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§102.5 非标准食品的常用名称总则(General principles)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-08-19 06:58:51 来源:GPO 浏览次数9span id="hits">3071
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备注 本节规定食品的常用名称必须以尽可能简洁的词汇准确描述食品基本性质或特性。如果食品中配料或成分比例影响到价格或消费者接受程度,则名称必须包括这些配料的百分率。如果这些配料成分在食品中是否存在关系到价格问题或是否接受问题,或者使本不存在的配料成分误认为存在,则需要对其是否存在进行说明。某种食品的常用名称可以由其使用习惯而定,或者按本部分B分部,本?04部分,特性标准法规或本章中其他规章确定、/td>

更多关于非标准食品常用名称的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR ?02部分非标准食品常用名称的法规汇怺/a>、/p>

   102.5 General principles.

  (a The common or usual name of a food, which may be a coined term, shall accurately identify or describe, in as simple and direct terms as possible, the basic nature of the food or its characterizing properties or ingredients. The name shall be uniform among all identical or similar products and may not be confusingly similar to the name of any other food that is not reasonably encompassed within the same name. Each class or subclass of food shall be given its own common or usual name that states, in clear terms, what it is in a way that distinguishes it from different foods.

  (b The common or usual name of a food shall include the percentage(s of any characterizing ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s when the proportion of such ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s in the food has a material bearing on price or consumer acceptance or when the labeling or the appearance of the food may otherwise create an erroneous impression that such ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s is present in an amount greater than is actually the case. The following requirements shall apply unless modified by a specific regulation in subpart B of this part.

  ? The percentage of a characterizing ingredient or component shall be declared on the basis of its quantity in the finished product (i.e., weight/weight in the case of solids, or volume/volume in the case of liquids?

  ? The percentage of a characterizing ingredient or component shall be declared by the words containing (or contains _ percent (or % ___ or _ percent (or % ___ with the first blank filled in with the percentage expressed as a whole number not greater than the actual percentage of the ingredient or component named and the second blank filled in with the common or usual name of the ingredient or component. The word containing (or contains? when used, shall appear on a line immediately below the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraph (a of this section. For each characterizing ingredient or component, the words _ percent or % ___ shall appear following or directly below the word containing (or contains? or directly below the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraph (a of this section when the word containing (or contains is not used, in easily legible boldface print or type in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic matter, and in a height not less than the larger of the following alternatives:

  (i Not less than one-sixteenth inch in height on packages having a principal display panel with an area of 5 square inches or less and not less than one-eighth inch in height if the area of the principal display panel is greater than 5 square inches; or

  (ii Not less than one-half the height of the largest type appearing in the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraph (a of this section.

  (c The common or usual name of a food shall include a statement of the presence or absence of any characterizing ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s and/or the need for the user to add any characterizing ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s when the presence or absence of such ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s in the food has a material bearing on price or consumer acceptance or when the labeling or the appearance of the food may otherwise create an erroneous impression that such ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s is present when it is not, and consumers may otherwise be misled about the presence or absence of the ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s in the food. The following requirements shall apply unless modified by a specific regulation in subpart B of this part.

  ? The presence or absence of a characterizing ingredient or component shall be declared by the words containing (or contains ___ or containing (or contains no ___ or no ___ or does not contain ___ with the blank being filled in with the common or usual name of the ingredient or component.

  ? The need for the user of a food to add any characterizing ingredient(s?nbsp;or component(s shall be declared by an appropriate informative statement.

  ? The statement(s required under paragraph (c)(1 and/or ? of this section shall appear following or directly below the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraphs (a and (b of this section, in easily legible boldface print or type in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic matter, and in a height not less than the larger of the alternatives established under paragraphs (b)(2 (i and (ii of this section.

  (d A common or usual name of a food may be established by common usage or by establishment of a regulation in subpart B of this part, in part 104 of this chapter, in a standard of identity, or in other regulations in this chapter.

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