当前位置: 首页? 政策法规? 国外法规? (EC) No 119/2009 规定从第三国或者第三方进口或转运野生兔科动物肉,某些野生陆生哺乳动物和养殖兔的列表以及兽医出证要求

(EC) No 119/2009 规定从第三国或者第三方进口或转运野生兔科动物肉,某些野生陆生哺乳动物和养殖兔的列表以及兽医出证要求

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放大字体缩小字体2011-05-12 10:51:00 来源:EUROPA 浏览次数9span id="hits">4496
发布文号 (EC) No 119/2009
发布日期 2009-02-10 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 该条例规定了第三国或者第三方进口或转运野生兔科动物肉,某些野生陆生哺乳动物和养殖兔的列表以及兽医出证要求、/td>

  Commission Regulation (EC No 119/2009

  of 9 February 2009

  laying down a list of third countries or parts thereof, for imports into, or transit through, the Community of meat of wild leporidae, of certain wild land mammals and of farmed rabbits and the veterinary certification requirements

  (Text with EEA relevance(/p>


  Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

  Having regard to Council Directive2002/99/ECof 16 December 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption [1], and in particular the first subparagraph of point 1 of Article 8, Article 9?)(b and Article 9?)(b and (c thereof,

  Having regard to Regulation(EC No 852/2004of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs [2], and in particular Article 12 thereof,

  Having regard to Regulation(EC No 853/2004of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin [3], and in particular Article 9 thereof,

  Having regard to Regulation(EC No 854/2004of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption [4], and in particular Articles 11? and 14? thereof,

  Having regard to Regulation(EC No 882/2004of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules [5], and in particular Article 48? thereof,


  ? Commission Decision 2000/585/EC [6] draws up a list of third countries from which Member States are to authorise imports of rabbit meat and certain wild and farmed game meat, and lays down the animal and public health and the veterinary certification conditions for such imports.

  ? In the interests of consistency of Community legislation, Community rules for imports of meat of wild leporidae, of certain wild land mammals and of farmed rabbits should take into account the public health requirements laid down in Regulations (EC No 852/2004, (EC No 853/2004, (EC No 854/2004 and (EC No 882/2004.

  ? The measures provided for in this Regulation shall be without prejudice to legislation implementing Council Regulation (EC No 338/97 of 9 December 1996 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein [7].

  ? With a view to harmonising Community conditions for imports into the Community of the commodities concerned, as well as making them more transparent and simplifying the legislative procedure for amending such conditions, those conditions should be set out in the appropriate model veterinary certificates set out in this Regulation.

  ? The veterinary certificates for imports into and transit, including storage during transit, through the Community of meat of wild leporidae, of certain wild land mammals and of farmed rabbits should comply with the appropriate standard models set out in Annex I to Commission Decision 2007/240/EC of 16 April 2007 laying down new veterinary certificates for importing live animals, semen, embryos, ova and products of animal origin into the Community pursuant to Decisions 79/542/EEC, 92/260/EEC, 93/195/EEC, 93/196/EEC, 93/197/EEC, 95/328/EC, 96/333/EC, 96/539/EC, 96/540/EC, 2000/572/EC, 2000/585/EC, 2000/666/EC, 2002/613/EC, 2003/56/EC, 2003/779/EC, 2003/804/EC, 2003/858/EC, 2003/863/EC, 2003/881/EC, 2004/407/EC, 2004/438/EC, 2004/595/EC, 2004/639/EC and 2006/168/EC [8].

  ? The model veterinary certificates, set out in this Regulation, for imports into and transit, including storage during transit, through the Community of meat of wild leporidae, of certain wild land mammals and of farmed rabbits should also be compatible with the Traces system, as provided for in Commission Decision 2004/292/EC of 30 March 2004 on the introduction of the Traces system [9].

  ? The list of third countries or parts thereof, listed in Annex II to Council Decision 79/542/EEC [10] should be used for imports into, or transit through, the Community of meat of wild leporidae and of farmed rabbits. The list of countries should be laid down for imports into or transit through, the Community of meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae.

  ? Specific conditions for transit via the Community of consignments to and from Russia should be provided for, owing to the geographical situation of Kaliningrad which only concerns Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

  ? To avoid any disruption of trade, the use of the veterinary certificates issued in accordance with Decision 2000/585/EC should be authorised during a transitional period.

