褰撳墠浣嶇疆: 棣栭〉 » 鏀跨瓥娉曡 » 鍥藉娉曡 »(EC) No 829/2007 灏辨煇浜涘姩鐗╁壇浜у搧鐨勪笂甯傦紝淇娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 1774/2002鐨勯檮褰旾銆両I銆乂II銆乂III銆乆鍜孹I

(EC) No 829/2007 灏辨煇浜涘姩鐗╁壇浜у搧鐨勪笂甯傦紝淇娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 1774/2002鐨勯檮褰旾銆両I銆乂II銆乂III銆乆鍜孹I

鎵弿浜岀淮鐮� 鍒嗕韩濂藉弸鍜屾湅鍙嬪湀
鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 2011-05-05 09:23:05  鏉ユ簮锛欵UROPA  娴忚娆℃暟锛�5771
鏍稿績鎻愮ず锛氬娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 1774/2002鐨勯檮褰旾銆両I銆乂II銆乂III銆乆鍜孹I鍏充簬鏌愪簺鍔ㄧ墿鍓骇鍝佺殑涓婂競杩涜浜嗕慨璁€€�
鍙戝竷鏂囧彿 (EC) No 829/2007
鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡 2007-07-21 鐢熸晥鏃ユ湡 2007-07-24
鏈夋晥鎬х姸鎬� 搴熸鏃ユ湡 鏆傛棤
澶囨敞 瀵规娲茶浼氬拰鐞嗕簨浼氭潯渚�(EC) No 1774/2002鐨勯檮褰旾銆両I銆乂II銆乂III銆乆鍜孹I鍏充簬鏌愪簺鍔ㄧ墿鍓骇鍝佺殑涓婂競杩涜浜嗕慨璁€€�

銆€銆€Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 829/2007

銆€銆€of 28 June 2007

銆€銆€amending Annexes I, II, VII, VIII, X and XI to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the placing on the market of certain animal by-products


銆€銆€Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

銆€銆€Having regard to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 October 2002 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption [1] and in particular the second paragraph of Article 28, the first subparagraph of Article 29锛�3锛� and Article 32锛�1锛�,


銆€銆€锛�1锛� Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 lays down animal and public health requirements for the importation into and transit through the Community of certain animal by-products and products derived there from. That Regulation provides for general hygiene requirements for the processing of Category 1, 2 and 3 materials and also sets out requirements for the placing on the market of those animal by-products and products derived therefrom including model health certificates for their importation into the Community.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Due to the threat of introduction of the small hive beetle into the Community, which is currently free of that parasite, it is necessary to lay down requirements for the importation of beeswax, intended for technical purposes, and also to amend the definition of apiculture products in Annex I to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002. Therefore, the relevant definition in Annex I to that Regulation, the import requirements laid down in Chapter IX of Annex VIII and the model health certificate set out in Chapter 13 of Annex X to that Regulation should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Chapter X of Annex II to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 lays down a model commercial document to accompany animal by-products and processed products during transportation. In order to improve the traceability of hides and skins during transportation, it is necessary to amend that model document. Annex II to that Regulation should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies [2] applies to the production and placing on the market of live animals and products of animal origin. It prohibits the feeding of processed animal protein to farmed animals which are kept, fattened or bred for the production of food.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� While that prohibition in Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 999/2001 remains in force, less stringent processing requirements as laid down in Chapter II of Annex VII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 than the current processing Method 1 should apply to processed animal protein derived from porcine blood, as there is no scientific indication of a risk of transmitting TSEs from pigs. It is necessary however for public and animal health reasons to introduce a minimum temperature requirement for the processing of porcine blood. Chapter II of Annex VII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�6锛� Chapter II A锛�1锛� of Annex VIII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 permits the use of parts of slaughtered animals which are fit for human consumption but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons in the manufacture of raw petfood within the Community. It appears that parts of such animals which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but which are not affected by any signs of disease communicable to humans or animals may also be safely used in petfood. Chapter II A 锛�1锛� and Chapter XI of Annex VIII to that Regulation, the latter providing for the respective provisions for the importation into the Community, should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�7锛� It is necessary to amend the existing model health certificates for the importation of hides and skins into the Community, in order to introduce some technical amendments. In the interest of clarity, the specific requirements for those products set out in Chapter VI of Annex VIII, and the model health certificates set out in Chapters 5锛圓锛�, 5锛圔锛� and 5锛圕锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�8锛� The European Food Safety Authority 锛圗FSA锛� in its Scientific Opinion on Animal health and welfare aspects of avian influenza, adopted on 13 and 14 September 2005, concluded that feathers should be treated before trade, in order to reduce the risk of the spread of avian influenza. Chapter VIII of Annex VIII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 lays down the permanent Community measures concerning the placing of the market and importation of feathers. In the light of that opinion and the current worldwide epidemiological situation regarding avian influenza, it is appropriate to amend the relevant Community measures for the importation and treatment of feathers prior to importation. Annex VIII to that Regulation should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�9锛� The relevant health certificate set out in Chapter 1 of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 for imports into the Community of processed animal protein, not intended for human consumption, and products other than petfood containing such protein should be amended accordingly in order to provide for equivalent processing possibilities for third countries as for the Community. Chapter I of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�10锛� Chapter 3锛圔锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 sets out the model health certificate for the importation into the Community of processed pet food, other than canned pet food. It appears that processed pet food is increasingly produced in third countries by mixing already processed ingredients which have individually been treated in compliance with the requirements of that Regulation. Heat treatment of such ingredients could have adverse effects on their nutritional qualities. Therefore, the importation into the Community of processed petfood consisting of such safe ingredients should be allowed and the model health certificate set out in Chapter 3锛圔锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�11锛� Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 provides that certain animal by-products for the manufacture of petfood may be imported into the Community although they contain material which has been derived from animals treated with certain prohibited substances. However, the importation into the Community of processed petfood, dogchews and flavouring innards containing such material is currently not allowed. Since it appears that the health risk is not higher when importing such material for the production of petfood within the Community than in case such material is an ingredient of imported processed pet food, dogchews and flavouring innards, the importation into the Community of these processed products containing such material should also be allowed. Therefore, the model health certificates set out in Chapters 3锛圓锛�, 3锛圔锛�, 3锛圕锛� and 3锛圗锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�12锛� Chapter 3锛圔锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 provides that the health certificate for processed pet food, other than canned petfood, must contain a certificate stating that the pet food was packed in new packaging, which bears labels indicating "not intended for human consumption". Council Directive 79/373/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the marketing of compound feedingstuffs [3] already provides for equivalent marking requirements which prevent unintentional or negligent misuse of such products for human consumption. The requirements for the model health certificate in Chapter 3锛圔锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should take account of that legislation and should, therefore, be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�13锛� Annex VIII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 lays down requirements for the placing on the market and importation into the Community of pet food, dogchews and technical products. Chapter II B锛�4锛� of that Annex provides that dogchews must have undergone a heat treatment during processing sufficient to destroy pathogenic organisms. Several Member States have requested to allow other treatments, during processing of dogchews, which provide equivalent safety guarantees. Therefore, Chapter II B锛�4锛� of Annex VIII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�14锛� Chapter 3锛圕锛� of Annex X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 sets out the model health certificate for the importation into the Community of dogchews. Since other treatments than heat treatment shall be allowed for the processing of dogchews within the Community, those other treatments should also be allowed for imported dogchews. Some dogchews are produced according to traditional methods from fish. Animal health considerations do not require a heat treatment in such case. Therefore, the model health certificate in Chapter 3锛圕锛� of Annex X to that Regulation should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�15锛� Chapter II B锛�6锛� of Annex VIII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 lays down microbiological standards applicable to raw petfood produced in the Community. Those standards should also be imposed on imports into the Community of raw petfood for direct sale and on animal by-products to be fed to farmed fur animals intended for dispatch to the Community. Chapter 3锛圖锛� of Annex X of that Regulation should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�16锛� Annex XI to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 sets out lists of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of animal by-products not intended for human consumption. Part XIII of that Annex provides for a list of third countries from which Member States may authorise the imports of serum of equidae. According to that part XIII, this list includes third countries referred to in Annex I to Commission Decision 2004/211/EC of 6 January 2004 establishing the list of third countries and parts of territory thereof from which Member States authorise imports of live equidae and semen, ova and embryos of the equine species, and amending Decisions 93/195/EECand 94/63/EC [4], from which the importation of equidae for slaughter is allowed.

銆€銆€锛�17锛� Serum of equidae may, however, be sourced from living animals. Therefore, the animal health status allowing for the inclusion of a third country in that list of third countries from which the importation of equidae for breeding and production is allowed should be sufficient to determine whether serum of equidae may be imported from this third country. That would, in particular, allow for the importation of serum of equidae from Mexico. Part XIII of Annex XI to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�18锛� Veterinary certificates shall be provided for in the format laid down in Commission Decision 2007/240/EC [5] regarding the adoption of harmonized templates for veterinary certificates related to the import into the European Community of live animals and products of animal origin. The commercial document laid down in Annex II, Chapter X to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 and the model health certificates laid down in Annex X to that Regulation should be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�19锛� A transitional period should be provided for after the date of entry into force of this Regulation, in order to allow for the continued importation into the Community of the animal by-products and products derived there from covered by Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 and accompanied by health certificates in compliance with that Regulation

銆€銆€锛�20锛� The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


銆€銆€Article 1

銆€銆€Annexes I, II, VII, VIII, X and XI to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 are amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.

銆€銆€Article 2

銆€銆€For a transitional period of six months from the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the commercial document set out in Annex II to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 and the model health certificates set out in Annex X to that Regulation, which where completed in conformity with the provisions applicable before the date of entry into force of the present Regulation, may continue to accompany the products covered by such documents or certificates.

銆€銆€Article 3

銆€銆€This Regulation shall enter into force and apply on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

銆€銆€This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

銆€銆€Done at Brussels, 28 June 2007.

銆€銆€For the Commission

銆€銆€Markos Kyprianou

銆€銆€Member of the Commission

銆€銆€[1] OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 2007/2006 锛圤J L 379, 28.12.2006, p. 98锛�.

銆€銆€[2] OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1923/2006 锛圤J L 404, 30.12.2006, p. 1锛�.

銆€銆€[3] OJ L 86, 6.4.1979, p. 30. Directive as last amended by Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 807/2003 锛圤J L 122, 16.5.2003, p. 36锛�.

銆€銆€[4] OJ L 73, 11.3.2004, p. 1. Decision as amended by Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1792/2006 锛圤J L 362, 20.12.2006, p. 1锛�.

銆€銆€[5] OJ L 104, 21.4.2007, p. 37.



銆€銆€The Annexes to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 are amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� Annex I is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� point 1 is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"1. "apiculture by-products" means honey, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis or pollen not intended for human consumption;";

銆€銆€锛坆锛� point 42 is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"42. "processed animal protein" means animal protein derived entirely from Category 3 material, which have been treated in accordance with Chapter II of Annex VII so as to render them suitable for direct use as feed material or for any other use in feedingstuffs, including petfood, or for use in organic fertilisers or soil improvers; however, it does not include blood products, milk, milk-based products, colostrum, gelatine, hydrolysed proteins and dicalcium phosphate, eggs and egg-products, tricalcium phosphate and collagen;".

銆€銆€锛�2锛� In Annex II, Chapter X is replaced by the following:


銆€銆€Commercial document

銆€銆€1. The following commercial document shall accompany animal by-products and processed products during transportation. However, Member States may decide to use a different commercial document, in paper or in electronic form, for animal by-products and processed products transported within the same Member State provided that such commercial document complies with the requirements laid down in Chapter III锛�2锛�.

銆€銆€2. Where more than one transporter is involved, each transporter shall fill in a declaration as referred to in point 7 of the commercial document, which shall be part of the document.



銆€銆€锛坅锛� Commercial documents shall be produced, according to the layout of the model appearing in this Annex. It shall contain, in the numbered order that appears in the model, the attestations that are required for the transportation of animal by-products and processed products derived there from.

銆€銆€锛坆锛� It shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of the MemberState of origin or the MemberState of destination, as appropriate. However, it may also be drawn up in other official Community languages, if accompanied by an official translation or if previously agreed by the competent authority of the MemberState of destination.

