褰撳墠浣嶇疆: 棣栭〉 » 鏀跨瓥娉曡 » 鍥藉娉曡 »(EC) No 1050/2009 灏辨煇浜涗骇鍝佸唴閮ㄦ垨琛ㄩ潰鐨勫槯鑿岄叝銆佸悺铏竻銆佸紓鑽夐叜銆佺幆鑿岃兒銆佺敳姘ㄥ熀闃跨淮鑿岀礌鑻敳閰哥洂銆佸攽閰€佹潃铻ㄩ敗銆佹盁铏劜銆佹盁鍟堕叞鑳恒€佽櫕鍞戝▉銆佺鑽夎厛銆佸槯鑿岃兒銆佷笝纭弻鍞戙€佹盁姘悺鍟躲€佸櫥铏晧鍜屾盁鑿屽钩鐨勬渶澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忥紝淇娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 396/2005鐨勯檮褰旾I鍜孖II

(EC) No 1050/2009 灏辨煇浜涗骇鍝佸唴閮ㄦ垨琛ㄩ潰鐨勫槯鑿岄叝銆佸悺铏竻銆佸紓鑽夐叜銆佺幆鑿岃兒銆佺敳姘ㄥ熀闃跨淮鑿岀礌鑻敳閰哥洂銆佸攽閰€佹潃铻ㄩ敗銆佹盁铏劜銆佹盁鍟堕叞鑳恒€佽櫕鍞戝▉銆佺鑽夎厛銆佸槯鑿岃兒銆佷笝纭弻鍞戙€佹盁姘悺鍟躲€佸櫥铏晧鍜屾盁鑿屽钩鐨勬渶澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忥紝淇娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 396/2005鐨勯檮褰旾I鍜孖II

鎵弿浜岀淮鐮� 鍒嗕韩濂藉弸鍜屾湅鍙嬪湀
鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 2011-04-26 14:39:33  鏉ユ簮锛欵UROPA  娴忚娆℃暟锛�5066
鏍稿績鎻愮ず锛氳鏉′緥瀵规娲茶浼氬拰鐞嗕簨浼氭潯渚�(EC) No 396/2005鐨勯檮褰旾I鍜孖II鏌愪簺浜у搧鍐呴儴鎴栬〃闈㈢殑鍢ц弻閰€佸悺铏竻銆佸紓鑽夐叜銆佺幆鑿岃兒銆佺敳姘ㄥ熀闃跨淮鑿岀礌鑻敳閰哥洂銆佸攽閰€佹潃铻ㄩ敗銆佹盁铏劜銆佹盁鍟堕叞鑳恒€佽櫕鍞戝▉銆佺鑽夎厛銆佸槯鑿岃兒銆佷笝纭弻鍞戙€佹盁姘悺鍟躲€佸櫥铏晧鍜屾盁鑿屽钩鐨勬渶澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忚繘琛屼簡淇銆�
鍙戝竷鏂囧彿 (EC) No 1050/2009
鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡 2009-11-06 鐢熸晥鏃ユ湡 2009-11-06
鏈夋晥鎬х姸鎬� 搴熸鏃ユ湡 鏆傛棤
澶囨敞 璇ユ潯渚嬪娆ф床璁細鍜岀悊浜嬩細鏉′緥(EC) No 396/2005鐨勯檮褰旾I鍜孖II鏌愪簺浜у搧鍐呴儴鎴栬〃闈㈢殑鍢ц弻閰€佸悺铏竻銆佸紓鑽夐叜銆佺幆鑿岃兒銆佺敳姘ㄥ熀闃跨淮鑿岀礌鑻敳閰哥洂銆佸攽閰€佹潃铻ㄩ敗銆佹盁铏劜銆佹盁鍟堕叞鑳恒€佽櫕鍞戝▉銆佺鑽夎厛銆佸槯鑿岃兒銆佷笝纭弻鍞戙€佹盁姘悺鍟躲€佸櫥铏晧鍜屾盁鑿屽钩鐨勬渶澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忚繘琛屼簡淇銆�

銆€銆€Commission Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 1050/2009

銆€銆€of 28 October 2009

銆€銆€amending Annexes II and III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for azoxystrobin, acetamiprid, clomazone, cyflufenamid, emamectin benzoate, famoxadone, fenbutatin oxide, flufenoxuron, fluopicolide, indoxacarb, ioxynil, mepanipyrim, prothioconazole, pyridalyl, thiacloprid and trifloxystrobin in or on certain products

銆€銆€锛圱ext with EEA relevance锛�


銆€銆€Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

銆€銆€Having regard to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC [1], and in particular Article 14锛�1锛� thereof,


銆€銆€锛�1锛� For azoxystrobin, acetamiprid, famoxadone, fenbutatin oxide, indoxacarb, ioxynil, mepanipyrim, thiacloprid and trifloxystrobin maximum residue levels 锛圡RLs锛� were set in Annexes II and III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005. For clomazone, cyflufenamid, flufenoxuron, fluopicolide and prothioconazole, MRLs were set in Annex III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005. For emamectin benzoate and pyridalyl no specific MRLs were set nor were the substances included in Annex IV to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005.

銆€銆€锛�2锛� In the context of a procedure, in accordance with Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market [2], for the authorisation of the use of a plant protection product containing the active substance azoxystrobin on beet leaves and broccoli an application was made under Article 6锛�1锛� of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 for modifications of the existing MRLs.

銆€銆€锛�3锛� As regards acetamiprid, such an application was made for the use on cress, spinach and herbs, except parsley. As regards clomazone, such an application was made for the use on herbs. As regards cyflufenamid, such an application was made for the use on oats. In view of that application, it is also necessary to modify the existing MRLs for animal products, since this cereal is used as feed. As regards emamectin benzoate, such an application was made for the use on pome fruit, peaches and nectarines, table and wine grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, aubergines, pepper, cucurbits 锛坋dible and inedible peel锛�, cauliflower, broccoli, head cabbage, lettuce and other salad plants, scarole, herbs, fresh beans 锛坵ith and without pods锛�, peas with pods and artichokes. As regards famoxadone, such an application was made for the use on flowers of herbal infusions. As regards fenbutatin oxide, such an application was made for the use on tomatoes. As regards indoxacarb, such an application was made for the use on small fruits and berries except gooseberries and currants. As regards ioxynil, such an application was made for the use on rye and triticale. In view of that application, it is also necessary to modify the existing MRLs for meat, liver, kidney and fat from bovines, sheep and goats, since those cereals are used in feed for these animals. As regards mepanipyrim, such an application was made for the use on courgette. As regards prothioconazole, such an application was made for the use on head cabbage and Brussels sprouts. As regards pyridalyl, such an application was made for the use on tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, cucurbits 锛坕nedible peel锛�, lettuce and cotton seed. As regards thiacloprid, such an application was made for the use on leeks and spring onions. As regards trifloxystrobin, such an application was made for the use on head cabbage, celery, blue berries, lettuce, herbs, scarole and Brussels sprouts.

銆€銆€锛�4锛� In accordance with Article 6锛�2锛� of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 applications were made for flufenoxuron on tea, fluopicolide on peppers and for trifloxystrobin on passion fruit. The authorised use of flufenoxuron on tea shrubs in Japan leads to higher residues than the present MRL in Annex III. To avoid trade barriers for the importation of Japanese tea, a higher MRL is necessary. The authorised use of fluopicolide on pepper plants in the USA leads to higher residues than the present MRL in Annex III. To avoid trade barriers for the importation of American peppers, a higher MRL is necessary. The authorised use of trifloxystrobin on passion fruit in Kenya leads to higher residues than the present MRL in Annex III. To avoid trade barriers for the importation of Kenyan passion fruits, a higher MRL is necessary.

銆€銆€锛�5锛� In accordance with Article 8 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005, these applications were evaluated by the Member States concerned and the evaluation reports were forwarded to the Commission.

銆€銆€锛�6锛� The European Food Safety Authority, hereinafter "the Authority", assessed the applications and the evaluation reports, examining in particular the risks to the consumer and where relevant to animals and gave reasoned opinions on the proposed MRLs [3]. It forwarded these opinions to the Commission and the Member States and made them available to the public.

銆€銆€锛�7锛� The Authority concluded in its reasoned opinions that all requirements with respect to data were met and that the modifications to the MRLs requested by the applicants were acceptable with regard to consumer safety on the basis of a consumer exposure assessment for 27 specific European consumer groups. It took into account the most recent information on the toxicological properties of the substances. Neither the lifetime exposure to these substances via consumption of all food products that may contain these substances, nor the short term exposure due to extreme consumption of the relevant crops showed that there is a risk that the acceptable daily intake 锛圓DI锛� or the acute reference dose 锛圓RfD锛� is exceeded. Where the Authority recommended two MRL values for the same pesticide-product combination as two different "risk management options", the Commission always opted for the lowest MRL in line with recital 5 of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005. In the case of flufenoxuron and tea, additional information provided by France about registered uses made it possible to conclude that the new MRL does not lead to a chronic health risk.

銆€銆€锛�8锛� Based on the reasoned opinions of the Authority and taking into account the factors relevant to the matter under consideration, the requested modifications to the MRLs fulfil the requirements of Article 14锛�2锛� of Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005.