  ?0 In the interests of clarity of Community legislation, Commission Decision 2000/585/EC should be repealed and replaced by this Regulation.

  ?1 The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


  Article 1

  Subject matter and scope

  1. This Regulation lays down:

  (a a list of third countries or parts thereof from which the following commodities may be imported into, or transit through the Community:

  (i meat of wild leporidae not containing offal, except for unskinned and uneviscerated wild leporidae;

  (ii meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae, not containing offal;

  (iii meat of farmed rabbits;

  (b the veterinary certification requirements for the commodities listed in points (i? (ii and (iii (the commodities?

  2. Without prejudice to the restriction provided for in Article 5?? for the purposes of this Regulation, transit covers storage during transit (including putting into storage, as referred to in Article 12? and Article 13 of Council Directive 97/78/EC [11]?

  3. This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to:

  (i specific certification requirements provided for in Community agreements with third countries;

  (ii the relevant rules on certification contained within legislation implementing Regulation (EC No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein.

  Article 2


  For the purposes of this Regulation, "wild leporidae" means wild rabbits and hares.

  Article 3

  Lists of third countries or parts thereof from which commodities may be imported into, or transit through, the Community

  The commodities shall only be imported into, or transit through, the Community from a third country or parts thereof listed or referred to in Part 1 of Annex I.

  Article 4

  Veterinary certification

  1. Commodities imported into the Community shall be accompanied by a veterinary certificate drawn up in accordance with the model certificate set out in Annex II, for the commodity concerned, completed in accordance with the notes set out in Part 4 of Annex I.

  2. Commodities in transit through the Community shall be accompanied by a certificate drawn up in accordance with the model certificate set out in Annex III.

  3. Compliance with the additional guarantees, as required for a certain Member State or part thereof in columns 4, 6 and 8 of the Table in Part 1 of Annex I and as described in Part 3 of Annex I, shall be certified by completing the appropriate section in the veterinary certificate for the commodity concerned.

  4. Electronic certification and other agreed systems harmonised at Community level may be used.

  Article 5

  Derogation for transit through Latvia, Lithuania and Poland

  1. By way of derogation from Article 4?? transit by road or by rail shall be authorised between the border inspection posts in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland listed in the Annex to Commission Decision 2001/881/EC [12], of consignments of commodities coming from and bound for Russia, directly or via another third country, where the following conditions are met:

  (a the consignment is sealed with a serially numbered seal by the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry;

  (b the documents accompanying the consignment, as provided for in Article 7 of Directive 97/78/EC, are stamped with the words "Only for transit to Russia via the EC" on each page by the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry;

  (c the procedural requirements provided for in Article 11 of Directive 97/78/EC are complied with;

  (d the consignment is certified as acceptable for transit on the common veterinary entry document issued by the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry.

  2. The consignments, as referred to in paragraph 1, may not be unloaded or put into storage, as referred to in Article 12? or in Article 13 of Directive 97/78/EC, within the Community.

  3. Regular audits shall be conducted by the competent authority to ensure that the number of consignments, as referred to in paragraph 1, and the corresponding quantities of products leaving the Community correspond with the number and quantities entering the Community.

  Article 6


  Decision 2000/585/EC is repealed.

  References to the repealed Decision shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex IV.

  Article 7

  Transitional provisions

  Commodities in respect of which the relevant veterinary certificates have been issued in accordance with Decision 2000/585/EC may be imported into or transit through the Community until 30 June 2009.

  Article 8

  Entry into force and applicability

  This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  It shall apply from 1 June 2009.

  This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

  Done at Brussels, 9 February 2009.

  For the Commission

  Androulla Vassiliou

  Member of the Commission

  [1] OJ L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11.

  [2] OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1, corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 3.

  [3] OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55, as corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22.

  [4] OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 206, as corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 83.

  [5] OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1, as corrected by OJ L 191, 28.5.2004, p. 1.

  [6] OJ L 251, 6.10.2000, p. 1.

  [7] OJ L 61, 3.3.1997, p. 1.

  [8] OJ L 104, 21.4.2007, p. 37.

  [9] OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 63.

  [10] OJ L 146, 14.6.1979, p. 15.

  [11] OJ L 24, 30.1.1998, p. 9.