銆€銆€锛坈锛� The commercial document must be produced at least in triplicate 锛坥ne original document and two copies锛�. The original document must accompany the consignment to its final destination. The receiver must retain it. The producer must retain one of the copies and the carrier the other.

銆€銆€锛坉锛� The original of each commercial document shall consist of a single page, both sides, or, where more text is required it shall be in such a form that all pages needed are part of an integrated whole and indivisible.

銆€銆€锛坋锛� If for reasons of identification of the items of the consignment, additional pages are attached to the commercial document, these pages shall also be considered as forming part of the original document by the application of the signature of the person responsible for the consignment, on each of the pages.

銆€銆€锛坒锛� When the commercial document, including additional pages referred to in 锛坋锛�, comprises more than one page, each page shall be numbered — 锛坧age number锛� of 锛坱otal number of pages锛� — at the bottom and shall bear the code number of the document that has been designated by the responsible person at the top.

銆€銆€锛坓锛� The original of the commercial document must be completed and signed by the responsible person. In doing so, the responsible person shall ensure that the principles of documentation as laid down in Chapter III of Annex II to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 are followed. The commercial document must specify:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� the date on which the material was taken from the premises;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� the description of the material, including the identification of the material, the animal species for Category 3 material and processed products derived therefrom destined for use as feed material and, if applicable, the ear-tag number of the animal;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� the quantity of the material;

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� the place of origin of the material;

銆€銆€锛坴锛� the name and the address of the carrier of the material;

銆€銆€锛坴i锛� the name and the address of the receiver and, if applicable, its approval number; and

銆€銆€锛坴ii锛� if appropriate, the approval number of the plant of origin, and the nature and the methods of the treatment.

銆€銆€锛坔锛� The colour of the signature of the responsible person shall be different to that of the printing.

銆€銆€锛坕锛� The commercial document must be kept for a period of at least two years for presentation to the competent authority to verify the records referred to in Article 9 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002.

銆€銆€锛坖锛� Where Member States decide to use a commercial document in electronic form, the requirements listed in points 锛坅锛� to 锛坕锛� shall be complied with as appropriate for such electronic form.

銆€銆€Commercial document

銆€銆€For the transportation within the European Community of animal by-products and processed products not intended for human consumption in accordance with Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�2锛�


銆€銆€Commercial document

銆€銆€Part I : Details of consignment presented

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Document reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. Local reference number:


銆€銆€I.3. Central competent authority

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.4. Local competent authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. …



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.7. …

銆€銆€I.8. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.9. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.10. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.11. Region of destination

銆€銆€I.12. Place of origin





銆€銆€I.13. Place of destination



銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.14. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.15. Date and time of departure

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.16. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.17. Transporter




銆€銆€Approval number

銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Member State

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圕N code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Number/quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of products




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. Transit through third country

銆€銆€I.27. Transit through Member States

銆€銆€Third country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€Member State

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€Exit point


銆€銆€Member State

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€Entry point

銆€銆€BIP unit No:

銆€銆€Member State

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Export

銆€銆€I.29. …

銆€銆€Third country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€Exit point


銆€銆€I.30. …

銆€銆€I.31. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity


銆€銆€Treatment type

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Animal by-products/processed products not intended for human consumption

銆€銆€Part II: Declaration

銆€銆€II.a. Document reference number

銆€銆€II.b. Local reference number

銆€銆€II.1. Declaration by the consignor

銆€銆€I, the undersigned, declare that:

銆€銆€II.1.1. A label attached to the container/carton/other packaging material carries the following indication 锛�1锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� the Category of the animal by-products 锛坰ee box reference I.31: Category锛�;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� in the case of processed products, the Category of animal by-products from which the processed products were derived 锛坰ee box reference I.31: Category锛�;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� 锛坕锛� in the case of Category 3 material, the words ‘not for human consumption’锛� …

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� in the case of Category 2 material, other than manure and digestive tract content and processed products derived therefrom, the words ‘not for animal consumption’锛�

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� in the case of Category 2 material intended for feeding of animals referred to in point 锛坈锛� of Article 23锛�2锛� under the conditions provided for in that Article of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�2锛�, the words “for feeding to …” completed with the name of the specific species of those animal锛坰锛� for the feeding of which the material is intended; …

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� in the case of manure and digestive tract content, the word “manure”锛� or

銆€銆€锛坴锛� in the case of Category 1 material and processed products derived therefrom, the words “for disposal only”锛�

銆€銆€II.1.2. in the case where the packaging is done by the consignor the animal by-products and/or processed products are:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� either [in sealed new packaging;]

銆€銆€锛�1锛� or [transported in bulk in covered leak-proof containers or vehicles or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and dry before use;]

銆€銆€II.1.3. in the case of treatment,

銆€銆€锛坅锛� hides and skins have been treated in accordance with “note Part I, box reference I.31: Treatment type” to this document; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� the consignment has not been in contact with other animal products or live animals presenting a risk of spreading a serious transmissible disease;

銆€銆€II.1.4. the animal by-products and/or processed products were stored properly prior to loading and dispatch;

銆€銆€II.1.5. all precautions have been taken to avoid contamination of the animal by-products or processed products with pathogenic agents and cross-contamination between various Categories.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.9 and I.11: if appropriate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.14: complete if different from “I.1. Consignor”銆�

銆€銆€— Box reference I.31:

銆€銆€Animal species: For Category 3 material and processed products derived therefrom destined for use as feed material.

銆€銆€Nature of commodity: Enter unprocessed animal by-product or processed product chosen among the following list: “apiculture products”锛� “blood products”锛� “blood”锛� “bloodmeal”锛� “canned petfood”锛� “digestion residues”锛� “digestive tract content”锛� “dogchews”锛� “fishmeal”锛� “gelatin”锛� “greaves”锛� “hides and skins”锛� “hydrolysed proteins”锛� “organic fertilizers”锛� “petfood”锛� “processed animal protein”锛� “processed petfood”锛� “processed products”锛� “raw petfood”锛� “rendered fats”銆�

銆€銆€Category: Categories 1, 2 or 3. In case of Category 3, specify which letter from a to k 锛坅s under Article 6, paragraph 1 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002锛�:

銆€銆€In the case of animal by-product for use in raw petfood indicate 3a or 3b whether the animal by-products derive from:

銆€銆€Category 3a, Article 6锛�1锛夛紙a锛� i.e. parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons; or

銆€銆€Category 3b, Article 6锛�1锛夛紙b锛� i.e. parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€In the case of hides and skins and processed products derived there from, indicate 3c or 3k whether the animal by-products derive from:

銆€銆€Category 3c, Article 6锛�1锛夛紙c锛� i.e. hides and skins originating from animals that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€Category 3k, Article 6锛�1锛夛紙k锛� i.e. hides and skins originating from animals that did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Where the consignment is made of more than one Category, indicate the quantity and if applicable the number of containers per Category of materials.

銆€銆€Treatment type: For treated hides and skins, which 锛坅锛� are not fulfilling the requirements of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 853/2004 of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin 锛圤J No L226, 25.6.2004, p. 22锛� or 锛坆锛� have not undergone the complete process of tanning or 锛坈锛� are not ‘wet blue’锛� or 锛坉锛� are not ‘pickled pelts’ or 锛坋锛� are not limed 锛坱reated with lime and in brine at a pH of 12 to 13 for at least eight hours锛�: enter treatment among the following: 锛坅锛� dried; 锛坆锛� dry-salted or wet-salted for at least 14 days prior to dispatch; 锛坈锛� salted for seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % sodium carbonate; or 锛坉锛� preserved by a process other than tanning specified in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 33锛�2锛� of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002.

銆€銆€For Category 3 materials and processed products derived therefrom destined for use as feed: if appropriate describe the nature and the methods of the treatment.

銆€銆€Batch number: enter batch number or ear tag number if applicable.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€The signature must be in a different colour to that of the printing


銆€銆€Done at … on …




銆€銆€锛坰ignature of the responsible person/consignor锛�


銆€銆€锛坣ame, in capital letters锛�

銆€銆€Declaration by the transporter

銆€銆€I, the undersigned, declare that:

銆€銆€II.2.1. in the case where the packaging is done by the transporter, the animal by-products and/or processed products are:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� either [ in sealed new packaging;]

銆€銆€锛�1锛� or [transported in bulk in covered leak-proof containers or vehicles or other means of transport that were clean and dry before use and cleaned, washed and disinfected after each use;]

銆€銆€II.2.2. all precautions have been taken:

銆€銆€— to avoid contamination of the animal by-products or processed products with pathogenic agents and cross-contamination between various Categories during transportation, and

銆€銆€— to ensure transportation under appropriate temperature to avoid risk to animal or public health.


銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the transporters: This document must accompany the consignment 锛�*锛� from the place of loading for dispatch until it reaches the point of destination.

銆€銆€锛�*锛� “Consignment” means “a quantity of products of the same type, which may contain different Categories of animal by-products, coming from the same consignor and covered by the same commercial document conveyed by the same means of transport to the same recipient.”


銆€銆€Done at … on …




銆€銆€锛坰ignature of the responsible person/transporter锛�


銆€銆€锛坣ame, in capital letters锛�’

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€锛�3锛� In Annex VII, Chapter II, paragraph A锛�1锛�, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"Mammalian processed animal protein must have been submitted to processing method 1. However, porcine blood may be submitted to any of processing methods 1 to 5 or to processing method 7 provided that in the case of processing method 7, a heat treatment throughout its substance at a minimum temperature of 80 °C has been applied.".

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Annex VIII is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� Chapter II is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� paragraph A锛�1锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"1. The only animal by-products that may be used to produce petfood and dogchews are those referred to in Article 6锛�1锛夛紙a锛� to 锛坖锛�. However, raw petfood may only be manufactured from animal by-products referred to in Article 6锛�1锛夛紙a锛� or Article 6锛�1锛夛紙b锛�.";

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� paragraph B锛�4锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"4. Dogchews must be subjected to a treatment during processing sufficient to destroy pathogenic organisms, including salmonella.

銆€銆€After that treatment, every precaution must be taken to ensure that such dogchews are not exposed to contamination. The dogchews must be packed in new packaging.";

銆€銆€锛坆锛� Chapter III is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� paragraph I锛圓锛夛紙3锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"3. Unprocessed manure of equidae which is traded must not originate from a holding subject to animal health restrictions pertaining to glanders, vesicular stomatitis, anthrax or rabies in accordance with Article 4 锛�5锛� of Directive 90/426/EEC.";

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� paragraph I锛圔锛夛紙4锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"4. The importation of unprocessed manure is prohibited.";

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� paragraph II锛圔锛夛紙6锛夛紙d锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"锛坉锛� are accompanied by a health certificate that conforms to the model laid down in Chapter 17 of Annex X.";

銆€銆€锛坈锛� Chapter VI is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in A, paragraph 锛�1锛夛紙a锛� is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"锛坅锛� to hides and skins of ungulates complying with the requirements of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 853/2004 of 29 April 2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin [*]

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� in B, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"3. Trade in fresh or chilled hides and skins is subject to the same health conditions as those applicable to fresh meat pursuant to Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption [**].

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� in C, paragraph 5锛坆锛�, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"锛坆锛� they come from a third country or, in the case of regionalisation in accordance with Community legislation, from a part of a third country, appearing on the list set out in Part XIV锛圓锛� of Annex XI and which, as appropriate to the species concerned:";

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� in C, paragraphs 6锛坆锛� to 锛坋锛� are replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"锛坆锛� they come either from:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� a third country or, in the case of regionalisation in accordance with Community legislation, from a part of a third country, appearing on the list set out in Part XIV锛圔锛� of Annex XI from which imports of fresh meat of the corresponding species are authorised and they have been treated in accordance with paragraph 2锛坅锛�, 锛坆锛� and 锛坈锛� of A; or

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� a third country appearing on the list set out in Part XIV锛圔锛� of Annex XI and they have been treated in accordance with paragraph 2锛坈锛� or 锛坉锛� of A; or

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� equidae or ruminant animals from a third country appearing on the list set out in Part XIV锛圕锛� of Annex XI, which have been treated in accordance with paragraph 2锛坅锛�, 锛坆锛� and 锛坈锛� of A and after treatment have been kept separate for at least 21 days;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� in the case of salted hides and skins transported by ship, they have been treated in accordance with paragraphs 2锛坆锛� or 锛坈锛� of A and have been kept separated after treatment during transportation for at least 14 days in the case of paragraph 锛坆锛� or seven days in the case of paragraph 锛坈锛� before importation and the health certificate accompanying the consignment attests such treatment and the duration of the transportation; and

銆€銆€锛坉锛� a health certificate conforming to the model health certificate laid down in Chapter 5锛圔锛� of Annex X, or, in the case of hides and skins referred to in paragraph 6锛坆锛夛紙iii锛� of C of this Annex, an official declaration conforming to the model laid down in Chapter 5 锛圕锛� of Annex X, accompanies them.";

銆€銆€锛坉锛� Chapter VIII is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in B, paragraph 4, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"Member States must authorise the importation of unprocessed wool and hair, if they are:";

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� in B, the following paragraph 5 is added:

銆€銆€"5. The importation of unprocessed feathers and parts of feathers is prohibited.