銆€銆€锛�9锛� Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 should therefore be amended accordingly.

銆€銆€锛�10锛� The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health and neither the European Parliament nor the Council has opposed them,


銆€銆€Article 1

銆€銆€Annexes II and III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 are amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.

銆€銆€Article 2

銆€銆€This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

銆€銆€This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

銆€銆€Done at Brussels, 28 October 2009.

銆€銆€For the Commission

銆€銆€Androulla Vassiliou

銆€銆€Member of the Commission

銆€銆€[1] OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1.

銆€銆€[2] OJ L 230, 19.8.1991, p. 1.

銆€銆€[3] EFSA scientific reports available on http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of existing MRLs for azoxystrobin. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 283.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for acetamiprid. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 247.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for clomazone. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 265.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for cyflufenamid in oats. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 291.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for emamectin benzoate in various crops. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 290.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for famoxadone. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 274.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for fenbutatin oxide. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 268.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for flufenoxuron. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 267.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the setting of an import tolerance for fluopicolide on peppers. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 292.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for indoxacarb. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 275.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for ioxynil in several food commodities of animal origin. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 288.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for mepanipyrim. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 266.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for prothioconazole. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 261.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for pyridalyl. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 270.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for thiacloprid. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 256.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for trifloxystrobin. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2008锛� 212.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit 锛圥RAPeR锛� on the modification of the existing MRLs for trifloxystrobin. EFSA Scientific Report 锛�2009锛� 273.



銆€銆€Annexes II and III to Regulation 锛圗C锛� No 396/2005 are amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛�1锛� In Annex II the columns for azoxystrobin, acetamiprid, fenbutatin oxide, indoxacarb, ioxynil, mepanipyrim, thiacloprid and trifloxystrobin are replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels 锛坢g/kg锛�

銆€銆€[9] The maximum residue level for cream of milk is 0,3 mg/kg. [2] [***] [****]

銆€銆€锛團锛� = Fat soluble

銆€銆€锛圧锛� =

銆€銆€The residue definition differs for the following combinations pesticide-code number:

銆€銆€Acetamiprid — code 1000000: Acetamiprid and IM-2-1 metabolite

銆€銆€Fenbutatin oxide 锛團锛�"

銆€銆€Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply [2] | Acetamiprid 锛圧锛� | Azoxystrobin | Fenbutatin oxide 锛團锛� | Indoxacarb as sum of the isomers S and R 锛團锛� [1] | Ioxynil, including its esters expressed as ioxynil 锛團锛� | Mepanipyrim 锛圡epanipyrim and its metabolite 锛�2-anilino-4-锛�2-hydroxypropyl锛�-6-methylpyrimidine锛� expressed as mepanipyrim锛� | Thiacloprid 锛團锛� | Trifloxystrobin |

銆€銆€锛�1锛� | 锛�2锛� | 锛�3锛� | 锛�4锛� | 锛�5锛� | 锛�6锛� | 锛�7锛� | 锛�8锛� | 锛�9锛� | 锛�10锛� |

銆€銆€0100000 | 1.FRUIT FRESH OR FROZEN; NUTS | | | | | 0,05 [3] | | | |

銆€銆€0110000 | 锛坕锛塁itrus fruit | 1 | 1 | 5 | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0110010 | Grapefruit | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110020 | Oranges | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110030 | Lemons | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110040 | Limes | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110050 | Mandarins | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120000 | 锛坕i锛塗ree nuts 锛坰helled or unshelled锛� | 0,01 [3] | 0,1 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0120010 | Almonds | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120020 | Brazil nuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120030 | Cashew nuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120040 | Chestnuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120050 | Coconuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120060 | Hazelnuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120070 | Macadamia | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120080 | Pecans | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120090 | Pine nuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120100 | Pistachios | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120110 | Walnuts | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130000 | 锛坕ii锛塒ome fruit | 0,1 | 0,05 [3] | 2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,3 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0130010 | Apples | | | | 0,5 | | | | |

銆€銆€0130020 | Pears | | | | 0,3 | | | | |

銆€銆€0130030 | Quinces | | | | 0,3 | | | | |

銆€銆€0130040 | Medlar | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0130050 | Loquat | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0130990 | Others | | | | 0,3 | | | | |

銆€銆€0140000 | 锛坕v锛塖tone fruit | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0140010 | Apricots | 0,1 | | | 0,3 | | | 0,3 | 1 |

銆€銆€0140020 | Cherries | 0,2 | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,3 | 1 |

銆€銆€0140030 | Peaches | 0,1 | | | 0,3 | | | 0,3 | 1 |

銆€銆€0140040 | Plums | 0,02 | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,1 | 0,2 |

銆€銆€0140990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0150000 | 锛坴锛塀erries & small fruit | 0,01 [3] | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0151000 | 锛坅锛塗able and wine grapes | | 2 | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 0,02 [3] | 5 |

銆€銆€0151010 | Table grapes | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0151020 | Wine grapes | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0152000 | 锛坆锛塖trawberries | | 2 | 1 | 0,02 [3] | | 2 | 0,5 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0153000 | 锛坈锛塁ane fruit | | | | | | 0,01 [3] | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0153010 | Blackberries | | 3 | 5 | 0,5 | | | 3 | |

銆€銆€0153020 | Dewberries | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 1 | |

銆€銆€0153030 | Raspberries | | 3 | 5 | 0,5 | | | 3 | |

銆€銆€0153990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 1 | |

銆€銆€0154000 | 锛坉锛塐ther small fruit & berries | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 1 | | 0,01 [3] | 1 | |

銆€銆€0154010 | Blueberries | | | | | | | | 2 |

銆€銆€0154020 | Cranberries | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0154030 | Currants 锛坮ed, black and white锛� | | | | | | | | 1 |

銆€銆€0154040 | Gooseberries | | | | | | | | 1 |

銆€銆€0154050 | Rose hips | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0154060 | Mulberries | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0154070 | Azarole 锛坢editeranean medlar锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0154080 | Elderberries | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0154990 | Others | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0160000 | 锛坴i锛塎iscellaneous fruit | 0,01 [3] | | | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0161000 | 锛坅锛塃dible peel | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0161010 | Dates | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0161020 | Figs | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0161030 | Table olives | | | | | | | | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0161040 | Kumquats | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0161050 | Carambola | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0161060 | Persimmon | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0161070 | Jambolan 锛坖ava plum锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0161990 | Others | | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0162000 | 锛坆锛塈nedible peel, small | | | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0162010 | Kiwi | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0162020 | Lychee 锛圠itchi锛� | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0162030 | Passion fruit | | 4 | | | | | | 4 |

銆€銆€0162040 | Prickly pear 锛坈actus fruit锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0162050 | Star apple | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0162060 | American persimmon 锛圴irginia kaki锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0162990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0163000 | 锛坈锛塈nedible peel, large | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163010 | Avocados | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0163020 | Bananas | | 2 | 3 | 0,2 | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0163030 | Mangoes | | 0,2 | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0163040 | Papaya | | 0,2 | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,5 | 1 |

銆€銆€0163050 | Pomegranate | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0163060 | Cherimoya | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0163070 | Guava | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0163080 | Pineapples | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0163090 | Bread fruit | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0163100 | Durian | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0163110 | Soursop 锛坓uanabana锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0163990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0200000 | 2.VEGETABLES FRESH OR FROZEN | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0210000 | 锛坕锛塕oot and tuber vegetables | 0,01 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0211000 | 锛坅锛塒otatoes | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0212000 | 锛坆锛塗ropical root and tuber vegetables | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0212010 | Cassava | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212020 | Sweet potatoes | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212030 | Yams | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212040 | Arrowroot | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0212990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213000 | 锛坈锛塐ther root and tuber vegetables except sugar beet | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213010 | Beetroot | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213020 | Carrots | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0213030 | Celeriac | | 0,3 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,1 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213040 | Horseradish | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213050 | Jerusalem artichokes | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213060 | Parsnips | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213070 | Parsley root | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213080 | Radishes | | 0,2 | | 0,2 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213090 | Salsify | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213100 | Swedes | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213110 | Turnips | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0213990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0220000 | 锛坕i锛塀ulb vegetables | 0,01 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0220010 | Garlic | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0220020 | Onions | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0220030 | Shallots | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,2 | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0220040 | Spring onions | | 2 | | | 3 | | 0,1 | |

銆€銆€0220990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | |

銆€銆€0230000 | 锛坕ii锛塅ruiting vegetables | | | | | 0,05 [3] | | | |

銆€銆€0231000 | 锛坅锛塖olanacea | | 2 | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0231010 | Tomatoes | 0,1 | | 2 | 0,5 | | 1 | 0,5 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0231020 | Peppers | 0,3 | | 1 | 0,3 | | 0,01 [3] | 1 | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0231030 | Aubergines 锛坋gg plants锛� | 0,1 | | 1 | 0,5 | | 1 | 0,5 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0231040 | Okra, lady’s fingers | 0,01 [3] | | 1 | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0231990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | | 1 | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0232000 | 锛坆锛塁ucurbits — edible peel | 0,3 | 1 | | 0,2 | | | 0,3 | 0,2 |