  [12] OJ L 326, 11.12.2001, p. 44.




  PART 1

  List of third countries and parts thereof and additional guarantees

  MC : Model veterinary certificate.

  AG : Additional guarantees.

  Country | Code of territory | Leporidae | Wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae |

  Wild | Farmed rabbits |

  MC | AG | MC | AG | MC | AG |

  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

  Australia | AU | WL | | RM | | WM | |

  Canada | CA | WL | | RM | | WM | |

  Greenland | GL | WL | | RM | | WM | |

  New Zealand | NZ | WL | | RM | | WM | |

  Russia | RU | WL | | RM | | WM | |

  Any other third country or part thereof listed in columns 1 and 3 of the table in Part 1 of Annex II to Decision 79/542/EEC | WL | | RM | | | |

  PART 2

  Model veterinary certificates


  "WL" : Model veterinary certificate for meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares(/p>

  "WM" : Model veterinary certificate for meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae

  "RM" : Model veterinary certificate for meat of farmed rabbits

  PART 3

  Additional guarantees

  PART 4

  Notes for veterinary certification

  (a Veterinary certificates based on the models in Part 2 of this Annex and following the layout of the model that corresponds to the commodity concerned shall be issued by the exporting third country or part thereof. They shall contain, in the order appearing in the model, the attestations that are required for any third country and, where applicable, those additional health requirements required for the exporting third country or part thereof.

  Where additional guarantees are required by the Member State of destination for the commodity concerned, these shall also be entered on the original of the veterinary certificate.

  (b A separate, single certificate must be presented for each consignment of the commodity concerned, exported to the same destination from a territory appearing in column 2 of the table in Part 1 of this Annex and transported in the same railway wagon, lorry, aircraft or ship.

  (c The original of certificates shall consist of a single page printed on both sides or, where more text is required, such that all the pages form a whole and cannot be separated.

  (d The certificate shall be drawn up in at least one official language of the Member State where the border inspection takes place and in one official language of the Member State of destination. However, those Member States may allow another Community language instead of their own, accompanied, if necessary, by an official translation.

  (e Where additional pages are attached to the certificate for the purposes of identifying the items making up the consignment, such additional pages shall also be considered to form part of the original of the certificate, provided the signature and stamp of the certifying official veterinarian appear on each page.

  (f Where the certificate, including any additional pages as provided for in (e? comprises more than one page, each page shall be numbered "Cx (page number of y (total number of pages?ndash;" on the bottom and shall bear the code number of the certificate allocated by the competent authority on the top.

  (g The original of the certificate must be completed and signed by an official veterinarian not more than 24 hours prior to loading of the consignment for imports into the Community, unless otherwise stated in the Community legislation. To that end, the competent authority of the exporting third country shall ensure that principles of certification equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 96/93/EC [1] are followed.

  The colour of the signature shall be different from that of the printing. The same rule shall apply to stamps other than embossed stamps.

  (h The original of the certificate must accompany the consignment as far as the border inspection post of entry into the European Community.

  [1] OJ L 13, 16.1.1997, p. 28.




  Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

  Model veterinary certificate for the import of meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares ? (WL(/p>


  Veterinary certificate to EU

  I.1. Consignor



  Tel. No

  I.2. Certificate reference No


  I.3. Central Competent Authority

  I.4. Local Competent Authority

  I.5. Consignee



  Postal code

  Tel. No


  I.7. Country of origin

  ISO code

  I.8. Region of origin


  I.9. Country of destination

  ISO code

  I.10. Region of destination


  I.11. Place of origin


  Approval number


  I.12. Place of destination

  I.13. Place of loading

  I.14. Date of departure

  I.15. Means of transport



  Railway wagon

  Road vehicle



  Documentary references:

  I.16. Entry BIP in EU

  I.17. No(s of CITES

  I.18. Description of commodity

  I.19. Commodity code (HS code(/p>


  I.20. Quantity

  I.21. Temperature of product




  I.22. Number of packages

  I.23. Identification of container/Seal No

  I.24. Type of packaging

  I.25. Commodities certified for:

  Human consumption


  I.27. For import or admission into EU

  I.28. Identification of the commodities

  Approval No of establishments

  Species (Scientific name(/p>

  Nature of commodity


  Number of packages

  Net weight

  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part II: Certification


  WL (meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares))


