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§184.1702 食品添加剂乳木果?Sheanut oil)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-07-27 02:48:33 来源:GPO 浏览次数9span id="hits">4438
发布文号 63 FR 28895
发布日期 1998-05-27 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 按照§184.1(b)(3)规定,未经许可不可用于标准化食品,可用于?70.3(n)(9)中的甜食和糖霜,?70.3(n)(38)中的软糖涂层,§170.3(n)(43)中的甜沙司和顶饰料,用量以不超过现行良好生产操作规程为限、/td>

更多关于已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类,请点出a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/dongtai/172262.html">美国FDA 21 CFR ?84部分已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类汇怺/font>

   184.1702 Sheanut oil.

  (a Sheanut oil is produced from sheanuts derived from the Shea tree Butyrospermum parkii and is composed principally of triglycerides containing an oleic acid moiety at the 2-position and saturated fatty acids, usually stearic or palmitic acids, at the 1- and 3-positions.

  (b The ingredient meets the following specifications when tested using any appropriate validated methodology:

  ? Saponification value of 185 to 195,

  ? Iodine value of 28 to 43,

  ? Unsaponifiable matter not to exceed 1.5 percent,

  ? Free fatty acids not more than 0.1 percent as oleic acid,

  ? Peroxide value not more than 10 milliequivalents/equivalent (meq/eq?

  ? Lead not more than 0.1 part per million (ppm?

  ? Copper not more than 0.1 ppm.

  (c In accordance with184.1(b)(3? the ingredient is used in the following food categories at levels not to exceedcurrent good manufacturing practice, except that the ingredient may not be used in a standardized food unless permitted by the standard of identity: Confections and frostings as defined in 170.3(n)(9 of this chapter, coatings of soft candy as defined in170.3(n)(38 of this chapter, and sweet sauces and toppings as defined in 170.3(n)(43 of this chapter.

  [63 FR 28895, May 27, 1998]

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