銆€銆€0232010 | Cucumbers | | | 0,5 | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0232020 | Gherkins | | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0232030 | Courgettes | | | 0,5 | | | 0,5 | | |

銆€銆€0232990 | Others | | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0233000 | 锛坈锛塁ucurbits-inedible peel | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | 0,05 [3] | 0,1 | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0233010 | Melons | | | | | | | 0,2 | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0233020 | Pumpkins | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,2 |

銆€銆€0233030 | Watermelons | | | | | | | 0,2 | 0,2 |

銆€銆€0233990 | Others | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0234000 | 锛坉锛塖weet corn | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,1 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0239000 | 锛坋锛塐ther fruiting vegetables | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0240000 | 锛坕v锛塀rassica vegetables | | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0241000 | 锛坅锛塅lowering brassica | 0,01 [3] | | | 0,3 | | | 0,1 | |

銆€銆€0241010 | Broccoli | | 1 | | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0241020 | Cauliflower | | 0,5 | | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0241990 | Others | | 0,5 | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0242000 | 锛坆锛塇ead brassica | | 0,3 | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0242010 | Brussels sprouts | 0,05 | | | 0,1 | | | 0,05 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0242020 | Head cabbage | 0,01 [3] | | | 3 | | | 0,2 | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0242990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0243000 | 锛坈锛塋eafy brassica | 0,01 [3] | 5 | | | | | 1 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0243010 | Chinese cabbage | | | | 0,2 | | | | |

銆€銆€0243020 | Kale | | | | 0,2 | | | | |

銆€銆€0243990 | Others | | | | 0,02 [3] | | | | |

銆€銆€0244000 | 锛坉锛塊ohlrabi | 0,01 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0250000 | 锛坴锛塋eaf vegetables & fresh herbs | | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0251000 | 锛坅锛塋ettuce and other salad plants including Brassicacea | | 3 | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0251010 | Lamb's lettuce | 5 | | | 1 | | | 2 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0251020 | Lettuce | 5 | | | 2 | | | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0251030 | Scarole 锛坆road-leaf endive锛� | 5 | | | 2 | | | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0251040 | Cress | 3 | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 2 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0251050 | Land cress | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0251060 | Rocket, Rucola | 5 | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 3 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0251070 | Red mustard | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0251080 | Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp | 5 | | | 1 | | | 2 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0251990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | | | 2 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0252000 | 锛坆锛塖pinach & similar 锛坙eaves锛� | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0252010 | Spinach | 3 | 0,05 [3] | | 2 | | | | |

銆€銆€0252020 | Purslane | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0252030 | Beet leaves 锛坈hard锛� | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,02 [3] | | | | |

銆€銆€0252990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | | | | |

銆€銆€0253000 | 锛坈锛塚ine leaves 锛坓rape leaves锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0254000 | 锛坉锛塛ater cress | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0255000 | 锛坋锛塛itloof | 0,01 [3] | | | | | | | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0256000 | 锛坒锛塇erbs | | 3 | | 2 | | | 3 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256010 | Chervil | 3 | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256020 | Chives | 3 | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256030 | Celery leaves | 3 | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256040 | Parsley | 5 | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256050 | Sage | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256060 | Rosemary | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256070 | Thyme | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256080 | Basil | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256090 | Bay leaves 锛坙aurel锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256100 | Tarragon | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0256990 | Others | 3 | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0260000 | 锛坴i锛塋egume vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | 0,01 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0260010 | Beans 锛坵ith pods锛� | | 1 | | | | | 1 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0260020 | Beans 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | 0,2 | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0260030 | Peas 锛坵ith pods锛� | | 0,5 | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0260040 | Peas 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | 0,2 | | | | | 0,2 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0260050 | Lentils | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0260990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270000 | 锛坴ii锛塖tem vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | 0,01 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0270010 | Asparagus | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270020 | Cardoons | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270030 | Celery | | 5 | | 2 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,3 | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0270040 | Fennel | | 5 | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270050 | Globe artichokes | | 1 | | 0,1 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270060 | Leek | | 2 | | 0,02 [3] | 3 | | 0,1 | 0,2 |

銆€銆€0270070 | Rhubarb | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0270080 | Bamboo shoots | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0270090 | Palm hearts | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0270990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0280000 | 锛坴iii锛塅ungi | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0280010 | Cultivated | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0280020 | Wild | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0280990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0290000 | 锛坕x锛塖ea weeds | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0300000 | 3.PULSES, DRY | 0,01 [3] | 0,1 | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | 0,1 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0300010 | Beans | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300020 | Lentils | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300030 | Peas | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300040 | Lupins | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€0400000 | 4.OILSEEDS AND OILFRUITS | | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | |

銆€銆€0401000 | 锛坕锛塐ilseeds | | | | | 0,1 [3] | 0,02 [3] | | 0,05 [3] |

銆€銆€0401010 | Linseed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401020 | Peanuts | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401030 | Poppy seed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401040 | Sesame seed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401050 | Sunflower seed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401060 | Rape seed | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€0401070 | Soya bean | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,5 | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401080 | Mustard seed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,2 | |

銆€銆€0401090 | Cotton seed | 0,02 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401100 | Pumpkin seeds | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401110 | Safflower | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0401120 | Borage | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0401130 | Gold of pleasure | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0401140 | Hempseed | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0401150 | Castor bean | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0401990 | Others | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,05 [3] | |

銆€銆€0402000 | 锛坕i锛塐ilfruits | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,02 [3] | | | | |

銆€銆€0402010 | Olives for oil production | | | | | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0402020 | Palm nuts 锛坧almoil kernels锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0402030 | Palmfruit | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0402040 | Kapok | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0402990 | Others | | | | | 0,1 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] |

銆€銆€0500000 | 5.CEREALS | 0,01 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | | |

銆€銆€0500010 | Barley | | 0,3 | | | | | 1 | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0500020 | Buckwheat | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500030 | Maize | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500040 | Millet | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500050 | Oats | | 0,3 | | | | | 1 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500060 | Rice | | 5 | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500070 | Rye | | 0,3 | | | | | 0,05 | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0500080 | Sorghum | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0500090 | Wheat | | 0,3 | | | | | 0,1 | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0500990 | Others | | 0,05 [3] | | | | | 0,05 | 0,02 [3] |

銆€銆€0600000 | 6.TEA, COFFEE, HERBAL INFUSIONS AND COCOA | 0,1 [3] | | 0,1 [3] | | 0,1 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] |

銆€銆€0610000 | 锛坕锛塗ea 锛坉ried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise of Camellia sinensis锛� | | 0,1 [3] | | 0,05 [3] | | | | |

銆€銆€0620000 | 锛坕i锛塁offee beans | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0630000 | 锛坕ii锛塇erbal infusions 锛坉ried锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631000 | 锛坅锛塅lowers | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631010 | Camomille flowers | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631020 | Hybiscus flowers | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631030 | Rose petals | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631040 | Jasmine flowers | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631050 | Lime 锛坙inden锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0631990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0632000 | 锛坆锛塋eaves | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0632010 | Strawberry leaves | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0632020 | Rooibos leaves | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0632030 | Maté | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0632990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0633000 | 锛坈锛塕oots | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0633010 | Valerian root | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0633020 | Ginseng root | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0633990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0639000 | 锛坉锛塐ther herbal infusions | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0640000 | 锛坕v锛塁ocoa 锛坒ermented beans锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0650000 | 锛坴锛塁arob 锛坰t johns bread锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0700000 | 7.HOPS 锛坉ried锛�, including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder | 0,1 [3] | 20 | 0,1 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,1 [3] | 0,02 [3] | 0,1 [3] | 30 |

銆€銆€0800000 | 8.SPICES | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810000 | 锛坕锛塖eeds | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810010 | Anise | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810020 | Black caraway | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810030 | Celery seed | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810040 | Coriander seed | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810040 | Cumin seed | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810060 | Dill seed | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810070 | Fennel seed | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810080 | Fenugreek | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810090 | Nutmeg | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0810990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820000 | 锛坕i锛塅ruits and berries | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820010 | Allspice | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820020 | Anise pepper 锛圝apan pepper锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820030 | Caraway | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820040 | Cardamom | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820050 | Juniper berries | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820060 | Pepper, black and white | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820070 | Vanilla pods | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820080 | Tamarind | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0820990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0830000 | 锛坕ii锛塀ark | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0830010 | Cinnamon | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0830990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840000 | 锛坕v锛塕oots or rhizome | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840010 | Liquorice | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840020 | Ginger | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840030 | Turmeric 锛圕urcuma锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840040 | Horse-radish | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0840990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0850000 | 锛坴锛塀uds | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0850010 | Cloves | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0850020 | Capers | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0850990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0860000 | 锛坴i锛塅lower stigma | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0860010 | Saffron | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0860990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0870000 | 锛坴ii锛堿ril | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0870010 | Mace | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0870990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0900000 | 9.SUGAR PLANTS | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0900010 | Sugar beet 锛坮oot锛� | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0900020 | Sugar cane | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0900030 | Chicory roots | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€0900990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1000000 | 10.PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN-TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1010000 | 锛坕锛塎eat, preparations of meat, offals, blood, animal fats fresh chilled or frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked or processed as flours or meals; other processed products such as sausages and food preparations based on these | | 0,05 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | | | | |

銆€銆€1011000 | 锛坅锛塖wine | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1011010 | Meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1011020 | Fat free of lean meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1011030 | Liver | 0,1 | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1011040 | Kidney | 0,2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1011050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1011990 | Others | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1012000 | 锛坆锛塀ovine | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1012010 | Meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1012020 | Fat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | 1,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1012030 | Liver | 0,1 | | | 0,01 [3] | 1 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1012040 | Kidney | 0,2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 2,5 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1012050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1012990 | Others | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1013000 | 锛坈锛塖heep | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1013010 | Meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1013020 | Fat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | 1,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1013030 | Liver | 0,1 | | | 0,01 [3] | 1 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1013040 | Kidney | 0,2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 2,5 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1013050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1013990 | Others | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1014000 | 锛坉锛塆oat | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1014010 | Meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1014020 | Fat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | 1,5 | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1014030 | Liver | 0,1 | | | 0,01 [3] | 1 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1014040 | Kidney | 0,2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 2,5 | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1014050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1014990 | Others | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1015000 | 锛坋锛塇orses, asses, mules or hinnies | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015010 | Meat | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015020 | Fat | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015030 | Liver | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015040 | Kidney | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015050 | Edible offal | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1015990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1016000 | 锛坒锛塸oultry — chicken, geese, duck, turkey and Guinea fowl-, ostrich, pigeon | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1016010 | Meat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1016020 | Fat | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,3 | 0,05 [3] | | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€1016030 | Liver | 0,1 | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1016040 | Kidney | 0,2 | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1016050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,2 | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1016990 | Others | 0,05 [3] | | | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1017000 | 锛坓锛塐ther farm animals | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017010 | Meat | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017020 | Fat | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017030 | Liver | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017040 | Kidney | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017050 | Edible offal | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1017990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1020000 | 锛坕i锛塎ilk and cream, not concentrated, nor containing added sugar or sweetening matter, butter and other fats derived from milk, cheese and curd | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 [3] [1] | 0,01 [3] | | 0,03 | |

銆€銆€1020010 | Cattle | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020020 | Sheep | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020030 | Goat | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020040 | Horse | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020990 | Others | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030000 | 锛坕ii锛塀irds’ eggs, fresh preserved or cooked; Shelled eggs and egg yolks fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved whether or not containing added sugar or sweetening matter | 0,05 [3] | 0,01 [3] | 0,05 [3] | 0,02 | | | 0,01 [3] | |

銆€銆€1030010 | Chicken | | | | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030020 | Duck | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1030030 | Goose | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1030040 | Quail | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1030990 | Others | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1040000 | 锛坕v锛塇oney | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1050000 | 锛坴锛堿mphibians and reptiles | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1060000 | 锛坴i锛塖nails | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€1070000 | 锛坴ii锛塐ther terrestrial animal products | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] | [4] |

銆€銆€锛�2锛� Annex III is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坅锛� Part A is amended as follows:

銆€銆€锛坕锛� The columns for clomazone, cyflufenamid, flufenoxuron, fluopicolide and prothioconazole are replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels 锛坢g/kg锛�

銆€銆€[5] [******]

銆€銆€锛團锛� = Fat soluble

銆€銆€锛圧锛� =

銆€銆€The residue definition differs for the following combinations pesticide-code number:

銆€銆€Cyflufenamid — code 1000000: Sum of cyflufenamid the E-isomer and metabolite 149-Fl 锛�2,3-difluoro-6-锛坱rifluoromethyl锛塨enzamidine锛�, expressed as cyflufenamid

銆€銆€Prothioconazole — code 1000000: Sum of prothioconazole-desthio and its glucuronide conjugate, expressed as prothioconazole-desthio"

銆€銆€Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply [5] | Clomazone | Cyflufenamid 锛坰um of Cyflufenamid 锛圸-isomers锛� and its E-isomer锛� 锛圧锛� | Flufenoxuron 锛團锛� | Fluopicolide | Prothioconazole 锛圥rothioconazole-desthio锛� 锛圧锛� |

銆€銆€锛�1锛� | 锛�2锛� | 锛�3锛� | 锛�4锛� | 锛�5锛� | 锛�6锛� | 锛�7锛� |

銆€銆€0100000 | 1.FRUIT FRESH OR FROZEN; NUTS | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0110000 | 锛坕锛塁itrus fruit | | | 0,3 | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0110010 | Grapefruit | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110020 | Oranges | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110030 | Lemons | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110040 | Limes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110050 | Mandarins | | | | | |

銆€銆€0110990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120000 | 锛坕i锛塗ree nuts 锛坰helled or unshelled锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0120010 | Almonds | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120020 | Brazil nuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120030 | Cashew nuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120040 | Chestnuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120050 | Coconuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120060 | Hazelnuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120070 | Macadamia | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120080 | Pecans | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120090 | Pine nuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120100 | Pistachios | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120110 | Walnuts | | | | | |

銆€銆€0120990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130000 | 锛坕ii锛塒ome fruit | | | 0,5 | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0130010 | Apples | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130020 | Pears | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130030 | Quinces | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130040 | Medlar | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130050 | Loquat | | | | | |

銆€銆€0130990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0140000 | 锛坕v锛塖tone fruit | | | 0,5 | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0140010 | Apricots | | | | | |

銆€銆€0140020 | Cherries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0140030 | Peaches | | | | | |

銆€銆€0140040 | Plums | | | | | |

銆€銆€0140990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0150000 | 锛坴锛塀erries & small fruit | | | | | |

銆€銆€0151000 | 锛坅锛塗able and wine grapes | | | | 2 | |

銆€銆€0151010 | Table grapes | | | 1 | | |

銆€銆€0151020 | Wine grapes | | | 2 | | |

銆€銆€0152000 | 锛坆锛塖trawberries | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0153000 | 锛坈锛塁ane fruit | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0153010 | Blackberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0153020 | Dewberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0153030 | Raspberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0153990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154000 | 锛坉锛塐ther small fruit & berries | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0154010 | Blueberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154020 | Cranberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154030 | Currants 锛坮ed, black and white锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154040 | Gooseberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154050 | Rose hips | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154060 | Mulberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154070 | Azarole 锛坢editeranean medlar锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154080 | Elderberries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0154990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0160000 | 锛坴i锛塎iscellaneous fruit | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0161000 | 锛坅锛塃dible peel | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161010 | Dates | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161020 | Figs | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161030 | Table olives | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161040 | Kumquats | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161050 | Carambola | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161060 | Persimmon | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161070 | Jambolan 锛坖ava plum锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0161990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162000 | 锛坆锛塈nedible peel, small | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162010 | Kiwi | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162020 | Lychee 锛圠itchi锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162030 | Passion fruit | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162040 | Prickly pear 锛坈actus fruit锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162050 | Star apple | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162060 | American persimmon 锛圴irginia kaki锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0162990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163000 | 锛坈锛塈nedible peel, large | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163010 | Avocados | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163020 | Bananas | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163030 | Mangoes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163040 | Papaya | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163050 | Pomegranate | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163060 | Cherimoya | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163070 | Guava | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163080 | Pineapples | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163090 | Bread fruit | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163100 | Durian | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163110 | Soursop 锛坓uanabana锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0163990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0200000 | 2.VEGETABLES FRESH OR FROZEN | | 0,02 [6] | | | |

銆€銆€0210000 | 锛坕锛塕oot and tuber vegetables | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0211000 | 锛坅锛塒otatoes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212000 | 锛坆锛塗ropical root and tuber vegetables | | | | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0212010 | Cassava | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212020 | Sweet potatoes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212030 | Yams | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212040 | Arrowroot | | | | | |

銆€銆€0212990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213000 | 锛坈锛塐ther root and tuber vegetables except sugar beet | | | | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0213010 | Beetroot | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213020 | Carrots | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213030 | Celeriac | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213040 | Horseradish | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213050 | Jerusalem artichokes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213060 | Parsnips | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213070 | Parsley root | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213080 | Radishes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213090 | Salsify | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213100 | Swedes | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213110 | Turnips | | | | | |

銆€銆€0213990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0220000 | 锛坕i锛塀ulb vegetables | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0220010 | Garlic | | | | | |

銆€銆€0220020 | Onions | | | | | |

銆€銆€0220030 | Shallots | | | | | |

銆€銆€0220040 | Spring onions | | | | | |

銆€銆€0220990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0230000 | 锛坕ii锛塅ruiting vegetables | 0,01 [6] | | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0231000 | 锛坅锛塖olanacea | | | | | |

銆€銆€0231010 | Tomatoes | | | 0,5 | 0,4 | |

銆€銆€0231020 | Peppers | | | 0,5 | 1 | |

銆€銆€0231030 | Aubergines 锛坋gg plants锛� | | | 0,5 | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0231040 | Okra, lady’s fingers | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0231990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0232000 | 锛坆锛塁ucurbits — edible peel | | | | | |

