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放大字体缩小字体发布日期?011-08-02 04:53:05 来源:食品伙伴网 浏览次数9span id="hits">3422
  美国畜牧业发达,畜牧业管理法规也比较健全,在畜产品安全卫生方面,有《联邦肉类检查法》、〉a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/dongtai/172424.html">禽肉检查法》、〉a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/dongtai/172503.html">蛋类产品检查法》等多部法律法规,该篇法规动态主要汇总了《联邦肉类检查法》的法律规定。内容如下:

  I 分章 肉类检查要求;掺假 & 错误标识

   601 联邦肉检查要求、掺假、错误标识的定义(Definitions(/a>

602. 国会决议声明(Congressional statement of findings(/a>

603. 肉和肉类食品的检查(Inspection of meat and meat food products(/a>

604. 动物胴体检查和标记或标签;禁止食用肉胴体的毁灭;复检(Post mortem examination of carcasses and marking or labeling; destruction of carcasses condemned; reinspection(/a>

605. 带进屠宰和包装场所的动物胴体检验和肉类食品的发出和返回及其准入条件

   606. 肉类食品检查员;检查的标记;禁止食用产品的销毁;产品的出口(Inspectors of meat food products; marks of inspection; destruction of condemned products; products for export(/a>

607. 肉和肉类食品标签、标记和容器的要求(Labeling, marking, and container requirements(br />
   608. 屠宰和包装场所的卫生检查和管理;掺假肉类食品的拒绝(Sanitary inspection and regulation of slaughtering and packing establishments; rejection of adulterated meat or meat food products(/a>

  609. 在夜间屠宰和加工的动物及其食物产品的检查(Examination of animals and food products thereof, slaughtered and prepared during nighttime(/a>

610. 禁止的行为(Prohibited acts(/a>

611. 设备、标记、标签及证书;仿造行为(Devices, marks, labels, and certificates; simulations(/a>

612. 掺假或错误标识肉类食品的通告(Notification(br />
   613. 计划和复审(Plans and reassessments(br />
   614. 撤销(Repealed(br />
   615. 出口动物胴体和肉的检查(Inspection of carcasses, meat of which is intended for export(br />
   616. 检查出口动物胴体和肉制品的检查员;检查情况说明的证明书(Inspectors of carcasses, etc., meat of which is intended for export; certificates of condition(br />
   617. 禁止无检查说明书的肉类出口(Clearance prohibited to vessel carrying meat for export without inspector's certificate(br />
   618. 检查员证书和副本的递交(Delivery of inspectors' certificates, and of copies(br />
   619. 不同种类动物及其衍生产品的标记、标签或其它鉴定方式;精制和屠宰场所的分开(Marking, labeling, or other identification of kinds of animals of articles' derivation; separate establishments for preparation and slaughtering activities(/a>

620. 肉类食品的进口(Imports(/a>

621. 提供检查的检查员;委派;责任;规章(Inspectors to make examinations provided for; appointment; duties; regulations(br />
   622. 行贿及检查官员的受贿(Bribery of or gifts to inspectors or other officers and acceptance of gifts(/a>

623. 检查要求的豁免(Exemptions from inspection requirements(br />
   624. 肉类储存和处理规定;违反;非联邦管辖的场所的豁免(Storage and handling regulations; violations; exemption of establishments subject to non-Federal jurisdiction(/a>

625. 不适用于鲶鱼的条款(Inapplicability of certain requirements to catfish(/a>

  II 分章 肉类处理 & 相关企业

641. I分章中非人类食品检查条款的禁止;商业分销前的性质改变;非食用条款(Prohibition of subchapter I inspection of articles not intended for use as human food; denaturation or other identification prior to distribution in commerce; inedible articles(br />
   642. 记录的要求(Recordkeeping requirements(/a>

643. 企业的注册,法人姓名和贸易名称(Registration of business, name of person, and trade names(/a>

644. 关于禁止用做人类食物?-D动物的交易、运输或进口的规章(Regulation of transactions, transportation, or importation of 4-D animals to prevent use as human food(/a>

645. 适用于不受当局管制的州或领域企业交易的联邦条款(Federal provisions applicable to State or Territorial business transactions of a local nature and not subject to local authority(br />
  III 分章 联邦政府 & 州政府的合作

   661. 联邦政府和各州政府的合作(Federal and State cooperation(br />
  IV 分章 辅助条款

   671. 检查服务;拒绝或撤回;听证会;禁止交易的特定犯罪行为;其他撤销服务的条款不受影响;企业责任;农业部最后行动;司法审查;记彔br />
   672. 行政拘留;期限;待定的司法诉讼,政府当局的通知;释放(Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial proceedings; notification of governmental authorities; release(/a>

673. 扣押和定罪(Seizure and condemnation(br />
   674. 联邦法院关于强制诉讼和其它类型案件的司法管辖权;本章607(e)章节的限制(Federal court jurisdiction of enforcement and injunction proceedings and other kinds of cases; limitations of section 607(e of this title(br />
   675. 对公务人员的攻击、抵抗和阻碍;谋杀;对公务人员的保护(Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain persons; murder; protection of such persons(br />
   676. 违规行为(Violations(/a>

677. 适用于本章管理和执行的其它联邦法律;调查场所;联邦法院的司法权(Other Federal laws applicable for administration and enforcement of chapter; location of inquiries; jurisdiction of Federal courts(br />
   678. 非联邦管辖范围内的联邦监管事项;关于企业标志,标签,包装和配料检查服务的附加或不同要求的禁止;记录和相关要求;用于人类食品的掺假、误标和出口商品分销的共同管辖;其他事项

   679. 联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案的应用(Application of Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act(br />
   679a. 安全肉禽检查小组(Safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panel(/a>

679b. 肉禽的巴氏灭菌(Pasteurization of meat and poultry(br />
   679c. 食品安全检查服务能力的扩展(Expansion of Food Safety Inspection Service activities(/a>

680. 授权拨款(Authorization of appropriations(br />
  IV-A 分章 杂项条款

   683. 为小型企业洲际船运运送经联邦和州政府机构检查的肉类(Interstate shipment of meat inspected by Federal and State agencies for certain small establishments(/a>

   V-A 分章 联邦和州政府机构的检?br />
  691. 省略(Omitted(br />
692. 驯鹿的检查(Inspection extended to reindeer(/a>

693. 出口乳制品的检查(Inspection of dairy products for export(/a>

694. 拨款的授权(Authorization of appropriations(/a>

695. 肉类检查服务费用的支付和豁免(Payment of cost of meat-inspection service; exception(/a>

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