  II.a. Certificate reference No


  II.1. Public health attestation

  I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, declare that I am aware of the relevant provisions of Regulations (EC No 178/2002, (EC No 852/2004, (EC No 853/2004 and (EC No 854/2004 and hereby certify that the meat of wild leopridae (rabbits and hares ? described in this certificate has been obtained in accordance with those requirements and, in particular that:

  (a it comes from (an establishment(s implementing a programme based on the HACCP principles in accordance with Regulation (EC No 852/2004;

  (b it has been obtained in compliance with Section IV of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  (c it has been found fit for human consumption following post-mortem inspections carried out in accordance with Section I, Chapter II and Section IV, Chapter VIII of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 854/2004;

  (d it has been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I of Annex II to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  ? either [(e in the case of meat of skinned and eviscerated wild leporidae, the meat was obtained and inspected in accordance with Regulations (EC Nos 853/2004 and 854/2004;]

  ? or [(e in the case of unskinned and uneviscerated wild leporidae:

  the meat was chilled to + 4 C or below for a maximum of 15 days prior to the intended time of import but has not been frozen or deep-frozen;

  an official veterinary health inspection has been carried out on a representative sample of the carcases and the meat was obtained and inspected in accordance with Regulations (EC Nos 853/2004 and 854/2004;

  the meat has been identified by affixing an official mark of origin, the details of which are recorded in the box 1.28;]

  (f the guarantees covering live animals and products thereof provided by the residue plans submitted in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC, and in particular Article 29 thereof, are fulfilled;

  (g it has been stored and transported in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section IV of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004.

  II.2. Animal health attestation

  I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify that the meat of wild leopridae (rabbits and hares ? described in this certificate:

  II.2.1 (a was obtained from wild leporidae which were killed in the territory described in Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009 with the code ? and in a hunting area where during the last 40 days no animal health restrictions for viral haemorrhagic disease, tularaemia and myxomatosis have been applied;

  (b was obtained from leporidae which, after killing, were transported within 12 hours to a collection centre and/or an approved game handling establishment for chilling;

  II.2.2 comes from

  ? either [a collection centre;]

  ? or [an approved game handling establishment;]

  ? or [a collection centre and an approved game handling establishment;]

  which at the time of dressing, was (were not subject to animal health restrictions for diseases listed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE to which the animals are susceptible;

  II.2.3 has during all stages of its production, been handled, stored and transported in accordance with the animal health requirements of Directive 2002/99/EC and strictly separated from meat:

  not conforming to the requirements laid down in Directive 2002/99/EC,

  not conforming to the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC No 119/2009;

  II.2.4 was obtained from wild leporidae which were killed on or between :/p>

  +++++ TIFF +++++


  WL (meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares))


  II.a. Certificate reference No



  ? [I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that:

  (Additional guarantees when required in part 3 of Annex I and as described in Part 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009)].


  Part I

  Box reference I.7: name of the country of origin which must be the same as the country of export.

  Box reference I.8: provide the code for the territory of origin, if necessary, as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  Box reference I.11: Name, address and approval number of establishment of dispatch.

  Box reference I.12: where the meat has to undergo a post-mortem inspection after skinning, the name and address of the game handling establishment of destination in the Member State must be inserted.

  Box reference I.15: Indicate the registration number(s of railway wagons and lorries, the names of ships and, if known, the flight numbers of aircraft. In the case of transport in containers, the total number of these and their registration and where there is a serial number of the seal it has to be indicated in box I.23.

  Box reference I.28: (Nature of commodity( select one of the following: skinned and eviscerated leporidae cuts unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae、/p>

  (Abattoir( includes game handling establishments.

  Part II

  ? Meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares excluding offal except for unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae.

  ? Keep if appropriate.

  ? Code of the territory as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  ? Keep as appropriate.

  The signature and the seal must be in a different colour from that of the printing.

  Note for the importer: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection point.