銆€銆€0232010 | Cucumbers | | | 0,2 | 0,2 | |

銆€銆€0232020 | Gherkins | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0232030 | Courgettes | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0232990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0233000 | 锛坈锛塁ucurbits — inedible peel | | | | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0233010 | Melons | | | 0,2 | | |

銆€銆€0233020 | Pumpkins | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0233030 | Watermelons | | | 0,2 | | |

銆€銆€0233990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0234000 | 锛坉锛塖weet corn | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0239000 | 锛坋锛塐ther fruiting vegetables | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0240000 | 锛坕v锛塀rassica vegetables | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0241000 | 锛坅锛塅lowering brassica | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0241010 | Broccoli | | | | | |

銆€銆€0241020 | Cauliflower | | | | | |

銆€銆€0241990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0242000 | 锛坆锛塇ead brassica | | | | | |

銆€銆€0242010 | Brussels sprouts | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,1 |

銆€銆€0242020 | Head cabbage | | | | 0,2 | 0,1 |

銆€銆€0242990 | Others | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0243000 | 锛坈锛塋eafy brassica | | | | 0,1 | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0243010 | Chinese cabbage | | | | | |

銆€銆€0243020 | Kale | | | | | |

銆€銆€0243990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0244000 | 锛坉锛塊ohlrabi | | | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0250000 | 锛坴锛塋eaf vegetables & fresh herbs | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0251000 | 锛坅锛塋ettuce and other salad plants including Brassicacea | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0251010 | Lamb's lettuce | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251020 | Lettuce | | | 1 | | |

銆€銆€0251030 | Scarole 锛坆road-leaf endive锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251040 | Cress | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251050 | Land cress | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251060 | Rocket, Rucola | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251070 | Red mustard | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251080 | Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0251990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0252000 | 锛坆锛塖pinach & similar 锛坙eaves锛� | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0252010 | Spinach | | | | | |

銆€銆€0252020 | Purslane | | | | | |

銆€銆€0252030 | Beet leaves 锛坈hard锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0252990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0253000 | 锛坈锛塚ine leaves 锛坓rape leaves锛� | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0254000 | 锛坉锛塛ater cress | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0255000 | 锛坋锛塛itloof | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0256000 | 锛坒锛塇erbs | 0,2 | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0256010 | Chervil | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256020 | Chives | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256030 | Celery leaves | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256040 | Parsley | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256050 | Sage | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256060 | Rosemary | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256070 | Thyme | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256080 | Basil | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256090 | Bay leaves 锛坙aurel锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256100 | Tarragon | | | | | |

銆€銆€0256990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0260000 | 锛坴i锛塋egume vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | 0,01 [6] | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0260010 | Beans 锛坵ith pods锛� | | | 0,5 | | |

銆€銆€0260020 | Beans 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0260030 | Peas 锛坵ith pods锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0260040 | Peas 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0260050 | Lentils | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0260990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0270000 | 锛坴ii锛塖tem vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0270010 | Asparagus | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270020 | Cardoons | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270030 | Celery | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270040 | Fennel | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270050 | Globe artichokes | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270060 | Leek | | | | 0,3 | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0270070 | Rhubarb | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270080 | Bamboo shoots | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270090 | Palm hearts | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0270990 | Others | | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0280000 | 锛坴iii锛塅ungi | 0,01 [6] | | | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0280010 | Cultivated | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0280020 | Wild | | | 0,1 | | |

銆€銆€0280990 | Others | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0290000 | 锛坕x锛塖ea weeds | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0300000 | 3.PULSES, DRY | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0300010 | Beans | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300020 | Lentils | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300030 | Peas | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300040 | Lupins | | | | | |

銆€銆€0300990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0400000 | 4.OILSEEDS AND OILFRUITS | | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0401000 | 锛坕锛塐ilseeds | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0401010 | Linseed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401020 | Peanuts | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401030 | Poppy seed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401040 | Sesame seed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401050 | Sunflower seed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401060 | Rape seed | 0,02 | | | | |

銆€銆€0401070 | Soya bean | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401080 | Mustard seed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401090 | Cotton seed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401100 | Pumpkin seeds | 0,05 | | | | |

銆€銆€0401110 | Safflower | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401120 | Borage | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401130 | Gold of pleasure | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401140 | Hempseed | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401150 | Castor bean | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0401990 | Others | 0,01 [6] | | | | |

銆€銆€0402000 | 锛坕i锛塐ilfruits | 0,01 [6] | | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0402010 | Olives for oil production | | | | | |

銆€銆€0402020 | Palm nuts 锛坧almoil kernels锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0402030 | Palmfruit | | | | | |

銆€銆€0402040 | Kapok | | | | | |

銆€銆€0402990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0500000 | 5.CEREALS | 0,01 [6] | | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | |

銆€銆€0500010 | Barley | | 0,1 | | | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0500020 | Buckwheat | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0500030 | Maize | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0500040 | Millet | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0500050 | Oats | | 0,1 | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0500060 | Rice | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0500070 | Rye | | 0,05 | | | 0,1 |

銆€銆€0500080 | Sorghum | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0500090 | Wheat | | 0,05 | | | 0,1 |

銆€銆€0500990 | Others | | 0,02 [6] | | | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0600000 | 6.TEA, COFFEE, HERBAL INFUSIONS AND COCOA | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | | 0,02 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0610000 | 锛坕锛塗ea 锛坉ried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise of Camellia sinensis锛� | | | 15 | | |

銆€銆€0620000 | 锛坕i锛塁offee beans | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0630000 | 锛坕ii锛塇erbal infusions 锛坉ried锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0631000 | 锛坅锛塅lowers | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631010 | Camomille flowers | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631020 | Hybiscus flowers | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631030 | Rose petals | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631040 | Jasmine flowers | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631050 | Lime 锛坙inden锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0631990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0632000 | 锛坆锛塋eaves | | | | | |

銆€銆€0632010 | Strawberry leaves | | | | | |

銆€銆€0632020 | Rooibos leaves | | | | | |

銆€銆€0632030 | Maté | | | | | |

銆€銆€0632990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0633000 | 锛坈锛塕oots | | | | | |

銆€銆€0633010 | Valerian root | | | | | |

銆€銆€0633020 | Ginseng root | | | | | |

銆€銆€0633990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0639000 | 锛坉锛塐ther herbal infusions | | | | | |

銆€銆€0640000 | 锛坕v锛塁ocoa 锛坒ermented beans锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0650000 | 锛坴锛塁arob 锛坰t johns bread锛� | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€0700000 | 7.HOPS 锛坉ried锛�, including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,02 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0800000 | 8.SPICES | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,02 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0810000 | 锛坕锛塖eeds | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810010 | Anise | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810020 | Black caraway | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810030 | Celery seed | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810040 | Coriander seed | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810040 | Cumin seed | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810060 | Dill seed | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810070 | Fennel seed | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810080 | Fenugreek | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810090 | Nutmeg | | | | | |

銆€銆€0810990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820000 | 锛坕i锛塅ruits and berries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820010 | Allspice | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820020 | Anise pepper 锛圝apan pepper锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820030 | Caraway | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820040 | Cardamom | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820050 | Juniper berries | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820060 | Pepper, black and white | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820070 | Vanilla pods | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820080 | Tamarind | | | | | |

銆€銆€0820990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0830000 | 锛坕ii锛塀ark | | | | | |

銆€銆€0830010 | Cinnamon | | | | | |

銆€銆€0830990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840000 | 锛坕v锛塕oots or rhizome | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840010 | Liquorice | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840020 | Ginger | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840030 | Turmeric 锛圕urcuma锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840040 | Horse-radish | | | | | |

銆€銆€0840990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0850000 | 锛坴锛塀uds | | | | | |

銆€銆€0850010 | Cloves | | | | | |

銆€銆€0850020 | Capers | | | | | |

銆€銆€0850990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0860000 | 锛坴i锛塅lower stigma | | | | | |

銆€銆€0860010 | Saffron | | | | | |

銆€銆€0860990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0870000 | 锛坴ii锛堿ril | | | | | |

銆€銆€0870010 | Mace | | | | | |

銆€銆€0870990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€0900000 | 9.SUGAR PLANTS | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] | 0,05 [6] | 0,01 [6] | 0,02 [6] |

銆€銆€0900010 | Sugar beet 锛坮oot锛� | | | | | |

銆€銆€0900020 | Sugar cane | | | | | |

銆€銆€0900030 | Chicory roots | | | | | |

銆€銆€0900990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€1000000 | 10.PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN-TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS | | | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€1010000 | 锛坕锛塎eat, preparations of meat, offals, blood, animal fats fresh chilled or frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked or processed as flours or meals; other processed products such as sausages and food preparations based on these | | 0,03 [6] | 0,05 [6] | | |

銆€銆€1011000 | 锛坅锛塖wine | | | | | |

銆€銆€1011010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1011020 | Fat free of lean meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1011030 | Liver | | | | | 0,2 |

銆€銆€1011040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1011050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1011990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1012000 | 锛坆锛塀ovine | | | | | |

銆€銆€1012010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1012020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1012030 | Liver | | | | | 0,2 |