銆€銆€Member States must authorise the importation of processed feathers and parts of feathers if:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� they are treated decorative feathers, treated feathers carried by travellers for their private use or consignments of treated feathers sent to private individuals for non-industrial purposes; or

銆€銆€锛坆锛� they are accompanied by a commercial document stating that the feathers or parts of feathers have been treated with a steam current or by another method ensuring the inactivation of pathogens and are securely enclosed in packaging and dry.";

銆€銆€锛坋锛� Chapter IX is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in A, paragraph 1, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"1. Apiculture by-products intended exclusively for use in apiculture must:";

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� in B, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"3. Member States must authorise the importation of apiculture by-products, other than beeswax in the form of honeycomb, intended for use in apiculture if they:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� come from third countries that appear on the list in Part XII of Annex XI;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� either:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� have been subjected to a temperature of –12 °C or lower for at least 24 hours; or

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� in the case of wax, the material has been refined or rendered before importation; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� are accompanied by a health certificate that conforms to the model set out in Chapter 13 of Annex X.";

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� in B, the following paragraphs 4 and 5 are added:

銆€銆€"4. Member States must authorise the importation of beeswax for technical purposes, other than beeswax in the form of honeycomb, if it:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been refined or rendered before importation; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� is accompanied by a commercial document attesting that refinement or rendering.

銆€銆€5. The importation of beeswax in the form of honeycomb shall be prohibited.";

銆€銆€锛坒锛� Chapter XI is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in point 2, the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"however, animal by-products for use in feed for farmed fur animals or for use in raw petfood must consist of animal by-products referred to in Article 6锛�1锛夛紙a锛� and 锛坆锛� only;";

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"6. are accompanied by a certificate that conforms to one of the models set out in Chapter 3锛圖锛�, 3锛團锛� or 8 of Annex X.".

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Annex X is replaced as follows:


銆€銆€"ANNEX X



銆€銆€锛坅锛� Veterinary certificates shall be produced by the exporting country, based on the models appearing in this Annex X, according to the layout of the model that corresponds to the animal by-products concerned. They shall contain, in the numbered order that appears in the model, the attestations that are required for any third country and, as the case may be, those supplementary guarantees that are required for the exporting third country or part thereof.

銆€銆€锛坆锛� The original of each certificate shall consist of a single page, both sides, or, where more text is required, it shall be in such a form that all pages needed are part of an integrated whole and indivisible.

銆€銆€锛坈锛� It shall be drawn up in at least one of the official languages of the EU Member State in which the inspection at the border post shall be carried out and of the EU Member State of destination. However, these Member States may allow other languages, accompanied, if necessary, by an official translation.

銆€銆€锛坉锛� If for reasons of identification of the items of the consignment, additional pages are attached to the certificate, these pages shall also be considered as forming part of the original of the certificate by the application of the signature and stamp of the certifying official veterinarian, in each of the pages.

銆€銆€锛坋锛� When the certificate, including additional schedules referred to in d锛�, comprises more than one page, each page shall be numbered — 锛坧age number锛� of 锛坱otal number of pages锛� — on its bottom and shall bear the code number of the certificate that has been designated by the competent authority on its top.

銆€銆€锛坒锛� The original of the certificate must be completed and signed by an official veterinarian. In doing so, the competent authorities of the exporting country shall ensure that the principles of certification equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 96/93/EC are followed.

銆€銆€锛坓锛� The colour of the signature shall be different to that of the printing. The same rule applies to stamps other than those embossed or watermark.

銆€銆€锛坔锛� The original of the certificate must accompany the consignment at the EU border inspection post.

銆€銆€锛坕锛� If health certificates are used for consignments in transit, box No I.5 锛圕onsignee锛� of the relevant health certificate shall be completed with the name and address of the border inspection post through which the consignment is intended to leave the European Community.


銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For processed animal protein not intended for human consumption, including mixtures and products other than petfood containing such protein, for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number



銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Processed animal protein not intended for human consumption including mixtures and products other than petfood containing such protein

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VII Chapter II thereof and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. the processed animal protein or product described above contains exclusively processed animal protein not intended for human consumption that:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�2锛� and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcases that were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent antemortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent antemortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]


銆€銆€锛坈锛� has been subjected to the following processing standard:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [heating to a core temperature of more than 133 °C for at least 20 minutes without interruption at a pressure 锛坅bsolute锛� of at least 3 bars produced by saturated steam, with a particle size prior to processing of not more than 50 millimetres;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in the case of non-mammalian protein other than fishmeal, the processing method …… as set out in Annex V, Chapter III, of Regulation 锛圗C锛� 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in the case of fishmeal the processing method …… as set out in Annex V, Chapter III, of Regulation 锛圗C锛� 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in the case of porcine blood, the processing method……as set out in Annex V, Chapter III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, where in case of method 7 a heat treatment of at least 80 °C has been applied throughout its substance;]

銆€銆€II.2. the competent authority examined a random sample immediately prior to dispatch and found it to comply with the following standards 锛�3锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: Absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 g;

銆€銆€II.3. the end product:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [was packed in new or sterilised bags;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [was transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use,]

銆€銆€which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”

銆€銆€II.4. the end product was stored in enclosed storage;

銆€銆€II.5. the product has undergone all precautions to avoid recontamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.05; 05.06; 05.07 or 23.01

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 2锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For milk and milk-based products, which have undergone a single heat treatment and are not intended for human consumption for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�3锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Milk and milk-based products, which have undergone a single heat treatment

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. …… 锛坋xporting country锛�, …… 锛坮egion锛� 锛�2锛�, has been free from foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest for 12 months immediately prior to export and has not practiced vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest in the 12 months immediately prior to export;

銆€銆€II.2. the milk and milk-based product referred to in this certificate:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been prepared from raw milk that comes from animals:

銆€銆€— not showing clinical signs of a diseases that can be transmitted through the milk to humans or animals, and

銆€銆€— belonging to holdings that are not under official restriction due to footandmouth disease or rinderpest; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� has undergone a process involving heating to …… 锛坱emperature锛� for …… 锛坱ime锛�, which ensured a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by, in the case of dried milk or dried milk-based product, a drying process;

銆€銆€II.3. every precaution was taken to avoid contamination of the milk/milkbased product after processing;

銆€銆€II.4. the milk/milk-based product was packed:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [in new containers;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [in vehicles or bulk containers disinfected prior to loading using a product approved by the competent authority;]

銆€銆€and the containers are marked so as to indicate the nature of the milk/milk-based product and bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 23.09.10; 23.09.90; 35.01; 35.02 or 35.04.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment or processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� For completion if the authorisation to import into the Community is restricted to certain regions of the third country concerned.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 2锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For heat-treated milk-based products with a pH reduced to less than 6 not intended for human consumption and for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Further process

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Heat-treated milk-based products with a pH reduced to less than 6

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. the milk-based product referred to in this certificate:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been prepared from raw milk that comes from animals:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� not showing clinical signs of a diseases that can be transmitted through the milk to humans or animals; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� belonging to holdings that are not under official restriction due to foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� has undergone a process involving heating to …… 锛坱emperature锛� for …… 锛坱ime锛�, which ensured a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by, in the case of dried milk or dried milk-based product, a drying process; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� has undergone an acidification process whereby its pH has been maintained at less than 6 for at least one hour;

銆€銆€II.2. every precaution was taken to avoid contamination of the milk-based product after processing;

銆€銆€II.3. the milk-based product was packed:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [in new containers;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in vehicles or bulk containers disinfected prior to loading using a product approved by the competent authority;]

銆€銆€and the containers are marked so as to indicate the nature of the milk-based product and bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 23.09.10; 23.09.90; 35.01; 35.02 or 35.04.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment or processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 2锛圕锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For milk and milk-based products, which have undergone a sterilisation or a double heat treatment and are not intended for human consumption, for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Further process

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Milk and milk-based products, which have undergone a sterilisation or a double heat treatment

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. the milk/milk-based product referred to in this certificate:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been prepared from raw milk that comes from animals:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� not showing clinical signs of a diseases that can be transmitted through the milk to humans or animals; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� belonging to holdings that are not under official restriction due to footandmouth disease or rinderpest; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� has undergone:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坕锛� a sterilisation process whereby an Fc value equal to or greater that 3 is achieved;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坕i锛� an initial process involving heating to …… 锛坱emperature锛� for …… 锛坱ime锛�, which ensured a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by a further process involving heating to …… 锛坱emperature锛� for …… 锛坱ime锛�, which ensured a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed, in the case of dried milk, or dried milk-based products, by a drying process;]

銆€銆€II.2. every precaution was taken to avoid contamination of the milk/milk-based product after processing;

銆€銆€II.3. the milk/milk-based product was packed:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [in new containers;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in vehicles or bulk containers disinfected prior to loading using a product approved by the competent authority;]

銆€銆€and the containers are marked so as to indicate the nature of the milk/milk-based product and bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 23.09.10; 23.09.90; 35.01; 35.02 or 35.04.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment or processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For canned petfood intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number



銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Canned Petfood

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter II thereof and certify that the petfood described above:

銆€銆€II.1. has been prepared and stored in a plant approved and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 18 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.2. has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcases that were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent antemortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— raw milk originating from animals that do not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— material from animals which have been treated with certain substances which are prohibited pursuant to Directive 96/22/EC, the import of the material being permitted in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002];

銆€銆€II.3. has been subjected to heat treatment to a minimum Fc value of 3 in hermetically sealed containers;

銆€銆€II.4. was analysed by a random sampling of at least five containers from each processed batch by laboratory diagnostic methods to ensure adequate heat treatment of the whole consignment as foreseen under point II.3;

銆€銆€II.5. has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For processed petfood other than canned petfood, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities


銆€銆€Approval number of establishments

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Processed petfood other than canned petfood

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter II thereof and certify that the petfood described above:

銆€銆€II.1. has been prepared and stored in a plant approved and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 18 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.2. has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcases that were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— raw milk originating from animals that do not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— material from animals which have been treated with certain substances which are prohibited pursuant to Directive 96/22/EC, the import of the material being permitted in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]


銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [was subjected to a heat treatment of at least 90 °C throughout its substance;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [was produced as regards ingredients of animal origin using exclusively products which had been

銆€銆€锛坅锛� in the case of meat or meat products subjected to a heat treatment of at least 90 °C throughout its substance;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� in the case of milk and milk based products,

銆€銆€锛坕锛� if they are from third countries or parts of third countries listed in column B of Annex I to Decision 2004/438/EC 锛�3锛� submitted to a pasteurisation treatment sufficient to produce a negative phosphatase test;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� with a pH reduced to less than 6 from third countries or parts of third countries listed in column C of Annex I to Decision 2004/438/EC, first submitted to a pasteurisation treatment sufficient to produce a negative phosphatase test;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� if they are from third countries or parts of third countries listed in column C of Annex I to Decision 2004/438/EC, submitted to a sterilisation process or a double heat treatment where each treatment was sufficient to produce a negative phosphatase test on its own;

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� if they are from third countries or parts of third countries listed in column C of Annex I to Decision 2004/438/EC where there has been an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the last 12 months or where vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease has been carried out in the last 12 months submitted to:


銆€銆€— a sterilisation process whereby an Fc value equal or greater than 3 is achieved,


銆€銆€— an initial heat treatment with a heating effect at least equal to that achieved by a pasteurisation process of at least 72 °C for at least 15 seconds and sufficient to produce a negative reaction to a phosphatase test, followed by


銆€銆€— a second heat treatment with a heating effect at least equal to that achieved by the initial heat treatment, and which would be sufficient to produce a negative reaction to a phosphatase test, followed, in the case of dried milk, or dried milk-based products by a drying process,


銆€銆€— an acidification process such that the pH has been maintained at less than 6 for at least one hour;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� in the case of gelatine, produced using a process that ensures that unprocessed Category 3 material is subjected to a treatment with acid or alkali, followed by one or more rinses with subsequent adjustment of the pH and subsequent, if necessary repeated, extraction by heat, followed by purification by means of filtration and sterilisation;

銆€銆€锛坉锛� in the case of hydrolysed protein produced using a production process involving appropriate measures to minimise contamination of raw Category 3 material, using only material with a molecular weight below 10 000 Dalton and, in the case of hydrolysed protein entirely or partly derived from ruminant hides and skins produced in a processing plant dedicated only to hydrolysed protein production, using a process involving the preparation of raw Category 3 material by brining, liming and intensive washing followed by

銆€銆€锛坕锛� exposure of the material to a pH of more than 11 for more than three hours at a temperature of more than 80 °C and subsequently by heat treatment at more than 140 oC for 30 minutes at more than 3,6 bar; or

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� exposure of the material to a pH of 1 to 2, followed by a pH of more than 11, followed by heat treatment at 140° C for 30 minutes at 3 bar;

銆€銆€锛坋锛� in the case of egg products submitted to any of the processing methods 1 to 5 or 7, as referred to in Annex V Chapter III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002; or treated in accordance with Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 853/2004 锛�4锛�;

銆€銆€锛坒锛� in the case of collagen submitted to a process ensuring that unprocessed Category 3 material is subjected to a treatment involving washing, pH adjustment using acid or alkali followed by one or more rinses, filtration and extrusion, the use of preservatives other than those permitted by Community legislation being prohibited;

銆€銆€锛坓锛� in the case of blood products, produced using any of the processing methods 1 to 5 or 7, as referred to in Annex V Chapter III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€锛坔锛� in the case of mammalian processed animal protein submitted to any of the processing methods 1 to 5 or 7 and, in the case of porcine blood, submitted to any of the processing methods 1 to 5 or 7 provided that in the case of method 7 a heat treatment throughout its substance at a minimum temperature of 80 °C has been applied;

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in the case of non-mammalian processed protein with the exclusion of fishmeal submitted to any of the processing methods 1 to 5 or 7 as referred to in Annex V Chapter III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€锛坘锛� in the case of fishmeal submitted to any of the processing methods or to a method and parameters which ensure that the products complies with the microbiological standards set in Annex VII Chapter I paragraph 10 to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€锛坙锛� in the case of rendered fat, including fish oils, submitted to processing methods 1 to 5 or 7 锛坅nd method 6 in the case of fish oil锛� as referred to in Annex V Chapter III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 or produced in accordance with Chapter II of Section XII of Annex III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 853/2004 锛�4锛�; rendered fats from ruminant animals must be purified in such a way that the maximum level of remaining total insoluble impurities does not excess 0,15 % in weight;

銆€銆€锛坢锛� in the case of dicalcium phosphate produced by a process that

銆€銆€锛坕锛� ensures that all Category 3 bone-material is finely crushed and degreased with hot water and treated with dilute hydrochloric acid 锛坅t a minimum concentration of 4 % and a pH of less than 1,5锛� over a period of at least two days;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� following the procedure under 锛坕锛�, applies a treatment of the obtained phosphoric liquor with lime, resulting in a precipitate of dicalcium phosphate at pH 4 to 7; and

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� finally, air dries the precipitate of dicalcium phosphate with inlet temperature of 65 °C to 325 °C and end temperature between 30 °C and 65 °C;

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛坣锛� in the case of tricalcium phosphate produced by a process that ensures

銆€銆€锛坕锛� that all Category 3 bone-material is finely crushed and degreased in counter-flow with hot water 锛坆one chips less than 14 mm锛�;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� continuous cooking with steam at 145 °C during 30 minutes at 4 bar;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� separation of the protein broth from the hydroxyapatite 锛坱ricalciuum phosphate锛� by centrifugation; and

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� granulation of the tricalcium phosphate after drying in a fluid bed with air at 200 °C];

銆€銆€II.4. was analysed by a random sampling of at least five samples from each processed batch taken during or after storage at the processing plant and complies with the following standards 锛�5锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram;

銆€銆€II.5. has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment;

銆€銆€II.6. was packed in new packaging, which, if the petfood is not dispatched in ready-to-sale packages on which it is clearly indicated that the content is destined for feeding to pets only, bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55. Corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛圕锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For dogchews intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor



銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …

銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++



銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter II thereof and certify that the dogchews described above:

銆€銆€II.1. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 18 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.2. have been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— material from animals which have been treated with certain substances which are prohibited pursuant to Directive 96/22/EC, the import of the material being permitted in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002];

銆€銆€II.3. have been subjected:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [in the case of dogchews made from hides and skins of ungulates or from fish, to a treatment sufficient to destroy pathogenic organisms 锛坕ncluding salmonella锛�; and the dogchews are dry];

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in the case of dogchews made from animal by-products other than hides and skins of ungulates or from fish, to a heat treatment of at least 90 °C throughout their substance;]

銆€銆€II.4. were examined by random sampling of at least five samples from each processed batch taken during or after storage at the processing plant and complies with the following standards 锛�3锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram;

銆€銆€II.5. have undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment;

銆€銆€II.6. were packed in new packaging.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛圖锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For raw petfood for direct sale or animal by-products to be fed to farmed fur animals, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�*锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Raw petfood for direct sale or animal by products to be fed to farmed fur animals

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter II thereof and certify that the raw petfood or animal by-product described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of animal by-products that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist of animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� derived from meat which satisfies the relevant animal and public health requirements laid down in:

銆€銆€— Council Decision 79/542/EEC 锛�2锛� and provided the animals from which the meat is derived come from a territory or part of a territory …… 锛圛SO code锛� as listed in that Decision which has been free of foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, classical swine fever, African swine fever and swine vesicular disease for the last 12 months and where no vaccination has taken place during that time 锛坥nly as relevant for the susceptible species锛�,

銆€銆€— and/or Commission Decision 2006/696/EC 锛�3锛�, and provided the animals from which the meat is derived come from a territory or part of a territory …… 锛圛SO code锛� as listed in that Decision which has been free from Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza for the last 12 months,

銆€銆€— and/or Commission Decision 2000/585/EC 锛�4锛�, and provided the animals from which the meat is derived come from a territory or part of a territory …… 锛圛SO code锛� as listed which has been free from foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza for the last 12 months and where no vaccination has taken place during that time 锛坥nly as relevant for the susceptible species锛�;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� derived from animals that, at the slaughterhouse, have passed the ante-mortem health inspection during the 24 hours before the slaughter and have shown no evidence of the diseases referred in the Decisions above for which the animals are susceptible; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� derived from animals that have been treated in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing in accordance with the relevant provisions of Council Directive 93/119/EC 锛�5锛� on animal welfare;

銆€銆€II.3. consist only of the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons, and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€II.4. have been obtained and prepared without contact with other material not complying with the conditions required in the Decisions above, and it has been handled so as to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.5. have been packed in final packaging which bear labels indicating “RAW PETFOOD — NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” or “ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS FOR FEED FOR FUR ANIMALS — NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” and then in leak-proof and officially sealed boxes/containers or in new packaging preventing any leakage and officially sealed boxes/containers which bear labels indicating “RAW PETFOOD — NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” or “ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS FOR FEED FOR FUR ANIMALS — NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”锛� the name and the address of the establishment of destination;

銆€銆€II.6. in the case of raw petfood:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� have been prepared and stored in a plant approved and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 18 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� were examined by random sampling of at least five samples from each batch taken during storage 锛坆efore dispatch锛� and complies with the following standards 锛�6锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriacae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.11.91; 05.11.99 or 23.09.90.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Nature of commodity: select raw petfood or animal by-product.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�*锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p.1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Council Decision 79/542/EEC of 21 December 1976 drawing up a list of third countries or parts of third countries, and laying down animal and public health and veterinary certification conditions, for importation into the Community of certain live animals and their fresh meat.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� OJ L 295, 25.10.2006, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Commission Decision 2000/585/EC of 7 September 2000 laying down animal and public health conditions and veterinary certifications for import of wild and farmed game meat and rabbit meat from third countries and repealing Commission Decisions 97/217/EC, 97/218/EC, 97/219/EC and 97/220/EC. OJ L 251, 6.10.2000, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Council Directive 93/119/EC of 22 December 1993 on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter or killing. OJ L 340, 31.12.1993, p. 21.

銆€銆€锛�6锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛圗锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For flavouring innards for use in the manufacture of petfood, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Flavouring innards for use in the manufacture of petfood

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter XIV thereof and certify that the flavouring innards products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of animal by-products that satisfy the animal health requirement below;

銆€銆€II.2. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 18 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared including the following animal by-products which are exclusively:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which were rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcases that were fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, underwent ante-mortem inspection and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— raw milk originating from animals that do not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— material from animals which have been treated with certain substances which are prohibited pursuant to Directive 96/22/EC, the import of the material being permitted in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€II.4. have been subjected to processing in accordance with Annex VIII, Chapter XIV of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.5. have been examined by the competent authority taking a random sample immediately prior to dispatch and found it to comply with the following standards 锛�3锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram;

銆€銆€II.6. the end product was:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [packed in new or sterilised bags;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use;]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”锛�

銆€銆€II.7. the end product was stored in enclosed storage;

銆€銆€II.8. the product has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.04 or 05.11.91.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: define the innard product.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 3锛團锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For animal by-products 锛�*锛� for the manufacture of petfood, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�3锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Further process

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Animal by-products for the manufacture of petfood

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II.1. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the animal by-products described above:

銆€銆€II.1.1. consist of animal by-products that satisfy the animal health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.1.2. have been obtained in the territory of: …… 锛�2锛� from animals:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [锛坅锛� that have remained in this territory since birth or for at least the last three months before slaughter;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [锛坆锛� killed in the wild in this territory 锛�4锛�;]

銆€銆€II.1.3. have been obtained from animals:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [锛坅锛� coming from holdings:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� where, for the following diseases for which the animals are susceptible, there has been neither case/outbreak of rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza during the prior 30 days, nor of classical or African swine fever during the prior 40 days; nor in the holdings situated in their vicinity within 10 km, during the prior 30 days; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� where there has been neither case/outbreak of foot and mouth disease during the prior 60 days, nor in the holdings situated in their vicinity within 25 km, during the prior 30 days; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� which:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� have remained in their holdings of origin for at least forty days before departure and which have been transported directly to the slaughterhouse without contact with other animals which did not comply with the same health conditions;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� at the slaughterhouse, have passed the ante-mortem health inspection during the 24 hours before the slaughter and have shown no evidence of the diseases referred to above for which the animals are susceptible; and

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� have been treated in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing in accordance with the relevant provisions of Council Directive 93/119/EC on animal welfare;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [锛坅锛� captured and killed in the wild in an area:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in which within 25 km there has been no case/outbreak of any of the following diseases for which the animals are susceptible: foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza during the prior 30 days, nor of classical or African swine fever during the prior 40 days; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� that is situated at a distance that exceeds 20 km from the borders separating another territory of a country or part thereof, which is not authorised at these dates for exporting this material to the European Community; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� which after killing were transported within 12 hours for chilling either to a collection centre and immediately afterwards to a game establishment, or directly to a game establishment;]

銆€銆€II.1.4. have been obtained in an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there has been no case/outbreak of diseases referred to in point II.1.3 for which the animals are susceptible during the prior 30 days or, in the event of a case of disease, the preparation of raw material for exportation to the European Community has been authorised only after removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the control of an official veterinarian;