  Official veterinarian

  Name (in capital letters(

  Qualification and title:




  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

  Model Veterinary certificate for the import of meat ? of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae (WM(/p>


  Veterinary certificate to EU

  I.1. Consignor



  Tel. No

  I.2. Certificate reference No


  I.3. Central Competent Authority

  I.4. Local Competent Authority

  I.5. Consignee



  Postal code

  Tel. No


  I.7. Country of origin

  ISO code

  I.8. Region of origin


  I.9. Country of destination

  ISO code

  I.10. Region of destination


  I.11. Place of origin


  Approval number


  I.12. Place of destination

  I.13. Place of loading

  I.14. Date of departure

  I.15. Means of transport



  Railway wagon

  Road vehicle



  Documentary references:

  I.16. Entry BIP in EU

  I.17. No(s of CITES

  I.18. Description of commodity

  I.19. Commodity code (HS code(/p>


  I.20. Quantity

  I.21. Temperature of product




  I.22. Number of packages

  I.23. Identification of container/Seal No

  I.24. Type of packaging

  I.25. Commodities certified for:

  Human consumption


  I.27. For import or admission into EU

  I.28. Identification of the commodities

  Approval No of establishments

  Species (Scientific name(/p>

  Nature of commodity


  Number of packages

  Net weight

  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part II: Certification


  WM (meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae(/p>


  II.a. Certificate reference No


  II.1. Public health attestation

  I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, declare that I am aware of the relevant provisions of Regulations (EC No 178/2002, (EC No 852/2004, (EC No 853/2004 and (EC No 854/2004 and hereby certify that the meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae ? described in this certificate has been obtained in accordance with those requirements and, in particular that:

  (a it comes from (an establishment(s implementing a programme based on the HACCP principles in accordance with Regulation (EC No 852/2004;

  (b it has been obtained in compliance with Section IV of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  ? [(c it fulfils the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC No 2075/2005 laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat, and in particular has been subjected to an examination by a digestion method with negative results];

  (d it has been found fit for human consumption following post-mortem inspections carried out in accordance with Section IV, Chapters VIII and IX of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 854/2004;

  (e the carcass or parts of the carcass of large wild mammals have been marked with a health mark in accordance with Section I, Chapter III of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 854/2004;

  ? either [(f the carcass or parts of the carcass of small wild mammals have been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I, of Annex II to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;]

  ? or [(f the packages of the meat of small or large wild mammals has been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I, of Annex II to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;]

  (g the guarantees covering live animals and products thereof provided by the residue plans submitted in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC, and in particular Article 29 thereof, are fulfilled;

  (h it has been stored and transported in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section IV of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  II.2. Animal health attestation

  I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify that the meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae ? described in this certificate:

  II.2.1 (a was obtained from wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae which were killed in the territory described in Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009 with the code ? and in a hunting area where during the last 30 days no animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of disease to which these animals are susceptible have been applied;

  (b was obtained from wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae which, after killing, were transported within 12 hours to a collection centre and/or an approved game handling establishment for chilling;

  II.2.2 comes from

  ? either [a collection centre;]

  ? or [an approved game handling establishment;]

  ? or [a collection centre and an approved game handling establishment;]

  which at the time of dressing, was (were not subject to animal health restrictions for diseases listed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE to which the animals are susceptible;

  II.2.3 has during all stages of its production, been handled, stored and transported in accordance with the animal health requirements of Directive 2002/99/EC and strictly separated from meat:

  not conforming to the requirements laid down in Directive 2002/99/EC,

  not conforming to the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC No 119/2009;

  II.2.4 was obtained from wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae which were killed on or between :/p>

  +++++ TIFF +++++


  WM (meat of wild land mammals other than ungulates and leporidae(/p>


  II.a. Certificate reference No



  ? [I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that:

  (Additional guarantees when required in part 3 of Annex I and as described in Part 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009)].


  Part I

  Box reference I.7: name of the country of origin which must be the same as the country of export.

  Box reference I.8: provide the code for the territory of origin, if necessary, as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  Box reference I.11: Name, address and approval number of establishment of dispatch.

  Box reference I.15: Indicate the registration number(s of railway wagons and lorries, the names of ships and, if known, the flight numbers of aircraft. In the case of transport in containers, the total number of these and their registration and where there is a serial number of the seal it has to be indicated in box I.23.

  Box reference I.28: (Abattoir includes game handling establishments.

  Part II

  ? Excluding offal.

  ? Only for species susceptible for trichinellosis.

  ? Code of the territory as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  ? Keep as appropriate.

  ? Keep if appropriate.

  The signature and the seal must be in a different colour from that of the printing.

  Note for the importer: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection point.

