Corrigendum to Directive 2006/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 amending Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners and Directive 94/35/EC on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs
(Official Journal of the European union L 204 of 26 July 2006(/p>
On page 14, in Annex I, point ?)(b (amendments to Annex III Part B of Directive 95/2/EC? third indent:"Salsicha fresca" shall be printed in italics.
(a Traditional immersion cured meat products ?(/p>
The entry for the maximum residual level of "175 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Wiltshire bacon ?.1("
(b Cured tongue ?.3(/p>
For Cured tongue a maximum residual level of "50 mg/kg" shall be inserted;
(c Traditional dry cured meat products ?(/p>
The entry for the maximum residual level of "175 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Dry cured bacon ?.1(".
On pages 16 and 17 in the column headings in Annex I, point ?)(c (amendments to Annex III Part C of Directive 95/2/EC? "Maximum amount that may be added during manufacture" and "Maximum residual level":
"(expressed as NaNO2?quot;,
"(expressed as NaNO3?quot;.
(a Traditional dry cured meat products ?(/p>
The maximum residual level of "250 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Dry cured bacon and Dry cured ham ?.1("
(b Other traditionally cured meat products ?(/p>
The maximum amount of "300 mg/kg (without added E 249 or E 250?quot; shall be aligned with "Rohwrste (Salami and Kantwurst ?.3(".
On page 18, in Annex I, point ?)(d (amendments to Annex III Part D of Directive 95/2/EC? table under (ii(The text in the table shall be printed in normal font, not italics.
On page 19, in Annex I, point ?)(a (amendments to Annex IV of Directive 95/2/EC(In the list under "E 385", the words "Libamj, egszben s t?mbben" shall be printed in italics.
On page 19 and 20, in Annex I, points ?)(c? (i and (j (amendments to Annex IV of Directive 95/2/EC(The text in the tables under points ?)(c? (i and (j shall be printed in Roman font, not italics.