銆€銆€II.1.5. have been obtained and prepared without contact with other material not complying with the conditions required above, and it has been handled so as to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.1.6. have been packed in new packaging preventing any leakage and in officially sealed containers bearing the label indicating “RAW MATERIAL ONLY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PETFOOD” and the name and address of the EU establishment of destination;

銆€銆€II.1.7. consist only of the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�5锛� which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— raw material derived from animals which have been treated with certain substances prohibited in accordance with Directive 96/22/EC for the manufacture of petfood, as referred to in Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€II.1.8. have been deep-frozen at the plant of origin or have been preserved in accordance with EU legislation in such a way that they will not spoil between dispatch and delivery to the plant of destination;

銆€銆€II.1.9. in the case of raw material derived from animals which have been treated with certain substances prohibited in accordance with Directive 96/22/EC for the manufacture of petfood, as referred to in Article 28 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� it has been marked in the third country before entry into the territory of the Community by a cross of liquefied charcoal or activated carbon on each outer side of each frozen block in a way that the marking covers at least 70 % of the diagonal length of the frozen block and be of at least 10 cm width;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� in case of material which is not frozen, the raw material has been marked in the third country before entry into the territory of the Community by spraying it with liquefied charcoal or by applying charcoal powder in a way that the charcoal is clearly visible on the material; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� in the case the animal by-products are made up of raw material which has been treated as referred to above and other non-treated raw material, all the raw materials have been marked as laid down in point 锛坅锛� and 锛坆锛� above.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�6锛� [II.2. Specific requirements

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�7锛� II.2.1. The by-products in this consignment come from animals that have been kept in the territory mentioned under 锛圛I.1.2锛�, where vaccination programmes against foot-and-mouth disease are being regularly carried out and officially controlled in domestic bovine animals.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�8锛� II.2.2. The by-products in this consignment consists only of animal by-products derived from trimmed offal of domestic ruminants, which have maturated at an ambient temperature of more than + 2 °C for at least three hours, or in the case of masseter muscles of bovine animals and de-boned meat of domestic animals, for at least 24 hours.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.11.91 or 05.11.99.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the veterinary control number of the approved establishment.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�*锛� Excluding raw blood, raw milk, hides and skins, hooves and horn, pig bristles and feathers 锛坰ee relevant specific certificates for the import of these products锛�.

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� The name and ISO code number of the exporting country as laid down in:

銆€銆€— part 1 of Annex II of Council Decision 79/542/EEC,

銆€銆€— the Annex to Commission Decision 94/984/EC, and

銆€銆€— the Annex to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC.

銆€銆€In addition the ISO code of regionalisation in this Annex 锛坵here applicable for the susceptible species concerned锛� should be included.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Only for countries from where game meat intended for human consumption of the same animal species is authorised for importation into the European Community.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€锛�6锛� Supplementary guarantees to be provided when the material of domestic ruminants originated in the territory of a South American or South African country or part thereof from where only maturated and de-boned fresh meat of domestic ruminants for human consumption is permitted for exportation to the European Community. In the case of offal only trimmed offal of domestic ruminants which must be exclusively offal from which the bones, cartilage, trachea and main bronchi, lymphatic glands, adhering connective tissue, fat and mucus have been completely removed is permitted. The whole masseter muscles of bovine animals, incised in accordance with paragraph 41锛坅锛� of Chapter VIII of Annex I to Council Directive 64/433/EEC, are also permitted.

銆€銆€锛�7锛� Only for certain South American countries.

銆€銆€锛�8锛� Only for certain South American and South African countries.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 4锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For the import of serum from equidae to be used for technical purposes including pharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnosis and laboratory reagents, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Serum from equidae for technical purposes including pharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnosis and laboratory reagents

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the serum of equidae described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of serum from equidae that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist exclusively of serum of equidae not intended for human nor animal consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. comes from a country where the following diseases are compulsorily notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomyelitis 锛坅ll types including VEE锛�, equine infectious anemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies, anthrax;

銆€銆€II.4. was obtained, under the supervision of a veterinarian, from equidae which, at the time of collection, were free from clinical signs of infectious disease or were obtained from equidae that passed ante-mortem inspection at the time of slaughter;

銆€銆€II.5. was obtained from equidae that have remained since birth in the territory or, in case of official regionalisation according to Community legislation, in parts of the territory of a third country in which:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred during the last two years;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� dourine has not occurred during the last six months; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� glanders has not occurred during the last six months;

銆€銆€II.6. was obtained from equidae that had never been present on a holding that had been subject to prohibition for animal health reasons or where:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坅锛� in the case of equine encephalomyelitis, the date on which all the equidae suffering from the disease were slaughtered was at least six months before the date of collection;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� in the case of infectious anaemia, all the infected animals had been slaughtered and the remaining animals showed a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried out three months apart;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� in the case of vesicular stomatitis, the prohibition was lifted at least six months before the date of collection;

銆€銆€锛坉锛� in the case of rabies, the last recorded case was at least a month before the date of collection; and

銆€銆€锛坋锛� in the case of anthrax, the last recorded case was at least 15 days before the date of collection;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [all the animals of species susceptible to the disease located on the holding were slaughtered and the premises disinfected, at least 30 days before the date of collection 锛坥r, in the case of anthrax, at least 15 days before锛�;]

銆€銆€II.7. has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents during production, handling and packaging;

銆€銆€II.8. was packed in sealed impermeable containers clearly labelled ‘serum from equidae’ and bearing the registration number of the establishment of collection.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the veterinary control number of the registered establishment of collection.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 4锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For blood products not intended for human consumption that could be used as feed material, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Railway wagon

銆€銆€Road vehicle



銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product




銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Blood products that could be used as feed material

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the blood products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of blood products that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist exclusively of blood products not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant, approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared 锛坉erived锛� exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [blood of slaughtered animals, which is fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but is not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [blood of slaughtered animals, which is rejected as unfit for human consumption but is not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals, derived from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€II.5. have been submitted

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [to processing in accordance with processing method …… 锛�3锛� as set out in Annex V, Chapter III of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [to a method and parameters which ensure that the product complies with the microbiological standards set in Chapter I, paragraph 10 of Annex VII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.6. have been examined by the competent authority taking a random sample immediately prior to dispatch and found it to comply with the following standards 锛�4锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0,

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram;

銆€銆€II.7. the end product was:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [packed in new or sterilised bags;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use,]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”锛�

銆€銆€II.8. the end product was stored in enclosed storage;

銆€銆€II.9. the product has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.11.91 or 05.11.99.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Insert method 1 to 5 or 7 as applicable.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 4锛圕锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For blood products, excluding serum of equidae and intermediate products as referred to in Article 1 of Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 2007/2006, to be used for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Blood products for technical purposes, excluding serum of equidae and intermediate products as referred to in Article 1 of Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 2007/2006

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the blood products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of blood products that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist exclusively of blood products not intended for human or animal consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— blood of slaughtered animals, which is fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but is not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood of slaughtered animals, which is rejected as unfit for human consumption but is not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals, derived from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood and blood products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood and blood products originating from animals that did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [II.4. in the case of blood products derived from ruminant animals they originate in a third country or regions, where:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [the animals and products come from a region where no case of foot-and-mouth disease, vesicular stomatitis, rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants, Rift Valley fever and bluetongue 锛�3锛� has been recorded for 12 months and in which vaccination has not been carried out against those diseases for at least 12 months and from which imports of ruminant animals are authorized pursuant to Community legislation. The blood from which such products are manufactured must have been collected:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [in slaughterhouses approved in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [from live animals in facilities approved in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in slaughterhouses approved and supervised by the competent authority of the third country. In this case the Commission and Member States must be notified of the address and approval number of such slaughterhouse and the certificate shall indicate this information;]]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [the products have undergone one of the following treatments, guaranteeing the absence of pathogens of the ruminant diseases foot-and-mouth disease, vesicular stomatitis, rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants, Rift Valley fever and bluetongue 锛�3锛�:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [heat treatment at a temperature of 65 °C for at least three hours, followed by an effectiveness check;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [irradiation at 2,5 megarads or by gamma rays, followed by an effectiveness check;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [change in pH to pH 5 for two hours, followed by an effectiveness check;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [heat treatment of at least 90°C throughout their substance, followed by an effectiveness check;]]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [sero-positive bluetongue animals are present, and the blood products are intended for technical purposes including pharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnosis and laboratory reagents, to be processed in the approved plants [approval number] in [Member State] 锛�4锛�;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.4. in the case of blood products derived from animals excluding ruminants they originate in a third country or regions where:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [the animals and the products come from a region where no case of foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza has been recorded for 12 months in the susceptible species and in which vaccination has not been carried out against those diseases for at least 12 months. The health certificate shall follow the model according to the species of animal from which the blood products are derived;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [the products have undergone a heat treatment at a temperature of 65 °C for at least three hours, followed by an effectiveness check, guaranteeing the absence of pathogens of the following diseases: foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza in the susceptible species;]]

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€II.5. the end product was:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [packed in new or sterilised bags;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use;]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating ‘NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION’锛�

銆€銆€II.6. the end product was stored in enclosed storage;

銆€銆€II.7. the product has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� In the case of countries in which bluetongue sero-positive ruminant animals are present, blood products have been treated or the animals have been tested sero-negative.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� This must be the same Member State of first entry of the products into the Community.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 5锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For fresh or chilled hides and skins of ungulates, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Railway wagon

銆€銆€Road vehicle



銆€銆€I.17. No锛坰锛� of CITES

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Fresh or chilled hides and skins of Ungulates

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter VI thereof and certify that the hides and skins described above:

銆€銆€II.1. have been obtained from animals that 锛�2锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� were slaughtered and their carcasses are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€锛坆锛� were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€II.2. originate from a country or, in the case of regionalisation in accordance with Community legislation, from a part of a country from which imports of all categories of fresh meat of the corresponding species are authorised and which:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� for at least 12 months before dispatch, has been free from the following diseases 锛�3锛�:

銆€銆€[— classical swine fever, and African swine fever,]

銆€銆€[— rinderpest,]


銆€銆€锛坆锛� has been free for at least 12 months before dispatch from foot-and-mouth disease and where, for 12 months before dispatch, no vaccination has been carried out against foot-and-mouth disease 锛�3锛�;

銆€銆€II.3. have been obtained from:

銆€銆€[animals that have remained in the territory of the country of origin for at least three months before being slaughtered or since birth in the case of animals less that three months old;]

銆€銆€[in the case of hides and skins from bi-ungulates, animals that come from holdings in which there has been no outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the previous 30 days, and around which within a radius of 10 km there has been no case of foot-and-mouth disease for 30 days;]

銆€銆€[in the case of hides and skins from swine, animals that come from holdings in which there has been no outbreak of swine vesicular disease in the previous 30 days, or of classical or African swine fever in the previous 40 days, and around which within a radius of 10 km there has been no case of these diseases for 30 days;]

銆€銆€[animals that have shown no evidence of [foot-and-mouth disease], [rinderpest], [classical swine fever], [African swine fever] or [swine vesicular disease] 锛�3锛� during ante-mortem health inspection at the slaughterhouse during the 24 hours before slaughter;]

銆€銆€II.4. have undergone all precautions to avoid recontamination with pathogenic agents.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 41.01; 41.02 or 41.03.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Delete diseases not applicable to the species concerned.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 5锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For treated hides and skins of ungulates, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Railway wagon

銆€銆€Road vehicle



銆€銆€I.17. No锛坰锛� of CITES

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Treated hides and skins of Ungulates

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter VI thereof and certify that the hides and skins described above:

銆€銆€II.1. have been obtained from animals that 锛�2锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� were slaughtered and their carcasses are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€锛坆锛� were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€锛坈锛� did not show any clinical signs of any disease communicable to humans or animals, and were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [II.2 come from animals originate from a third country or, in the case of regionalisation in accordance with Community legislation, from a part of a third country listed in part 1 of Annex II to Decision 79/542/EEC 锛�3锛� from which imports of fresh meat of the corresponding species are authorised and have been:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [dried;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [dry-salted or wet-salted for at least 14 days prior to dispatch;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [dry-salted or wet-salted on the following date …… and according to the declaration of the transporter, the hides and skins will be transported by ship and the duration of transport will be such that they will have undergone a minimum of 14 days of salting before they reach the EC border inspection post;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [salted for seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [salted in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate on the following date …… and according to the declaration of the transporter, the hides and skins will be transported by ship and the duration of transport will be such that they will have undergone a minimum of 7 days of salting before they reach the EC border inspection post;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.2. come from animals originate from a third country or, in the case of regionalisation in accordance with Community legislation, from a part of a third country listed in part 1 of Annex II to Decision 79/542/EEC from which imports of fresh meat of the corresponding species are NOT authorised and have been:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [salted for seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [salted in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate on the following date …… and according to the declaration of the transporter, the hides and skins will be transported by ship and the duration of transport will be such that they will have undergone a minimum of 7 days of salting before they reach the EC border inspection post;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [dried for 42 days at a temperature of at least 20 °C;]

銆€銆€II.3. the consignment has not been in contact with other animal products or with live animals presenting a risk of spreading a serious transmissible disease.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛� and information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 41.01; 41.02 or 41.03.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� OJ L 146, 14.6.1979, p. 15.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 5锛圕锛�

銆€銆€Official declaration

銆€銆€For treated hides and skins of ruminants and of equidae that are intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�1锛� the European Community and have been kept separate for 21 daysor will undergo transport for 21 uninterrupted days before importation


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Railway wagon

銆€銆€Road vehicle



銆€銆€I.17. No锛坰锛� of CITES

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Treated hides and skins of Ruminants and of Equidae that have been kept separate for 21 days or will undergo transport for 21 uninterrupted days before importation

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Declaration

銆€銆€I, the undersigned declare that the hides and skins described above:

銆€銆€II.1. have been obtained from animals that 锛�1锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� were slaughtered and their carcasses are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€锛坆锛� were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation; or

銆€銆€锛坈锛� did not show any clinical signs of any disease communicable to humans or animals, and were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€II.2. have been:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� either [dried;]

銆€銆€锛�1锛� or [dry-salted or wet-salted for at least 14 days prior to dispatch;]

銆€銆€锛�1锛� or [salted for seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate;]

銆€銆€II.3. have not been in contact with other animal products or with live animals presenting a risk or spreading a serious transmissible disease;

銆€銆€锛�1锛� either [II.4. have been kept separate immediately before dispatch for 21 days under official supervision after the treatment described under point 锛圛I.2锛�;]

銆€銆€锛�1锛� or [II.4. following the declaration of the transporter, the duration of the transport period is foreseen to be at least 21 days.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 41.01; 41.02 or 41.03.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This declaration is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 6锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For treated game trophies of birds and ungulates, being solely bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins, for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. No.锛坰锛� of CITES

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. …

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Treated game trophies of birds and ungulates, being solely bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the game trophies described above:

銆€銆€II.1. have been packaged, immediately after treatment, without being in contact with other products of animal origin likely to contaminate them, in individual, transparent and closed packages so as to avoid any subsequent contamination;

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [II.2. in the case of game trophies consisting solely of hides or skin:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [have been dried;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [have been dry-salted or wet-salted for a minimum of 14 days before dispatch;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [were dry-salted or wet-salted on …… 锛坉ate锛� and, according to the declaration of the transporter, will be transported by ship and the duration of the transport will be such that they will have undergone a minimum of 14 days salting before they reach the EC border inspection post;]]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.2. in the case of game trophies consisting solely of bone, horns, hooves, claws, antlers or teeth:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� have been immersed in boiling water for an appropriate time so as to ensure that any matter other than bone, horns, hooves, claws, antlers or teeth is removed; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� have been disinfected with a product authorised by the competent authority, in particular with hydrogen peroxide where parts consisting of bone are concerned.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.05; 05.06; 05.07 or 97.05.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: for nature of commodity, specify choosing one or more possibilities among the following: [bones], [horns], [hooves], [claws], [antlers], [teeth], [hides] or [skins].

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 6锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For game trophies of birds and ungulates consisting of entire parts not having been treated, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. No锛坰锛� of CITES

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. …

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages

銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities


銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Game trophies of birds and ungulates consisting of entire parts not having been treated

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the game trophies described above:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [II.1. with respect to game trophies of cloven-hoofed animals, excluding swine:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� …… 锛坮egion锛� has been free from foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest for the previous 12 months, and during the same period, no vaccination against any of those diseases has taken place; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� the game trophies described above:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� were obtained from animals which were killed in the territory of that region, which is authorised for export of fresh meat of the corresponding susceptible domestic species and where, during the last 60 days, there have been no animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of diseases to which the game animals are susceptible; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� originated from animals that were killed at a distance of at least 20 km from the borders of another third country or part of a third country not authorised to export untreated game trophies of cloven-hoofed animals other than swine to the Community;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.1. with respect to game trophies of wild swine:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� …… 锛坮egion锛� during the last 12 months was free from classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vescicular disease, foot-and-mouth disease and porcine enteroviral encephalmiyelitis 锛圱eschen disease锛� and no vaccinations have been carried out against any of those diseases during the last 12 months; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� the game trophies described above:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� were obtained from animals which were killed in that territory, which is authorised for export of fresh meat of the corresponding susceptible domestic species and where, during the last 60 days, there have been no animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of diseases to which the swine are susceptible; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� originated from animals that were killed at a distance of at least 20 km from the borders of another third country or part of a third country not authorised to export untreated game trophies of wild swine to the Community;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.1. with respect to game trophies of solipeds, the game trophies described above were obtained from wild solipeds that were killed in the territory of the exporting country mentioned above;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [II.1. with respect to game trophies of game birds:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� …… 锛坮egion锛� is free from highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� the game trophies described above were obtained from wild game birds that were killed in that region and where during the last 30 days there have been no animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of disease to which the wild birds are susceptible;]

銆€銆€II.2. The game trophies described above have been packaged without being in contact with other products of animal origin likely to contaminate them, in individual, transparent and closed packages so as to avoid any subsequent contamination.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.05; 05.06 or 05.07.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 7锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For pig bristles from third countries or regions thereof that are free from African swine fever, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Pig bristles from third countries or regions thereof that are free from African swine fever

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. the pig bristles described above have been obtained from pigs originating, and slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, in the country of origin;

銆€銆€II.2. the pigs from which the pig bristles have been obtained did not show during inspection, carried out at the time of slaughtering, signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€II.3. the country of origin or, in case of regionalisation according to Community legislation, the region of origin, has been free from African swine fever for at least 12 months;

銆€銆€II.4. the pig bristles are dry and securely enclosed in packaging.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the veterinary control number of the registered establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 7锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For pig bristles from third countries or regions thereof that are not free from African swine fever, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Pig bristles from third countries or regions thereof that are not free from African swine fever

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that:

銆€銆€II.1. the pig bristles described above have been obtained from pigs originating, and slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, in the country of origin;

銆€銆€II.2. the pigs from which the pig bristles have been obtained did not show during inspection, carried out at the time of slaughtering, signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€II.3. the pig bristles mentioned above have been:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [boiled;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [dyed;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [bleached;]

銆€銆€II.4. the pig bristles are dry and securely enclosed in packaging.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the veterinary control number of the registered establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For animal by-products 锛�*锛� to be used for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�3锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Animal by-products for the manufacture of technical products

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II.1. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the animal by-products described above:

銆€銆€II.1.1. consist of animal by-products that satisfy the animal health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.1.2. have been obtained in the territory of: …… 锛�2锛� from animals:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [锛坅锛� that have remained in this territory since birth or for at least the last three months before slaughter;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [锛坆锛� killed in the wild in this territory 锛�4锛�;]

銆€銆€II.1.3. have been obtained from animals:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [锛坅锛� coming from holdings:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� where, for the following diseases for which the animals are susceptible, there has been neither case/outbreak of rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza during the prior 30 days, nor of classical or African swine fever during the prior 40 days; nor in the holdings situated in their vicinity within 10 km, during the prior 30 days; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� where there has been neither case/outbreak of foot and mouth disease during the prior 60 days, nor in the holdings situated in their vicinity within 25 km, during the prior 30 days; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� which:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� were not killed to eradicate any epizootic disease;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� have remained in their holdings of origin for at least forty days before departure and which have been transported directly to the slaughterhouse without contact with other animals which did not comply with the same health conditions;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� at the slaughterhouse, have passed the ante-mortem health inspection during the 24 hours before the slaughter and have shown no evidence of the diseases referred to above for which the animals are susceptible; and

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� have been treated in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing in accordance with the relevant provisions of Council Directive 93/119/EC on animal welfare;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [锛坅锛� captured and killed in the wild in an area:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� in which within 25 km there has been no case/outbreak of any of the following diseases for which the animals are susceptible: foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, Newcastle disease or highly pathogenic avian influenza during the prior 30 days nor of classical or African swine fever during the prior 40 days; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� that is situated at a distance that exceeds 20 km from the borders separating another territory of a country or part thereof, which is not authorised at these dates for exporting this material to the European Community; and

銆€銆€锛坆锛� which after killing were transported within 12 hours for chilling either to a collection centre and immediately afterwards to a game establishment, or directly to a game establishment;]

銆€銆€II.1.4. have been obtained in an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there has been no case/outbreak of diseases referred to in point II.1.3 for which the animals are susceptible during the prior 30 days or, in the event of a case of disease, the preparation of raw material for exportation to the European Community has been authorised only after removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the control of an official veterinarian;

銆€銆€II.1.5. have been obtained and prepared without contact with other material not complying with the conditions required above, and it has been handled so as to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.1.6. have been packed in new packaging preventing any leakage and in officially sealed containers bearing the label indicating “RAW MATERIAL ONLY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS” and the name and address of the EU establishment of destination;

銆€銆€II.1.7. consist only of the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�5锛� which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� and/or [— fur originating from animals that did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€II.1.8. have been deep-frozen at the plant of origin or have been preserved in accordance with EU legislation in such a way that they will not spoil between dispatch and delivery to the plant of destination.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�6锛� [II.2. Specific requirements

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�7锛� II.2.1. the by-products in this consignment come from animals that have been obtained in the territory mentioned under 锛圛I.1.2锛�, where vaccination programmes against foot-and-mouth disease are being regularly carried out and officially controlled in domestic bovine animals.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� 锛�8锛� II.2.2. The by-products in this consignment consists of animal by-products derived from offal or de-boned meat.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.11.91; 05.11.99 or 30.01.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the veterinary control number of the approved establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�*锛� Excluding raw blood, raw milk, hides and skins of ungulates or ruminants and pig bristles 锛坰ee relevant specific certificates for the import of these products锛� as well as wool, hair, feathers or parts of feathers.

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� The name and ISO code number of the exporting country as laid down in:

銆€銆€— part 1 of Annex II of Council Decision 79/542/EEC,

銆€銆€— the Annex to Commission Decision 94/984/EC, and

銆€銆€— the Annex to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC.

銆€銆€In addition the ISO code of regionalisation in this Annex 锛坵here applicable for the susceptible species concerned锛� should be included.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Only for countries from where game meat intended for human consumption of the same animal species is authorised for importation into the European Community.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€锛�6锛� Supplementary guarantees to be provided when the material of domestic ruminants originated in the territory of a South American or South African country or part thereof from where only maturated and de-boned fresh meat of domestic ruminants for human consumption is permitted for exportation to the European Community. In the case of offal only trimmed offal of domestic ruminants which must be exclusively offal from which the bones, cartilage, trachea and main bronchi, lymphatic glands adhering connective tissue, fat and mucus have been completely removed is permitted. The whole masseter muscles of bovine animals, incised in accordance with paragraph 41锛坅锛� of Chapter VIII of Annex I to Council Directive 64/433/EEC, are also permitted.

銆€銆€锛�7锛� Only for certain South American countries.