銆€銆€1012040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1012050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1012990 | Others | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013000 | 锛坈锛塖heep | | | | | |

銆€銆€1013010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013030 | Liver | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1013990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1014000 | 锛坉锛塆oat | | | | | |

銆€銆€1014010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1014020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1014030 | Liver | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1014040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1014050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1014990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1015000 | 锛坋锛塇orses, asses, mules or hinnies | | | | | |

銆€銆€1015010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1015020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1015030 | Liver | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1015040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1015050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1015990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1016000 | 锛坒锛塸oultry — chicken, geese, duck, turkey and Guinea fowl-, ostrich, pigeon | | | | | |

銆€銆€1016010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1016020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1016030 | Liver | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1016040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1016050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1016990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1017000 | 锛坓锛塐ther farm animals | | | | | |

銆€銆€1017010 | Meat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1017020 | Fat | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1017030 | Liver | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1017040 | Kidney | | | | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1017050 | Edible offal | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1017990 | Others | | | | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1020000 | 锛坕i锛塎ilk and cream, not concentrated, nor containing added sugar or sweetening matter, butter and other fats derived from milk, cheese and curd | | 0,03 [6] | 0,05 [6] | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1020010 | Cattle | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020020 | Sheep | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020030 | Goat | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020040 | Horse | | | | | |

銆€銆€1020990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030000 | 锛坕ii锛塀irds’ eggs, fresh preserved or cooked; Shelled eggs and egg yolks fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved whether or not containing added sugar or sweetening matter | | 0,03 [6] | 0,05 [6] | | 0,05 |

銆€銆€1030010 | Chicken | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030020 | Duck | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030030 | Goose | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030040 | Quail | | | | | |

銆€銆€1030990 | Others | | | | | |

銆€銆€1040000 | 锛坕v锛塇oney | | | 0,05 | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1050000 | 锛坴锛堿mphibians and reptiles | | | 0,05 | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1060000 | 锛坴i锛塖nails | | | 0,05 | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€1070000 | 锛坴ii锛塐ther terrestrial animal products | | | 0,05 | | 0,01 [6] |

銆€銆€锛坕i锛� The following columns for emamectin benzoate and pyridalyl are added:

銆€銆€"Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels 锛坢g/kg锛�

銆€銆€Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply [7] | Emamectin benzoate B1a, expressed as emamectin | Pyridalyl |

銆€銆€锛�1锛� | 锛�2锛� | 锛�3锛� | 锛�4锛� |

銆€銆€0100000 | 1.FRUIT FRESH OR FROZEN; NUTS | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0110000 | 锛坕锛塁itrus fruit | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0110010 | Grapefruit | | |

銆€銆€0110020 | Oranges | | |

銆€銆€0110030 | Lemons | | |

銆€銆€0110040 | Limes | | |

銆€銆€0110050 | Mandarins | | |

銆€銆€0110990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0120000 | 锛坕i锛塗ree nuts 锛坰helled or unshelled锛� | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0120010 | Almonds | | |

銆€銆€0120020 | Brazil nuts | | |

銆€銆€0120030 | Cashew nuts | | |

銆€銆€0120040 | Chestnuts | | |

銆€銆€0120050 | Coconuts | | |

銆€銆€0120060 | Hazelnuts | | |

銆€銆€0120070 | Macadamia | | |

銆€銆€0120080 | Pecans | | |

銆€銆€0120090 | Pine nuts | | |

銆€銆€0120100 | Pistachios | | |

銆€銆€0120110 | Walnuts | | |

銆€銆€0120990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0130000 | 锛坕ii锛塒ome fruit | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€0130010 | Apples | | |

銆€銆€0130020 | Pears | | |

銆€銆€0130030 | Quinces | | |

銆€銆€0130040 | Medlar | | |

銆€銆€0130050 | Loquat | | |

銆€銆€0130990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0140000 | 锛坕v锛塖tone fruit | | |

銆€銆€0140010 | Apricots | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0140020 | Cherries | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0140030 | Peaches | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€0140040 | Plums | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0140990 | Others | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0150000 | 锛坴锛塀erries & small fruit | | |

銆€銆€0151000 | 锛坅锛塗able and wine grapes | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€0151010 | Table grapes | | |

銆€銆€0151020 | Wine grapes | | |

銆€銆€0152000 | 锛坆锛塖trawberries | 0,05 | |

銆€銆€0153000 | 锛坈锛塁ane fruit | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0153010 | Blackberries | | |

銆€銆€0153020 | Dewberries | | |

銆€銆€0153030 | Raspberries | | |

銆€銆€0153990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0154000 | 锛坉锛塐ther small fruit & berries | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0154010 | Blueberries | | |

銆€銆€0154020 | Cranberries | | |

銆€銆€0154030 | Currants 锛坮ed, black and white锛� | | |

銆€銆€0154040 | Gooseberries | | |

銆€銆€0154050 | Rose hips | | |

銆€銆€0154060 | Mulberries | | |

銆€銆€0154070 | Azarole 锛坢editeranean medlar锛� | | |

銆€銆€0154080 | Elderberries | | |

銆€銆€0154990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0160000 | 锛坴i锛塎iscellaneous fruit | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0161000 | 锛坅锛塃dible peel | | |

銆€銆€0161010 | Dates | | |

銆€銆€0161020 | Figs | | |

銆€銆€0161030 | Table olives | | |

銆€銆€0161040 | Kumquats | | |

銆€銆€0161050 | Carambola | | |

銆€銆€0161060 | Persimmon | | |

銆€銆€0161070 | Jambolan 锛坖ava plum锛� | | |

銆€銆€0161990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0162000 | 锛坆锛塈nedible peel, small | | |

銆€銆€0162010 | Kiwi | | |

銆€銆€0162020 | Lychee 锛圠itchi锛� | | |

銆€銆€0162030 | Passion fruit | | |

銆€銆€0162040 | Prickly pear 锛坈actus fruit锛� | | |

銆€銆€0162050 | Star apple | | |

銆€銆€0162060 | American persimmon 锛圴irginia kaki锛� | | |

銆€銆€0162990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0163000 | 锛坈锛塈nedible peel, large | | |

銆€銆€0163010 | Avocados | | |

銆€銆€0163020 | Bananas | | |

銆€銆€0163030 | Mangoes | | |

銆€銆€0163040 | Papaya | | |

銆€銆€0163050 | Pomegranate | | |

銆€銆€0163060 | Cherimoya | | |

銆€銆€0163070 | Guava | | |

銆€銆€0163080 | Pineapples | | |

銆€銆€0163090 | Bread fruit | | |

銆€銆€0163100 | Durian | | |

銆€銆€0163110 | Soursop 锛坓uanabana锛� | | |

銆€銆€0163990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0200000 | 2.VEGETABLES FRESH OR FROZEN | | |

銆€銆€0210000 | 锛坕锛塕oot and tuber vegetables | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0211000 | 锛坅锛塒otatoes | | |

銆€銆€0212000 | 锛坆锛塗ropical root and tuber vegetables | | |

銆€銆€0212010 | Cassava | | |

銆€銆€0212020 | Sweet potatoes | | |

銆€銆€0212030 | Yams | | |

銆€銆€0212040 | Arrowroot | | |

銆€銆€0212990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0213000 | 锛坈锛塐ther root and tuber vegetables except sugar beet | | |

銆€銆€0213010 | Beetroot | | |

銆€銆€0213020 | Carrots | | |

銆€銆€0213030 | Celeriac | | |

銆€銆€0213040 | Horseradish | | |

銆€銆€0213050 | Jerusalem artichokes | | |

銆€銆€0213060 | Parsnips | | |

銆€銆€0213070 | Parsley root | | |

銆€銆€0213080 | Radishes | | |

銆€銆€0213090 | Salsify | | |

銆€銆€0213100 | Swedes | | |

銆€銆€0213110 | Turnips | | |

銆€銆€0213990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0220000 | 锛坕i锛塀ulb vegetables | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0220010 | Garlic | | |

銆€銆€0220020 | Onions | | |

銆€銆€0220030 | Shallots | | |

銆€銆€0220040 | Spring onions | | |

銆€銆€0220990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0230000 | 锛坕ii锛塅ruiting vegetables | | |

銆€銆€0231000 | 锛坅锛塖olanacea | | |

銆€銆€0231010 | Tomatoes | 0,02 | 1 |

銆€銆€0231020 | Peppers | 0,02 | 2 |

銆€銆€0231030 | Aubergines 锛坋gg plants锛� | 0,01 [8] | 1 |

銆€銆€0231040 | Okra, lady’s fingers | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0231990 | Others | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0232000 | 锛坆锛塁ucurbits — edible peel | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0232010 | Cucumbers | | |

銆€銆€0232020 | Gherkins | | |

銆€銆€0232030 | Courgettes | | |

銆€銆€0232990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0233000 | 锛坈锛塁ucurbits — inedible peel | 0,01 [8] | 0,3 |

