当前位置: 首页? 政策法规? 国外法规? §606. 肉类食品检查员;检查的标记;禁止食用产品的销毁;产品的出?Inspectors of meat food products; marks of inspection; destruction of condemned products; products for export)

§606. 肉类食品检查员;检查的标记;禁止食用产品的销毁;产品的出?Inspectors of meat food products; marks of inspection; destruction of condemned products; products for export)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-07-16 01:10:05 来源9a href="http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Regulations_&_Policies/FMIA/index.asp#606" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">USDA浏览次数9span id="hits">3499
核心提示:  任何屠宰、罐装、腌制、包装等场所的所有肉类食品进行检查时,检查员必须检查到所有的工序流程和场所的每一部分。未发现掺假的产品可被标记、加戳、标签或标注为“检查并通过”,否则,被标注为“检查并禁止食用”。所有被标注为“检查并禁止食用”的产品必须在检察员在场下予以销毁。出口到其他国家的产品需按照该国家要求在加工和包装过程中不使用任何物质,并按照其规范或指南进行加工或包装、/div>
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备注 任何屠宰、罐装、腌制、包装等场所的所有肉类食品进行检查时,检查员必须检查到所有的工序流程和场所的每一部分。未发现掺假的产品可被标记、加戳、标签或标注为“检查并通过”,否则,被标注为“检查并禁止食用”。所有被标注为“检查并禁止食用”的产品必须在检察员在场下予以销毁。出口到其他国家的产品需按照该国家要求在加工和包装过程中不使用任何物质,并按照其规范或指南进行加工或包装、/td>

更多关于美国联邦肉类检查法的内容,请详?a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/dongtai/172364.html">美国农业部食品安全与检查局(FSIS)发布的《联邦肉类检查法》(FMIA)法规汇怺/font>

  606. Inspectors of meat food products; marks of inspection; destruction of condemned products; products for export.

  For the purposes hereinbefore set forth the Secretary shall cause to be made, by inspectors appointed for that purpose, an examination and inspection of all meat food products prepared for commerce in any slaughtering, meat-canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment, and for the purposes of any examination and inspection and inspectors shall have access at all times, by day or night, whether the establishment be operated or not, to every part of said establishment; and said inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag, or label as ''Inspected and passed'' all such products found to be not adulterated; and said inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as ''Inspected and condemned'' all such products found adulterated, and all such condemned meat food products shall be destroyed for food purposes, as hereinbefore provided, and the Secretary may remove inspectors from any establishment which fails to so destroy such condemned meat food products: Provided, That subject to the rules and regulations of the Secretary the provisions of this section in regard to preservatives shall not apply to meat food products for export to any foreign country and which are prepared or packed according to the specifications or directions of the foreign purchaser, when no substance is used in the preparation or packing thereof in conflict with the laws of the foreign country to which said article is to be exported; but if said article shall be in fact sold or offered for sale for domestic use or consumption then this proviso shall not exempt said article from the operation of all the other provisions of this chapter.

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