships stores;
(l meat products that are kept on a ship as ships stores;
(m a food containing a meat product that is of insignificant quantity having regard to the nature of the food and the nature of the meat product in the food;
(n meat products to be used for personal consumption if the total weight of the meat products is 5 kg or less;
(o milk or milk derivatives;
(p a hide or skin to be used as raw material for manufacturing products for human consumption if the hide or skin does not come from the head of an animal;
(q hides or skins that are not for human consumption and derivatives of those hides or skins;
(r wool or derivatives of wool;
(s things that are produced by subjecting bones and tissues, other than Bovinae specified risk material, to rigorous processes of extraction and purification;
(t finished pet chews, such as dried processed ears, pizzles, hooves or tendons, that do not contain, and are not derived from, Bovinae specified risk material;
(u finished pet chews, such as dried processed ears, pizzles, hooves or tendons, that do not contain, and are not derived from, any part of the vertebral column of animals of the sub-family Bovinae other than the vertebrae of the tail, the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and the wings of the sacrum;
(v commercially prepared pet food that does not contain ingredients derived from animals of the sub-family Bovinae;
(w commercially prepared pet food that contains ingredients derived from animals of the sub-family Bovinae if
(i the ingredients are not derived from Bovinae specified risk material, or
(ii the animals from which the ingredients are derived originated in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, New Zealand or Uruguay;
(x protein-free tallow with a maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% by weight, or derivatives made from it;
(y tallow derived from the carcasses of animals of the sub-family Bovinae if the animals were slaughtered by a BSE slaughter process and the Bovinae specified risk material was removed from the carcasses, or derivatives of the tallow;
(z dicalcium phosphate derived from the carcasses of animals of the sub-family Bovinae if the animals were slaughtered by a BSE slaughter process and the Bovinae specified risk material was removed from the carcasses;
(z.1 household garbage from the United States containing protein from an animal;
(z.2 aircraft garbage or ships refuse, as defined in subsection 47.1? of the Health of Animals Regulations; or
(z.3 animal food to be fed to sled dogs participating in an official competition taking place north of the 60th parallel.
SOR/2007-81, s. 2;SOR/2008-19, s. 1;SOR/2008-246, s. 1;SOR/2008-325, s. 1.
Previous Version
3. [Repeal]
Coming into force
4. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.