銆€銆€0233010 | Melons | | |

銆€銆€0233020 | Pumpkins | | |

銆€銆€0233030 | Watermelons | | |

銆€銆€0233990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0234000 | 锛坉锛塖weet corn | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0239000 | 锛坋锛塐ther fruiting vegetables | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0240000 | 锛坕v锛塀rassica vegetables | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0241000 | 锛坅锛塅lowering brassica | | |

銆€銆€0241010 | Broccoli | | |

銆€銆€0241020 | Cauliflower | | |

銆€銆€0241990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0242000 | 锛坆锛塇ead brassica | | |

銆€銆€0242010 | Brussels sprouts | | |

銆€銆€0242020 | Head cabbage | | |

銆€銆€0242990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0243000 | 锛坈锛塋eafy brassica | | |

銆€銆€0243010 | Chinese cabbage | | |

銆€銆€0243020 | Kale | | |

銆€銆€0243990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0244000 | 锛坉锛塊ohlrabi | | |

銆€銆€0250000 | 锛坴锛塋eaf vegetables & fresh herbs | | |

銆€銆€0251000 | 锛坅锛塋ettuce and other salad plants including Brassicacea | | |

銆€銆€0251010 | Lamb's lettuce | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251020 | Lettuce | 1 | 3 |

銆€銆€0251030 | Scarole 锛坆road-leaf endive锛� | 0,2 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251040 | Cress | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251050 | Land cress | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251060 | Rocket, Rucola | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251070 | Red mustard | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251080 | Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0251990 | Others | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0252000 | 锛坆锛塖pinach & similar 锛坙eaves锛� | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0252010 | Spinach | | |

銆€銆€0252020 | Purslane | | |

銆€銆€0252030 | Beet leaves 锛坈hard锛� | | |

銆€銆€0252990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0253000 | 锛坈锛塚ine leaves 锛坓rape leaves锛� | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0254000 | 锛坉锛塛ater cress | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0255000 | 锛坋锛塛itloof | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0256000 | 锛坒锛塇erbs | 1 | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0256010 | Chervil | | |

銆€銆€0256020 | Chives | | |

銆€銆€0256030 | Celery leaves | | |

銆€銆€0256040 | Parsley | | |

銆€銆€0256050 | Sage | | |

銆€銆€0256060 | Rosemary | | |

銆€銆€0256070 | Thyme | | |

銆€銆€0256080 | Basil | | |

銆€銆€0256090 | Bay leaves 锛坙aurel锛� | | |

銆€銆€0256100 | Tarragon | | |

銆€銆€0256990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0260000 | 锛坴i锛塋egume vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0260010 | Beans 锛坵ith pods锛� | | |

銆€銆€0260020 | Beans 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | |

銆€銆€0260030 | Peas 锛坵ith pods锛� | | |

銆€銆€0260040 | Peas 锛坵ithout pods锛� | | |

銆€銆€0260050 | Lentils | | |

銆€銆€0260990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0270000 | 锛坴ii锛塖tem vegetables 锛坒resh锛� | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0270010 | Asparagus | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270020 | Cardoons | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270030 | Celery | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270040 | Fennel | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270050 | Globe artichokes | 0,1 | |

銆€銆€0270060 | Leek | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270070 | Rhubarb | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270080 | Bamboo shoots | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270090 | Palm hearts | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0270990 | Others | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0280000 | 锛坴iii锛塅ungi | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0280010 | Cultivated | | |

銆€銆€0280020 | Wild | | |

銆€銆€0280990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0290000 | 锛坕x锛塖ea weeds | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0300000 | 3.PULSES, DRY | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0300010 | Beans | | |

銆€銆€300020 | Lentils | | |

銆€銆€0300030 | Peas | | |

銆€銆€300040 | Lupins | | |

銆€銆€0300990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0400000 | 4.OILSEEDS AND OILFRUITS | 0,01 [8] | |

銆€銆€0401000 | 锛坕锛塐ilseeds | | |

銆€銆€0401010 | Linseed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401020 | Peanuts | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401030 | Poppy seed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401040 | Sesame seed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401050 | Sunflower seed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401060 | Rape seed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401070 | Soya bean | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401080 | Mustard seed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401090 | Cotton seed | | 0,1 |

銆€銆€0401100 | Pumpkin seeds | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401110 | Safflower | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401120 | Borage | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401130 | Gold of pleasure | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401140 | Hempseed | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401150 | Castor bean | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0401990 | Others | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0402000 | 锛坕i锛塐ilfruits | | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0402010 | Olives for oil production | | |

銆€銆€0402020 | Palm nuts 锛坧almoil kernels锛� | | |

銆€銆€0402030 | Palmfruit | | |

銆€銆€0402040 | Kapok | | |

銆€銆€0402990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0500000 | 5.CEREALS | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0500010 | Barley | | |

銆€銆€0500020 | Buckwheat | | |

銆€銆€0500030 | Maize | | |

銆€銆€0500040 | Millet | | |

銆€銆€0500050 | Oats | | |

銆€銆€0500060 | Rice | | |

銆€銆€0500070 | Rye | | |

銆€銆€0500080 | Sorghum | | |

銆€銆€0500090 | Wheat | | |

銆€銆€0500990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0600000 | 6.TEA, COFFEE, HERBAL INFUSIONS AND COCOA | 0,02 [8] | 0,02 [8] |

銆€銆€0610000 | 锛坕锛塗ea 锛坉ried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise of Camellia sinensis锛� | | |

銆€銆€0620000 | 锛坕i锛塁offee beans | | |

銆€銆€0630000 | 锛坕ii锛塇erbal infusions 锛坉ried锛� | | |

銆€銆€0631000 | 锛坅锛塅lowers | | |

銆€銆€0631010 | Camomille flowers | | |

銆€銆€0631020 | Hybiscus flowers | | |

銆€銆€0631030 | Rose petals | | |

銆€銆€0631040 | Jasmine flowers | | |

銆€銆€0631050 | Lime 锛坙inden锛� | | |

銆€銆€0631990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0632000 | 锛坆锛塋eaves | | |

銆€銆€0632010 | Strawberry leaves | | |

銆€銆€0632020 | Rooibos leaves | | |

銆€銆€0632030 | Maté | | |

銆€銆€0632990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0633000 | 锛坈锛塕oots | | |

銆€銆€0633010 | Valerian root | | |

銆€銆€0633020 | Ginseng root | | |

銆€銆€0633990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0639000 | 锛坉锛塐ther herbal infusions | | |

銆€銆€0640000 | 锛坕v锛塁ocoa 锛坒ermented beans锛� | | |

銆€銆€0650000 | 锛坴锛塁arob 锛坰t johns bread锛� | | |

銆€銆€0700000 | 7.HOPS 锛坉ried锛�, including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder | 0,02 [8] | 0,02 [8] |

銆€銆€0800000 | 8.SPICES | 0,02 [8] | 0,02 [8] |

銆€銆€0810000 | 锛坕锛塖eeds | | |

銆€銆€0810010 | Anise | | |

銆€銆€0810020 | Black caraway | | |

銆€銆€0810030 | Celery seed | | |

銆€銆€0810040 | Coriander seed | | |

銆€銆€0810040 | Cumin seed | | |

銆€銆€0810060 | Dill seed | | |

銆€銆€0810070 | Fennel seed | | |

銆€銆€0810080 | Fenugreek | | |

銆€銆€0810090 | Nutmeg | | |

銆€銆€0810990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0820000 | 锛坕i锛塅ruits and berries | | |

銆€銆€0820010 | Allspice | | |

銆€銆€0820020 | Anise pepper 锛圝apan pepper锛� | | |

銆€銆€0820030 | Caraway | | |

銆€銆€0820040 | Cardamom | | |

銆€銆€0820050 | Juniper berries | | |

銆€銆€0820060 | Pepper, black and white | | |

銆€銆€0820070 | Vanilla pods | | |

銆€銆€0820080 | Tamarind | | |

銆€銆€0820990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0830000 | 锛坕ii锛塀ark | | |

銆€銆€0830010 | Cinnamon | | |

銆€銆€0830990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0840000 | 锛坕v锛塕oots or rhizome | | |

銆€銆€0840010 | Liquorice | | |

銆€銆€0840020 | Ginger | | |

銆€銆€0840030 | Turmeric 锛圕urcuma锛� | | |

銆€銆€0840040 | Horse-radish | | |

銆€銆€0840990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0850000 | 锛坴锛塀uds | | |

銆€銆€0850010 | Cloves | | |

銆€銆€0850020 | Capers | | |

銆€銆€0850990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0860000 | 锛坴i锛塅lower stigma | | |

銆€銆€0860010 | Saffron | | |

銆€銆€0860990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0870000 | 锛坴ii锛堿ril | | |

銆€銆€0870010 | Mace | | |

銆€銆€0870990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€0900000 | 9.SUGAR PLANTS | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€0900010 | Sugar beet 锛坮oot锛� | | |

銆€銆€0900020 | Sugar cane | | |

銆€銆€0900030 | Chicory roots | | |

銆€銆€0900990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1000000 | 10.PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN-TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1010000 | 锛坕锛塎eat, preparations of meat, offals, blood, animal fats fresh chilled or frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked or processed as flours or meals; other processed products such as sausages and food preparations based on these | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1011000 | 锛坅锛塖wine | | |