  Official veterinarian

  Name (in capital letters(

  Qualification and title:




  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

  Model Veterinary certificate for the import of meat of farmed rabbits ? (RM(/p>


  Veterinary certificate to EU

  I.1. Consignor



  Tel. No

  I.2. Certificate reference No


  I.3. Central Competent Authority

  I.4. Local Competent Authority

  I.5. Consignee



  Postal code

  Tel. No


  I.7. Country of origin

  ISO code

  I.8. Region of origin


  I.9. Country of destination

  ISO code

  I.10. Region of destination


  I.11. Place of origin


  Approval number


  I.12. Place of destination

  I.13. Place of loading

  I.14. Date of departure

  I.15. Means of transport



  Railway wagon

  Road vehicle



  Documentary references:

  I.16. Entry BIP in EU

  I.17. No(s of CITES

  I.18. Description of commodity

  I.19. Commodity code (HS code(/p>


  I.20. Quantity

  I.21. Temperature of product




  I.22. Number of packages

  I.23. Identification of container/Seal No

  I.24. Type of packaging

  I.25. Commodities certified for:

  Human consumption


  I.27. For import or admission into EU

  I.28. Identification of the commodities

  Approval No of establishments

  Species (Scientific name(/p>

  Nature of commodity


  Manufacturing plant

  Cold store

  Number of packages

  Net weight

  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part II: Certification


  RM (meat of farmed rabbits(/p>


  II.a. Certificate reference No


  II.1. Public health attestation

  I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, declare that I am aware of the relevant provisions of Regulations (EC No 178/2002, (EC No 852/2004, (EC No 853/2004 and (EC No 854/2004 and hereby certify that the meat of farmed rabbits ? described in this certificate has been obtained in accordance with those requirements and, in particular that:

  (a it comes from (an establishment(s implementing a programme based on the HACCP principles in accordance with Regulation (EC No 852/2004;

  (b it has been obtained in compliance with Section II of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  (c it has been found fit for human consumption following ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections carried out in accordance with Section I, Chapter II and section IV, Chapters VI and IX of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 854/2004;

  (d it has been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I of Annex II to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  (e the guarantees covering live animals and products thereof provided by the residue plans submitted in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC, and in particular Article 29 thereof, are fulfilled;

  (f it has been stored and transported in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section II of Annex III to Regulation (EC No 853/2004;

  II.2. Animal health attestation

  I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify that the meat of farmed rabbits ? described in this certificate:

  II.2.1 has been obtained from farmed rabbits slaughtered in the territory described in Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009 with the code ? where they have been kept for at least six weeks before slaughter or since birth in the case of animals less than six weeks old;

  II.2.2 has been obtained from rabbits which:

  (a come from farms or areas where no animal health restrictions have been in force for at least the previous 40 days in response to outbreaks of viral haemorrhagic disease, tularaemia or myxomatosis;

  (b have not been slaughtered under any animal-health scheme for the control or eradication of rabbit diseases;

  (c during transport to the slaughterhouse, did not come into contact with rabbits infected with viral haemorrhagic disease, tularaemia or myxomatosis;

  (d have not been in contact at any time during slaughter, cutting, storage or transport with rabbits or meat of lower health status;

  II.2.3 comes from

  ? either [an approved slaughterhouse;]

  ? or [an approved game handling establishment;]

  ? II.2.4 was obtained from farmed rabbits which were slaughtered on or between :/p>


  Batches of rabbits were so identified that their holdings of origin could be traced.


  ? [I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that:

  (Additional guarantees when required in part 3 of Annex I and as described in Part 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009)].


  I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify that I have read and understood Directive 93/119/EC and that the meat described in this certificate comes from farmed rabbits that have been treated in accordance with the relevant provisions of Directive 93/119/EC in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing.

  +++++ TIFF +++++


  RM (meat of farmed rabbits(/p>


  II.a. Certificate reference No



  Part I

  Box reference I.7: name of the country of origin which must be the same as the country of export.

  Box reference I.8: provide the code for the territory of origin, if necessary, as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  Box reference I.11: Name, address and approval number of establishment of dispatch.

  Box reference I.15: Indicate the registration number(s of railway wagons and lorries, the names of ships and, if known, the flight numbers of aircraft. In the case of transport in containers, the total number of these and their registration and where there is a serial number of the seal it has to be indicated in box I.23.