銆€銆€锛�8锛� Only for certain South American and South African countries.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For fish oil not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. …

銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments

銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Fish oil to be used as feed material or for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the fish oil described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consists of fish oil that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. contains exclusively fish oil not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. has been prepared and stored in a dedicated fish plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.4. has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— former foodstuffs of fish origin, other than catering waste 锛�3锛�, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption;]

銆€銆€II.5. the fish oil:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� has been subjected to processing in accordance with Annex VII, Chapter IV of Regulation 1774/2002/EC, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� has not been in contact with other types of oils including rendered fats from other animal species; and

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坈锛� is packaged in new containers or in containers that have been cleaned and all precautions taken to prevent their contamination;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坈锛� where bulk transport is intended, the pipe, pumps and bulk tanks and any other bulk container or bulk road tanker used in the transportation of the product from the manufacturing plant either directly on to the ship or into shore tanks or direct to plants have been inspected and found to be clean before use;]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 15.04 or 15.18.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of the treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 10锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For rendered fats not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�4锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. …

銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Rendered fats not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the rendered fats described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of rendered fats that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist of rendered fats not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 or in accordance with Chapter II of Annex C to Council Directive 77/99/EEC 锛�2锛� or Chapter 9 of Annex I to Council Directive 92/118/EEC 锛�3锛�, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�4锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing antemortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�5锛�, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— milk originating from animals which do not show any clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€II.5. if derived from ruminant animals were purified in such way that the maximum levels of remaining total insoluble impurities does not exceed 0,15 % in weight;

銆€銆€II.6. the rendered fats:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� have been subjected to processing in accordance with Annex VII, Chapter IV of Regulation 1774/2002/EC, or treatment in accordance with Council Directives 77/99/EEC or 92/118/EEC, in order to kill pathogenic agents; and

銆€銆€锛�4锛� either [锛坆锛� are packaged in new containers or in containers that have been cleaned and all precautions taken to prevent their contamination;]

銆€銆€锛�4锛� or [锛坆锛� where bulk transport is intended, the pipe, pumps and bulk tanks and any other bulk container or bulk road tanker used in the transportation of the product from the manufacturing plant either directly on to the ship or into shore tanks or direct to plants have been inspected and found to be clean before use;]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”銆�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 15.02; 15.03; 15.04; 15.05; 15.06; 15.16.10; 15.17 or 15.18.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of the treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� OJ L 26, 31.1.1977, p. 85.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� OJ L 62, 15.3.1993, p. 49.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 10锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For rendered fats not intended for human consumption to be used for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle

銆€銆€Railway wagon



銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Rendered fats to be used for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the rendered fats described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of rendered fats that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist of rendered fats not intended for human or animal consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 13 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [Category 2 materials 锛�3锛�;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [a mixture of Category 2 materials with Category 3 materials 锛�4锛�;]

銆€銆€II.5. if derived from ruminant animals were purified in such way that the maximum levels of remaining total insoluble impurities does not exceed 0,15 % in weight;

銆€銆€II.6. the rendered fats:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� have been subjected to processing in accordance with Annex VII, Chapter XII of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002/EC, in order to kill pathogenic agents; and

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坆锛� are packaged in new containers or in containers that have been cleaned and all precautions taken to prevent their contamination;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坆锛� where bulk transport is intended, the pipe, pumps and bulk tanks and any other bulk container or bulk road tanker used in the transportation of the product from the manufacturing plant either directly on to the ship or into shore tanks or direct to plants have been inspected and found to be clean before use;]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating ‘NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION’銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 15.01; 15.02; 15.03; 15.04; 15.05; 15.06; 15.16.10; 15.17 or 15.18.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of the treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� List of Category 2 materials:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� all animal materials collected when treating waste water from slaughterhouses other than slaughterhouses covered by Article 4锛�1锛夛紙d锛� or from Category 2 processing plants, including screenings, materials from de-sanding, grease and oil mixtures, sludge and materials removed from drains from those premises;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� products of animal origin containing residues of veterinary drugs and contaminants listed in Group B锛�1锛� and 锛�2锛� of Annex I to Directive 96/23/EC, if such residues exceed the permitted level laid down by Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� products of animal origin, other than Category 1 material, that are imported from third countries and, in the course of the inspections provided for in Community legislation, fail to comply with the veterinary requirements for their importation into the Community, unless they are returned or their importation is accepted under restrictions laid down under Community legislation;

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛坉锛� animals and parts of animals, other than those referred to in Article 4, that die other than by being slaughtered for human consumption, including animals killed to eradicate an epizootic disease;

銆€銆€锛坋锛� mixtures of Category 2 material with Category 3 material, including any material destined for processing in a Category 2 processing plant; and

銆€銆€锛坒锛� animal by-products other than Category 1 material or Category 3 material.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� List of Category 3 materials:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing antemortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坉锛� blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing antemortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坋锛� animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves;

銆€銆€锛坒锛� former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals;

銆€銆€锛坓锛� milk originating from animals which do not show any clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;

銆€銆€锛坔锛� fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production;

銆€銆€锛坕锛� by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption;

銆€銆€锛坖锛� shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 11

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For gelatine and collagen not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. …

銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Gelatine and collagen not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the gelatine/collagen 锛�2锛� described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consists of gelatine/collagen 锛�2锛� that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist exclusively of gelatine/collagen 锛�2锛� not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. has been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing antemortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�3锛�, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption;]

銆€銆€II.5. the gelatine/collagen 锛�2锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� was wrapped, packaged, stored and transported under satisfactory hygiene conditions, and in particular wrapping and packaging took place in a dedicated room, and only preservatives permitted under Community legislation were used.

銆€銆€Wrappings and packages containing gelatine/collagen 锛�2锛� carry the words “GELATINE/COLLAGEN 锛�2锛� SUITABLE FOR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION”锛� and

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坆锛� in the case of gelatine, has been produced by a process that ensuring that unprocessed Category 3 material is subjected to a treatment with acid or alkali, followed by one or more rinses, involving pH adjustment, extraction by heating one or several times in succession, followed by purification by means of filtration and sterilisation, in order to kill pathogenic agents;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坆锛� in the case of collagen, has been produced by a process that ensuring that unprocessed Category 3 material is subjected to a treatment involving washing, pH adjustment using acid or alkali followed by one or more rinses, filtration and extrusion, in order to kill pathogenic agents.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 35.03 or 35.04.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Nature of commodity: select gelatine or collagen.

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 12

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For hydrolysed protein, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. …

銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Hydrolysed protein, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate to be used as feed material or for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the hydrolysed protein/dicalcium phosphate/tricalcium phosphate 锛�2锛� described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consists of hydrolysed protein/dicalcium phosphate/tricalcium phosphate 锛�2锛� that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consists exclusively of hydrolysed protein/dicalcium phosphate/tricalcium phosphate 锛�2锛� not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. has been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. has been prepared exclusively with the following animal by-products:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing antemortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�3锛�, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— raw milk originating from animals that do not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€II.5. the hydrolysed protein/dicalcium phosphate/tricalcium phosphate 锛�2锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� was wrapped and packaged in packaging which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” and stored and transported under satisfactory hygiene conditions, and in particular wrapping and packaging took place in a dedicated room, and only preservatives permitted under Community legislation were used; and

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [锛坆锛� in the case of hydrolysed protein, has been produced by a process involving appropriate measures to minimise contamination of raw Category 3 material.

銆€銆€In the case of hydrolysed proteins entirely or partly derived from ruminants hides and skins, has been produced in a processing plant dedicated only to hydrolysed proteins production, using a process involving the preparation of the raw Category 3 material by brining, liming and intensive washing followed by:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� exposure of the material to a pH of more than 11 for more than 3 hours at temperature of more than 80 oC and subsequently by heat treatment at more than 140 °C for 30 minutes at more than 3,6 bar; and

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� exposure of the material to a pH of 1 to 2, followed by a pH of more than 11, followed by heat treatment at 140 °C for 30 minutes at 3 bar;]

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坆锛� in the case of dicalcium phosphate, has been produced by a process that:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� ensures that all Category 3 bonematerial is finely crushed and degreased with hot water and treated with dilute hydrochloric acid 锛坅t a minimum concentration of 4 % and a pH of less than 1,5锛� over a period of at least two days;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� followed by treatment of the obtained phosphoric liquor with lime, resulting in a precipitate of dicalcium phosphate at pH 4 to 7; and

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� finally air-dries this precipitate for 15 minutes, with inlet temperature of 270 °C to 325 °C and end temperature between 60 °C and 65 °C;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [锛坆锛� in the case of tricalcium phosphate, has been produced by a process ensuring:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� that all Category 3 bone-material is finely crushed and degreased in counter-flow with hot water 锛坆one chips less than 14 mm锛�;

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� continuous cooking with steam at 145 °C during 30 minutes at 4 bars;

銆€銆€锛坕ii锛� separation of the protein broth from the hydroxyapatite 锛坱ricalcium phosphate锛� by centrifugation; and

銆€銆€锛坕v锛� granulation of the tricalcium phosphate after drying in a fluid bed with air at 200 °C.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 28.35 or 35.04.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Nature of commodity: specify if hydrolysed protein, dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate.

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 13

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For apiculture by-products, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number



銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Railway wagon

銆€銆€Road vehicle



銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Apiculture by-products

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 6 and Annex VIII Chapter IX thereof and certify that the apiculture by-products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. come from an area where the diseases mentioned below are officially notifiable and which is not subject to any restrictions associated with:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� American foul brood 锛圥aenibacillus larvae锛�;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� Acariosis 锛圓carapis woodi 锛圧ennie锛夛級;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� Small hive beetle 锛圓ethina tumida锛�; and

銆€銆€锛坉锛� Tropilaelaps mites 锛圱ropilaelaps spp锛�;

銆€銆€II.2. have been

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [subjected to a temperature of – 12 °C or lower for at least 24 hours;]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in the case of wax refined or rendered.]


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.19: use the appropriate HS code: 05.11.99 and specify the commodity as listed under note Box reference I.28.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Nature of commodity: means honey, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis or pollen used in bee-keeping.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 14锛圓锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For fat derivatives not intended for human consumption to be used for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€For fat derivatives to be used for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the fat derivatives described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of fat derivatives that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist of fat derivatives containing exclusively fat derivatives not intended for human nor animal consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 14 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared from rendered fats exclusively produced from Category 2 and/or Category 3 materials 锛�3锛�;

銆€銆€II.5. the fat derivatives produced from Category 2 materials:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� have been produced using the following methods:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [transesterification or hydrolysis at least 200 °C, under corresponding appropriate pressure, for 20 minutes 锛坓lycerol, fatty acids and esters锛�; and]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [saponification with NaOH 12 M 锛坓lycerol and soap锛�:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [in a batch process at 95 °C for three hours; and]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� or [in a continuous process at 140 °C, 2 bars 锛�2 000 hPa锛� for eight minutes; and]]

銆€銆€锛坆锛� are packaged in new containers or in containers that have been cleaned, and all precautions are taken to prevent its contamination which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL COSUMPTION”銆�


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� List of Category 2 materials:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� all animal materials collected when treating waste water from slaughterhouses other than slaughterhouses covered by Article 4锛�1锛夛紙d锛� or from Category 2 processing plants, including screenings, materials from de-sanding, grease and oil mixtures, sludge and materials removed from drains from those premises;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� products of animal origin containing residues of veterinary drugs and contaminants listed in Group B 锛�1锛� and 锛�2锛� of Annex I to Directive 96/23/EC, if such residues exceed the permitted level laid down by Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� products of animal origin, other than Category 1 material, that are imported from third countries and, in the course of the inspections provided for in Community legislation, fail to comply with the veterinary requirements for their importation into the Community, unless they are returned or their importation is accepted under restrictions laid down under Community legislation;

銆€銆€锛坉锛� animals and parts of animals, other than those referred to in Article 4, that die other than by being slaughtered for human consumption, including animals killed to eradicate an epizootic disease;

銆€銆€锛坋锛� mixtures of Category 2 material with Category 3 material, including any material destined for processing in a Category 2 processing plant; and

銆€銆€锛坒锛� animal by-products other than Category 1 material or Category 3 material.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 14锛圔锛�

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For fat derivatives not intended for human consumption to be used as feed or for technical purposes, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€I.2.a. …


銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. …

銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon


銆€銆€I.17. …

銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Fat derivatives to be used as feed or for technical purposes

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number

銆€銆€II.b. …

銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the fat derivatives described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of fat derivatives that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist of fat derivatives containing exclusively fat derivatives not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 14 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared from rendered fats exclusively produced from the following Category 3 materials:

銆€銆€锛�2锛� either [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation, but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— parts of slaughtered animals, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any signs of diseases communicable to humans or animals and derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— blood obtained from animals other than ruminants that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, after undergoing ante-mortem inspection, and were fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for human consumption in accordance with Community legislation,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— former foodstuffs of animal origin, or former foodstuffs containing products of animal origin, other than catering waste 锛�3锛�, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects which do not present any risk to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— milk originating from animals which do not show any clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption,]

銆€銆€锛�2锛� and/or [— shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;]

銆€銆€II.5. are packaged in new containers or in containers which bear labels indicating “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”锛� that have been cleaned, and all precautions are taken to prevent its contamination.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Manufacturing plant: provide the registration number of treatment/processing establishment.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Catering waste means all waste food, including used cooking oils, originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 15

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For egg products not intended for human consumption that could be used as feed material, intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�3锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number



銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon



銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�


銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Number of packages

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€Batch number

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Egg products not intended for human consumption that could be used as feed material

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and certify that the egg products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. consist of egg products that satisfy the health requirements below;

銆€銆€II.2. consist exclusively of egg products not intended for human consumption;

銆€銆€II.3. have been prepared and stored in a plant, approved, validated and supervised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 17 and where appropriate Article 11 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 or Council Directive 89/437/EEC 锛�2锛�, in order to kill pathogenic agents;

銆€銆€II.4. have been prepared 锛坉erived锛� exclusively with the following animal by-product:

銆€銆€— eggs originating from animals which did not show clinical signs of any disease communicable through that product to humans or animals;

銆€銆€II.5. have been subjected to processing:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [in accordance with processing method …… 锛�4锛� as set out in Annex V, Chapter III of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [in accordance to a method and parameters which ensure that the products complies with the microbiological standards set in Chapter I, paragraph 10 of Annex VII to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [treated in accordance with Chapter V of the Annex to Council Directive 89/437/EC]

銆€銆€II.6. have been examined by the competent authority taking a random sample immediately prior to dispatch and found it to comply with the following standards 锛�5锛�:

銆€銆€Salmonella: absence in 25 g: n = 5, c = 0, m = 0, M = 0;

銆€銆€Enterobacteriaceae: n = 5, c = 2, m = 10, M = 300 in 1 gram;

銆€銆€II.7. meet Community standards on residues of substances that are harmful or might alter the organoleptic characteristics of the product or make its use as feed dangerous or harmful to animal health;

銆€銆€II.8. the end product was:

銆€銆€锛�3锛� either [packed in new or sterilized bags;]

銆€銆€锛�3锛� or [transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use,]

銆€銆€and which bear labels indicating ‘NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION’锛�

銆€銆€II.9. the end product was stored in enclosed storage;

銆€銆€II.10. the product has undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in case of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be included.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� Insert method 1 to 5 or 7 as applicable.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� Where:

銆€銆€n = number of samples to be tested;

銆€銆€m = threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all samples does not exceed m;

銆€銆€M = maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more samples is M or more; and

銆€銆€c = number of samples the bacterial count of which may be between m and M, the sample still being considered acceptable if the bacterial count of the other samples is m or less.

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:



銆€銆€锛�2锛� OJ L 212, 22.07.1989, p. 89.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Qualification and title:


銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 16

銆€銆€Model Declaration

銆€銆€Declaration by the importer of bones and bone products 锛坋xcluding bone meal锛�, horns and horn products 锛坋xcluding horn meal锛� and hooves and hoof products 锛坋xcluding hoof meal锛� intended for use other than as feed material, organic fertilisers or soil improvers for dispatch to the European Communities

銆€銆€Note for the importer: This declaration is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€I, the undersigned, declare that the following products 锛�1锛�:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� bones and bone products 锛坋xcluding bone meal锛�;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� horns and horn products 锛坋xcluding horn meal锛�;

銆€銆€锛坈锛� hooves and hoof products 锛坋xcluding hoof meal锛�;

銆€銆€are intended to be imported by me into the Community, and I declare that these products will not be diverted at any stage for any use in food, feed material, organic fertilizers or soil improvers and will be conveyed directly for the purpose of further processing or treatment to:

銆€銆€Name: Address: …

銆€銆€The importer:

銆€銆€Name: Address: …

銆€銆€Done at on …



銆€銆€Signature …

銆€銆€Reference number as indicated on the common veterinary entry document 锛圕VED锛� provided for in Annex III to Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 136/2004:

銆€銆€Official stamp of the border inspection post of entry into the EC 锛�2锛�

銆€銆€Signature: …

銆€銆€锛圫ignature of the official veterinarian of the border inspection post锛� 锛�2锛�

銆€銆€Name: …

銆€銆€锛圢ame in capital letters锛�

銆€銆€锛�1锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++

銆€銆€CHAPTER 17

銆€銆€Health certificate

銆€銆€For processed manure and processed manure products intended for dispatch to or for transit through 锛�2锛� the European Community


銆€銆€Veterinary certificate to EU

銆€銆€Part I: Details of dispatched consignment

銆€銆€I.1. Consignor


銆€銆€I.2. Certificate reference number



銆€銆€I.3. Central Competent Authority

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.4. Local Competent Authority

銆€銆€I.5. Consignee

銆€銆€I.6. Person responsible for the consignment in EU





銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€Tel. No

銆€銆€I.7. Country of origin

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.8. Region of origin


銆€銆€I.9. Country of destination

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.10. Region of destination


銆€銆€I.11. Place of origin

銆€銆€I.12. Place of destination

銆€銆€Custom warehouse


銆€銆€Approval number


銆€銆€Approval number



銆€銆€Postal code

銆€銆€I.13. Place of loading

銆€銆€I.14. Date of departure

銆€銆€I.15. Means of transport

銆€銆€I.16. Entry BIP in EU



銆€銆€Road vehicle


銆€銆€Railway wagon



銆€銆€Documentary references:

銆€銆€I.18. Description of commodity

銆€銆€I.19. Commodity code 锛圚S code锛�

銆€銆€I.20. Quantity

銆€銆€I.21. Temperature of product

銆€銆€I.22. Number of packages




銆€銆€I.23. Identification of container/Seal number

銆€銆€I.24. Type of packaging

銆€銆€I.25. Commodities certified for:

銆€銆€Animal feedingstuff

銆€銆€Technical use


銆€銆€I.26. For transit to third country vis-à-vis EU

銆€銆€I.27. For import or admission into EU

銆€銆€3rd country

銆€銆€ISO code

銆€銆€I.28. Identification of the commodities

銆€銆€Approval number of establishments


銆€銆€Nature of commodity

銆€銆€Manufacturing plant

銆€銆€Net weight

銆€銆€锛圫cientific name锛�

銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++


銆€銆€Processed manure and processed manure products

銆€銆€Part II: Certification

銆€銆€II.a. Certificate reference number


銆€銆€II. Health attestation

銆€銆€I, the undersigned official veterinarian, declare that I have read and understood Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 锛�1锛� and in particular Article 5 and Annex VIII Chapter VI thereof and certify that the processed manure or processed manure products described above:

銆€銆€II.1. come from a technical plant, a biogas plant or a composting plant approved by the competent authority of the third country meeting the special conditions laid down in Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002;

銆€銆€II.2. 锛�2锛� have been subjected to:

銆€銆€[a heat treatment process of at least 70 °C for at least 60 minutes]; or

銆€銆€[an equivalent treatment validated and authorized by the importing Member State in accordance with the specific conditions laid down in Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1774/2002 as follows:


銆€銆€II.3. are:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� free from Salmonella 锛坣o salmonella in 25 g treated product锛�;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� free from Escherichia coli or from enterobacteriacea 锛坆ased on the aerobic count: less than 1 000 cfu per gram of treated product锛�; and

銆€銆€锛坈锛� have been subjected to reduction in spore-forming bacteria and toxic formation;

銆€銆€II.4. are securely enclosed in:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� well-sealed and insulated containers; or

銆€銆€锛坆锛� properly sealed packs 锛坧lastic bags or big bags锛�.


銆€銆€Part I:

銆€銆€— Box reference I.6: Person responsible for the consignment in EU: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity; it may be filled in if the certificate is for import commodity.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.12: Place of destination: this box is to be filled in only if it is a certificate for transit commodity. The products in transit can only be stored in free zones, free warehouses and custom warehouses.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.15: Registration number 锛坮ailway wagons or container and lorries锛�, flight number 锛坅ircraft锛� or name 锛坰hip锛�; information is to be provided in the event of unloading and reloading.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.23: for bulk containers, the container number and the seal number 锛坕f applicable锛� should be given.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.26 and I.27: fill in according to whether it is a transit or an import certificate.

銆€銆€— Box reference I.28: Nature of commodity: enter if processed manure or if processed manure products.

銆€銆€Part II:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� OJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Delete as appropriate.

銆€銆€— The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.

銆€銆€— Note for the person responsible for the consignment in EU: This certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.

銆€銆€Official veterinarian

銆€銆€Name 锛坕n capitals锛�:

銆€銆€Qualification and title:




銆€銆€+++++ TIFF +++++



銆€銆€锛�6锛� Annex XI is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� the title of Part VI is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"PART VI

銆€銆€List of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of animal by-products and blood products 锛坵ith the exception of blood products of equidae锛� intended for technical purposes including pharmaceuticals 锛坔ealth certificates Chapters 4锛圕锛� and 8锛�";

銆€銆€锛坆锛� in Part VII, the title and point A. are replaced by the following:


銆€銆€List of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of animal by-products for the manufacture of processed petfood 锛坔ealth certificate Chapters 3锛圔锛� and 3锛團锛夛級

銆€銆€A. Animal by-products from bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine animals, including farmed and wild animals:

銆€銆€Third countries or parts of third countries listed in Part 1 of Annex II to Council Decision 79/542/EEC, from which imports of that category of fresh meat of the respective species is authorised and the following countries for the by-products specified:

銆€銆€Southern America and Southern Africa countries or parts thereof where matured and de-boned meat of the corresponding species is authorised, concerning matured and de-boned meat 锛坕ncluding diaphragm锛� and/or matured trimmed offal of bovine, caprine, ovine animals and game 锛坵ild or farmed锛�.";

銆€銆€锛坈锛� Part IX is replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"PART IX

銆€銆€List of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of processed manure and processed manure products for the treatment of soil 锛圚ealth Certificate Chapter 17锛�

銆€銆€For processed manure and processed manure products, third countries listed in:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� Part 1 of Annex II to Decision 79/542/EEC;

銆€銆€锛坆锛� Annex I to Commission Decision 2004/211/EC; or

銆€銆€锛坈锛� Annex II to Commission Decision 2006/696/EC 锛圤J L 295, 25.10.2006, p. 1锛�.";

銆€銆€锛坉锛� Part XIII is replaced by the following:


銆€銆€List of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of serum of equidae 锛圚ealth Certificate Chapter 4锛圓锛夛級

銆€銆€Third countries or parts of third countries listed in Annex I to Commission Decision 2004/211/EC 锛�8锛�, from which the importation of equidae for breeding and production is allowed.".

銆€銆€[*] OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55; corrected version 锛圤J L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22锛�.";

銆€銆€[**] OJ L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11.";

 鍦板尯锛� 娆х洘 
 鏍囩锛� 鍓骇鍝� 


鈶� 鍑℃湰缃戞墍鏈夊師濮�/缂栬瘧鏂囩珷鍙婂浘鐗囥€佸浘琛ㄧ殑鐗堟潈鍧囧睘椋熷搧浼欎即缃戞墍鏈夛紝濡傝杞浇锛岄渶娉ㄦ槑鈥滀俊鎭潵婧愶細椋熷搧浼欎即缃戔€濄€�
鈶� 鍑℃湰缃戞敞鏄庘€滀俊鎭潵婧愶細XXX锛堥潪椋熷搧浼欎即缃戯級鈥濈殑浣滃搧锛屽潎杞浇鑷叾浠栧獟浣擄紝杞浇鐩殑鍦ㄤ簬浼犻€掓洿澶氱殑淇℃伅锛屽苟涓嶄唬琛ㄦ湰缃戣禐鍚屽叾瑙傜偣鍜屽鍏剁湡瀹炴€ц礋璐c€�
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