銆€銆€1011010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1011020 | Fat free of lean meat | | |

銆€銆€1011030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1011040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1011050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1011990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1012000 | 锛坆锛塀ovine | | |

銆€銆€1012010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1012020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1012030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1012040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1012050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1012990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1013000 | 锛坈锛塖heep | | |

銆€銆€1013010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1013020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1013030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1013040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1013050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1013990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1014000 | 锛坉锛塆oat | | |

銆€銆€1014010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1014020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1014030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1014040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1014050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1014990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1015000 | 锛坋锛塇orses, asses, mules or hinnies | | |

銆€銆€1015010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1015020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1015030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1015040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1015050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1015990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1016000 | 锛坒锛塒oultry — chicken, geese, duck, turkey and Guinea fowl-, ostrich, pigeon | | |

銆€銆€1016010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1016020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1016030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1016040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1016050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1016990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1017000 | 锛坓锛塐ther farm animals | | |

銆€銆€1017010 | Meat | | |

銆€銆€1017020 | Fat | | |

銆€銆€1017030 | Liver | | |

銆€銆€1017040 | Kidney | | |

銆€銆€1017050 | Edible offal | | |

銆€銆€1017990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1020000 | 锛坕i锛塎ilk and cream, not concentrated, nor containing added sugar or sweetening matter, butter and other fats derived from milk, cheese and curd | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1020010 | Cattle | | |

銆€銆€1020020 | Sheep | | |

銆€銆€1020030 | Goat | | |

銆€銆€1020040 | Horse | | |

銆€銆€1020990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1030000 | 锛坕ii锛塀irds’ eggs, fresh preserved or cooked; Shelled eggs and egg yolks fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved whether or not containing added sugar or sweetening matter | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1030010 | Chicken | | |

銆€銆€1030020 | Duck | | |

銆€銆€1030030 | Goose | | |

銆€銆€1030040 | Quail | | |

銆€銆€1030990 | Others | | |

銆€銆€1040000 | 锛坕v锛塇oney | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1050000 | 锛坴锛堿mphibians and reptiles | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1060000 | 锛坴i锛塖nails | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€1070000 | 锛坴ii锛塐ther terrestrial animal products | 0,01 [8] | 0,01 [8] |

銆€銆€锛坆锛� In part B the columns for acetamiprid, famoxadone, fenbutatin oxide, indoxacarb, and trifloxystrobin are replaced by the following:

銆€銆€"Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels 锛坢g/kg锛�

銆€銆€[9] []

銆€銆€锛團锛� = Fat soluble

銆€銆€锛圧锛� =

銆€銆€The residue definition differs for the following combinations pesticide-code number:

銆€銆€Acetamiprid — code 1000000: Acetamiprid and IM-2-1 metabolite"

銆€銆€Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply [9] | Acetamiprid 锛圧锛� | Fenbutatin oxide 锛團锛� | Famoxadone | Indoxacarb as sum of the isomers S and R 锛團锛� | Trifloxystrobin |

銆€銆€锛�1锛� | 锛�2锛� | 锛�3锛� | 锛�4锛� | 锛�5锛� | 锛�6锛� | 锛�7锛� |

銆€銆€0130040 | Medlar | 0,1 | 0,02 [10] | 2 | 0,3 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0130050 | Loquat | 0,1 | 0,02 [10] | 2 | 0,3 | 0,5 |

銆€銆€0154050 | Rose hips | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 1 | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0154060 | Mulberries | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 1 | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0154070 | Azarole 锛坢editeranean medlar锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 1 | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0154080 | Elderberries | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 1 | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0161050 | Carambola | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0161060 | Persimmon | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0161070 | Jambolan 锛坖ava plum锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0162040 | Prickly pear 锛坈actus fruit锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0162050 | Star apple | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0162060 | American persimmon 锛圴irginia kaki锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0163060 | Cherimoya | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0163070 | Guava | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0163090 | Bread fruit | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0163100 | Durian | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0163110 | Soursop 锛坓uanabana锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0212040 | Arrowroot | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0251050 | Land cress | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0251070 | Red mustard | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0252020 | Purslane | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0253000 | 锛坈锛塚ine leaves 锛坓rape leaves锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0256050 | Sage | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256060 | Rosemary | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256070 | Thyme | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256080 | Basil | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256090 | Bay leaves 锛坙aurel锛� | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0256100 | Tarragon | 3 | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 2 | 10 |

銆€銆€0270080 | Bamboo shoots | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0270090 | Palm hearts | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0290000 | 锛坕x锛塖ea weeds | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0401110 | Safflower | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0401120 | Borage | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0401130 | Gold of pleasure | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0401150 | Castor bean | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0402020 | Palm nuts 锛坧almoil kernels锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0402030 | Palmfruit | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0402040 | Kapok | 0,01 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0620000 | 锛坕i锛塁offee beans | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0630000 | 锛坕ii锛塇erbal infusions 锛坉ried锛� | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631000 | 锛坅锛塅lowers | 0,1 [10] | 2 | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631010 | Camomille flowers | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631020 | Hybiscus flowers | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631030 | Rose petals | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631040 | Jasmine flowers | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631050 | Lime 锛坙inden锛� | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0631990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0632000 | 锛坆锛塋eaves | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0632010 | Strawberry leaves | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0632020 | Rooibos leaves | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0632030 | Maté | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0632990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0633000 | 锛坈锛塕oots | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0633010 | Valerian root | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0633020 | Ginseng root | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0633990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0639000 | 锛坉锛塐ther herbal infusions | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 10 | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0640000 | 锛坕v锛塁ocoa 锛坒ermented beans锛� | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0650000 | 锛坴锛塁arob 锛坰t johns bread锛� | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0800000 | 8.SPICES | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810000 | 锛坕锛塖eeds | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810010 | Anise | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810020 | Black caraway | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810030 | Celery seed | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810040 | Coriander seed | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810050 | Cumin seed | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810060 | Dill seed | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810070 | Fennel seed | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810080 | Fenugreek | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810090 | Nutmeg | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0810990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820000 | 锛坕i锛塅ruits and berries | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820010 | Allspice | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820020 | Anise pepper 锛圝apan pepper锛� | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820030 | Caraway | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820040 | Cardamom | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820050 | Juniper berries | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820060 | Pepper, black and white | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820070 | Vanilla pods | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820080 | Tamarind | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0820990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0830000 | 锛坕ii锛塀ark | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0830010 | Cinnamon | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0830990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840000 | 锛坕v锛塕oots or rhizome | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840010 | Liquorice | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840020 | Ginger | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840030 | Turmeric 锛圕urcuma锛� | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840040 | Horse-radish | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0840990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0850000 | 锛坴锛塀uds | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0850010 | Cloves | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0850020 | Capers | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0850990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0860000 | 锛坴i锛塅lower stigma | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0860010 | Saffron | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0860990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0870000 | 锛坴ii锛堿ril | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0870010 | Mace | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0870990 | Others | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,1 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] |

銆€銆€0900000 | 9.SUGAR PLANTS | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | |

銆€銆€0900010 | Sugar beet 锛坮oot锛� | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 |

銆€銆€0900020 | Sugar cane | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0900030 | Chicory roots | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€0900990 | Others | 0,01 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 [10] | 0,02 [10] |

銆€銆€1015000 | 锛坋锛塇orses, asses, mules or hinnies | | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | | |

銆€銆€1015010 | Meat | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1015020 | Fat | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1015030 | Liver | 0,1 | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1015040 | Kidney | 0,2 | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1015050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1015990 | Others | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1017000 | 锛坓锛塐ther farm animals | | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | | |

銆€銆€1017010 | Meat | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1017020 | Fat | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,3 | |

銆€銆€1017030 | Liver | 0,1 | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1017040 | Kidney | 0,2 | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1017050 | Edible offal | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1017990 | Others | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,01 [10] | |

銆€銆€1030020 | Duck | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1030030 | Goose | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1030040 | Quail | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1030990 | Others | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,05 [10] | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1040000 | 锛坕v锛塇oney | | | | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1050000 | 锛坴锛堿mphibians and reptiles | | | | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1060000 | 锛坴i锛塖nails | | | | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€1070000 | 锛坴ii锛塐ther terrestrial animal products | | | | 0,02 | |

銆€銆€[2] For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I.

銆€銆€[***] Indicates lower limit of analytical determination.

銆€銆€[****] Pesticide-code combination for which the MRL as set in Annex III Part B applies.

銆€銆€[5] For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I.

銆€銆€[******] Indicates lower limit of analytical determination.

銆€銆€[7] For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I.

銆€銆€[] Pesticide-code combination for which the MRL as set in Annex III Part B applies."

銆€銆€[9] For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I.

銆€銆€[] Indicates lower limit of analytical determination.




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鈥� 閭锛歭aw#www.sqrdapp.com锛堝彂閭欢鏃惰灏�#鎹㈡垚@锛� QQ锛�139307733

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    娉曡涓績銆€ 鍏充簬鎴戜滑銆€ 骞垮憡涓氬姟銆€ 鑱旂郴鎴戜滑銆€ 淇℃伅鏈嶅姟

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