  Part II

  ? Meat of farmed rabbits means all parts of domestic rabbits which are fit for human consumption.

  ? Code of the territory as it appears in column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  ? Keep as appropriate.

  ? Indicate the date or dates of slaughter.

  ? Keep if appropriate.

  The signature and the seal must be in a different colour from that of the printing.

  Note for the importer: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection point.

  Official veterinarian

  Name (in capital letters(

  Qualification and title:




  +++++ TIFF +++++



  (as referred to in Article 4?))

  Model veterinary certificate for the transit/storage of meat of wild leporidae, farmed rabbits and wild land mammals other than ungulates

  Part I: Details of dispatched consignment


  Veterinary certificate to EU

  I.1. Consignor



  Tel. No

  I.2. Certificate reference No


  I.3. Central Competent Authority

  I.4. Local Competent Authority

  I.5. Consignee



  Postal code

  Tel. No

  I.6. Person responsible for the load in EU



  Postal code

  Tel. No

  I.7. Country of origin

  ISO code

  I.8. Region of origin


  I.9. Country of destination

  ISO code

  I.10. Region of destination


  I.11. Place of origin


  Approval number


  I.12. Place of destination

  Customs warehouse

  Ship supplier


  Approval number


  Postal code

  I.13. Place of loading

  I.14. Date of departure

  I.15. Means of transport



  Railway wagon

  Road vehicle



  Documentary references:

  I.16. Entry BIP in EU

  I.17. No(s of CITES

  I.18. Description of commodity

  I.19. Commodity code (HS code(/p>

  I.20. Quantity

  I.21. Temperature of product




  I.22. Number of packages

  I.23. Identification of container/Seal No

  I.24. Type of packaging

  I.25. Commodities certified for:

  Human consumption

  Animal feedingstuff

  Further process

  Technical use


  I.26. For transit through EU to third Country

  Third country

  ISO code


  I.28. Identification of the commodities

  Approval No of establishments

  Species (Scientific name(/p>

  Nature of commodity


  Manufacturing plant

  Cold store

  Number of packages

  Net weight

  +++++ TIFF +++++

  Part II: Certification


  Transit/storage of meat of wild leporidae, farmed rabbits and wild land mammals other than ungulates


  II.a. Certificate reference No


  II.1. Health attestation

  I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify that meat of wild leporidae, farmed rabbits and wild land mammals ? described in this certificate:

  II.1.1. comes from a third country, or part thereof appearing in Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009;

  ? II.1.2. complies with the relevant animal health conditions laid down in the animal health attestation in the model certificates in Annex II to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.


  Part I

  Box reference I.8: provide the code for the territory of origin, if necessary, as defined under code of column 2 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC No 119/2009.

  Box reference I.11: Name, address and approval number of the establishment of dispatch. Name of the country of origin which must be the same as the country of export.

  Box reference I.15: Indicate the registration number(s of railway wagons and lorries, the names of ships and, if known, the flight numbers of aircraft. In the case of transport in containers, the total number of these and their registration and where there is a serial number of the seal it has to be indicated in box I.23.

  Box reference I.19: use the appropriate Harmonised System (HS code of the World Customs Organisation: 02.08.10 or 02.08.90.

  Box reference I.28: (Nature of commodity( select one of the following: skinned and eviscerated leporidae cuts unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae、/p>

  (Abattoir( includes game handling establishments.

  Part II

  ? Meat of wild leporidae (rabbits and hares that do not contain offal, except in the case of unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae, meat of farmed rabbits, meat of wild land mammals, other than ungulates and leporidae, that do not contain offal.

  ? In the case of meat of wild leporidae (WL or meat of farmed rabbits (RM or meat of wild land mammals (WM?

  The signature and the seal must be in a different colour from that of the printing.

  Note for the importer: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection point.

  Official veterinarian

  Name (in capital letters(

  Qualification and title:




  +++++ TIFF +++++



  (as referred to in Article 6(/p>

  Correlation Table

  Decision 2000/585/EC | This Regulation |

  Article 2 | Article 1 |

   | Article 2 |

  Article 2a (a | Article 3 |

  Article 2a (b, c and d | Article 4 |

  Article 2b | Article 5 |

  Article 4? | Article 6 |

  Article 4? | Article 7 |

  Article 3 | Article 8 |


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