当前位置: 首页? 政策法规? 国外法规? 2002/214/EC 根据理事会指?5/53/EC制定2002年动物营养的协调检查方?On the coordinated inspection programmes in the field of animal nutrition for the year 2002 in accordance with Council Directive 95/53/EC)

2002/214/EC 根据理事会指?5/53/EC制定2002年动物营养的协调检查方?On the coordinated inspection programmes in the field of animal nutrition for the year 2002 in accordance with Council Directive 95/53/EC)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-05-11 01:18:44 来源9a href="http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32002H0214:EN:HTML" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">EUROPA浏览次数9span id="hits">3020
发布文号 2002/214/EC
发布日期 2002-03-13 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 该委员会建议各成员国建立2002年的协调监控方案,其中监控项目包括附录I列出的动物营养污染物的发生频率和浓度、附录II表格中关于国内和进口产品的检验数据、生产和使用动物源饲料原料的规章是否被遵守等内容、/td>


  Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

  Having regard to Council Directive 95/53/EC of 25 October 1995 fixing the principles governing the organisation of official inspections in the field of animal nutrition?? as last amended by Directive 2001/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council?? and in particular Article 22? thereof,


  ? The overall summary report on inspection activities carried out in the field of animal nutrition based on the information provided by the Member States concerning the implementation of the inspection programmes for 2000 does not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn. However, some issues have been identified as worthy of a coordinated programme to be carried out in 2002. In particular, reference is made to the need to monitor food safety related contamination of feedingstuffs.

  ? Member States' inspection services have identified a higher risk of dioxin contamination in trace elements and mineral feedingstuffs.

  ? They also identified a higher risk of contamination by heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury and by arsenic in trace elements and mineral feedingstuffs.

  ? Mycotoxin contamination of feedingstuffs, in particular by aflatoxin B1, deoxinivalenol (DON? zearalenone (ZEA and ochratoxin A (OTA? requires special attention in view of the development of the legislation concerning feed contaminants.

  ? Each of these matters should therefore be subject to coordinated inspection in 2002.

  ? Ensuring that the feed chain is not contaminated by agents of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies requires effective controls. Member States should therefore be invited to give priority to inspections verifying compliance with the restrictions on the use of materials of animal origin in feed materials.

  ? The measures set out in this recommendation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee for Feedingstuffs,


  1. Member States should carry out a coordinated inspection programme during 2002 to check the frequency of occurrence and concentrations of contaminants in animal nutrition as specified in Annex I.

  2. In reporting the results of the inspection programmes, figures on the products concerned should be provided detailing the amounts of national production and imports from third countries in the format set out in Annex II.

  3. Data on production and imports should be provided even when samples have not been taken and tested. When laboratory testing is carried out, the methods used and their respective specificity and sensitivity should be mentioned. The criteria used in deciding upon the compliance of tests should be reported.

  4. Without prejudice to Articles 3 to 13 and 15 of Directive 95/53/EC, Member States should undertake during 2002 a coordinated inspection programme to determine whether the restrictions on the production and use of feed materials of animal origin have been complied with. The results of this inspection programme should be communicated to the Commission using the format set out in Annex III.

  5. Member States should include the results of the coordinated inspection programmes as a specific chapter in the report on the annual control activities which must be submitted before 1 April 2003 under Article 22? of Directive 95/53/EC.

  Done at Brussels, 12 March 2002.

  For the Commission

  David Byrne

  Member of the Commission

  ? OJ L 265, 8.11.1995, p. 17.

  ? OJ L 234, 1.9.2001, p. 55.


  1. The Member States' coordinated inspection programme should cover the following contaminants:

  (a dioxins (PCDD/F(

  (b lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic;

  (c mycotoxins (aflatoxin, deoxinivalenol, ochratoxin A, zearalenone?

  2. It should cover occurrence and concentration of the contaminants referred to in point 1 in the following products used in animal nutrition:

  (a trace elements, including, in particular, zinc oxide, copper oxide, manganese and zinc sulphate;

  (b minerals, including in particular magnesium oxide and phosphates;

  (c feed materials;

  (d compound feedingstuffs (by means of random monitoring?




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